ROCKEFELLER’S STANDARD OIL: Rebranding a $Trillion Empire

There are ‘oil reserves’ and ‘oil resources’.   Oil reserves are an estimated number measured as oil that is technically recoverable at a price that is financially feasible.   Whereas oil resources represents all oil that is supposedly recoverable at a point in time. There would appear to be no information on global resources. Could it be because the number is infinite?   Neither of these estimates existed until 1980 – just 40 years ago.   Therefore, any historical classification of reserves and resources is simply a lie. But some scientists just can’t seem to help themselves nonetheless:

So how is this graph even possible?   It is NOT.   It is the translation of an illusion by a snake oil salesman to make us think that we are running out of a finite resource. Why?   TO inflate prices. Because if in fact oil is infinite, then reserves would be a straight horizontal line. And the price would be based on cost to extract without market relativity.

So who was the brainchild of OPEC which determines price fixing based on false algorithms of available resources?   Abdullah Tariki, a Saudi and Secretary General for the Communist Party!

As of 1911, Standard Oil was ordered to breakup into 34 separate entities under US Anti-Trust laws.   Undeterred, the divesture was accomplished by designating a state, such as; Standard of New Jersey, Standard of Texas, Standard of California, etc…   It was as a result of this divesture that the first billionaire came to be – Rockefeller who held his shares in trust along with his brother and 8 others..

In 1940, the Seven Sisters was created as a consortium named for the seven mythological Pleiades sisters fathered by Atlas.   They consisted of Standard ;  California, New York and New Jersey, and Royal Dutch, Iranian Oil, Gulf Oil and Texaco. Gulf Oil was part of the Mellon empire and merged with Standard in 1985.

TEXACO:   In 1939, the CEO of Texaco, Torkild Rieber, a Norwegian, was forced to resign when it became common knowledge he was a Nazi sympathizer who had aided in their commodity/resource needs during WWII supplying 3.5 million tonnes of crude worth $20 million at the time.

In 1952, in alliance with the World Bank, Rieber helped the Brits and Americans sponsor a coup in Iran installing the pro-western Shah.   Thus monopolizing the Consortium as:    Royal Dutch, Standard, and Persian/Iran Oil.

ROYAL DUTCH SHELL:   Created in 1907, Royal Dutch was incorporated in the UK with headquarters in the Hague.    In 1890, Marcus Samuel, an Iraqi Jew who became Lord Mayor of London, realized the financial potential within the oil market. In 1891, he secured a deal with the Rothschild’s and grounded the Suez Canal for transport.

Before WWI, in 1912 Royal Dutch Shell purchased the Rothschild’ Russian oil assets in a stock deal. They sought to compete with Standard Oil ultimately representing 53 percent of the East Indies market, 29 percent of Russia, and 17 percent of Romania.  NOT as true competitor, but as a monopoly in its own right.

During WWII, Shell’s Danish headquarters was confiscated by the Gestapo. In the 1990’s amidst controversy for pollution Shell committed to the UN’s Sustainable Development Plan – Agenda 2030. Since the mid 2000’s Shell has been actively buying various renewable energy companies.

BP:   Today, Standard Oil has essentially been rebranded within the monopolies: BP which was Anglo-Persian Oil based in Iran and confiscated with the help of the coup installed – Shah, ARCO which was originally part of the Standard Oil Trust, and AMOCO which was also part of the Standard Oil Trust. A Humpty Dumpty story – All back together again!

EXXON MOBILE:   As one of the original Seven Sisters, Exxon was created as the bastard child of Standard Oil merging Standard New Jersey with Standard New York and renaming itself Esso. Later Esso acquired Mobile.

CHEVRON: Chevron earlier name was Star Oil which was purchased by Standard Oil in 1900 and ultimately became Standard Oil California in the Rockefeller breakup. Chevron created ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia that was eventually wholly owned by the Saudi’s as of 1980.   Chevron bought Persian Oil in 1984

TOTAL:   A French conglomerate, after WWI as compensation for war damages, France was given 25% of Turkish Petroleum Company.   Iraq Petroleum Company was also gifted a portion of Turkish Petroleum which was owned by Anglo-Persian Oil (aka Standard) and Royal Dutch Shell before being nationalized.

Standard Oil still exists albeit within 3 of the original 7 consortiums;  BP, Chevron, Exxon.   Rockefeller retained his shares in all these transacted companies.

The Seven Sisters consortium was replaced by OPEC in 1960 eliminating US and European membership. OPEC accounts for 44% of global production and 73% of oil ‘reserves’. OEPC’s Secretary General is Nigerian. Their top 4 oil and gas companies are; Shell, Chevron, Total and Exxon.   The Republic of Congo oil and gas is produced through Alteo, a Nigerian Company, Perenco, a French company, and Total in partnership with Chevron. And Gabon in central Africa which utilizes Perenco and total. The other 10 Middle East members of OPEC have nationalized their entire oil and gas industry, which would explain why Africa is open country for oil colonization..

While nationalized oil companies have seemingly chosen to avoid the renewable market altogether, The major forces of oil, whether for appearances or for investment proclaim their commitment to Clean and Green!    Oddly, despite claiming investments in renewables, the financial statements of these Goliath’s of oil & gas make no reference to any revenues and expenses of ANY stipulated renewals.   Could it be an illusion?    

Given it would appear that the wealthiest family in the world, the Rockefellers, are heavily saturated in Petrol companies and banks – it would seem highly unlikely that they would be willing to simply divest their $trillions.

And given that the socialist/Marxists are not nearly as endowed, are they being set up to be the true recipients of genocide?   As the world observes BLM/ANTIFA anarchy murdering chaos, the moneymen watch.   

   Given that CoVid and it’s unapproved, untrialed vaccine would seem to target those with a compromised immune system – and most Africans are purportedly thus at risk, the prospect of a planned genocide reeks!   At the hands of OIL.