China Trade Deficit: A Work-In-Progress

The New York Times, CNN and Chris Wallace have all rallied behind a defeatist propaganda stream that the US-China deal is a failure…  The New York Times claims the China deal has been ‘rebuffed’.   Oddly, that would seem to be a quote from the New York Times and NOT China…  And Fox News host, Chris Wallace, who is a diehard Democrat, went head to toe with Mnuchin attempting to expound on his ignorance and ill-informed China diplomacy, only to find he was out-maneuvered.   Mnuchin was taut and to the exact point for each query, pointing out at the end that Wallace had somehow forgotten about – Iran.  Tch.

The annual trade deficit with China has been roughly $500 billion annually under Obama. During his entire administration he did absolutely nothing to change that negative strategy.   Obama’s cleverly devised China strategy was to build alliances with Japan, South Korea and The Philippines while putting more troops on Australia.  He and Kerry were sure that China wouldn’t notice this dramatic move, and if Jinping did surely he would completely acquiesce and give up.

Trump has indicated a ‘goal’ of a $200 billion reduction.   The EU is quite jittery given the economic consequences could simply mean China shifts trade with the EU to the US.  The EU already has its own significant trade deficit and this could derail them further.

What is becoming abundantly clear is the vast difference in having a politician run the country verses a businessman.   Politicians are being out-maneuvered at every curve in the horse race, their faces filled with the dust of the winning horses.  And ultimately, it would appear that the US, China and Russia will emerge the winners.  An odd shift in alliances.  But given the Swamp originates in the EU, an understandable game plan is clearly in the works.

China’s mainstream news source, Xinhau, is lauding the China-US negotiations as a means of meeting the needs of The People.  Yet the US MSM refuse to give credit where credit is due.  Why?  Because it isn’t about journalism, or truth, or business, it is about what the Liberal Mainstream have created – animosity and division.  They don’t even try to understand because understanding might make them actually realize they have Lost.

So while the Mainstream portray the staunch ‘agape’ political mindedness of Merkel trying to make amends with Putin and beg for Russia to fill the gaps of trade because of the big bad meany US who won’t pay for all their military any longer, Putin is negotiating his get of jail free card like a true businessman.  And Merkel has no choice.

Germany has succumbed to Communism – the war animal of government leading the wolves and attacking any wayward sheep that might want to graze freely:

Germany – a state wherein mom and dad will go to jail if they opt to homeschool. 

Germany – a state wherein the government is fining mom and dad if they take their children out of school a day or two early for vacation.  

Germany – a state wherein all media is subject to government censorship, including social media.

Germany – a state wherein mail belonging to private citizens may be opened by the government.

Germany – a state wherein laws are altered to accommodate the mass immigration of Muslims.

History has repeatedly found The People subjected to Communist rule – revolt.   Merkel grew up in a Communist household, and worked within the Communist Party of East Germany.  Her roots are embedded in an ideology that made her the perfect choice for the Cabal to succeed in strangling the life out of the people and ruling as the elite.

But their agenda is eroding – and taking with it much of old Europe while the eastern blocs emerge on the right as a new Europe in the making.  And as I said before – Macron is fidgeting, a Rothschild play going sour he wants to be on the winning team.