Weather Manipulation: An Opioid Epidemic

In 1976, the UN created a treaty within which 78 countries agreed not to participate in the use of weather modification for hostile or military engagements which would have “widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other party state”.   States that are NOT party to the agreement would thus be susceptible to whatever military strikes and destruction party states deem necessary.

The parties that did not sign this agreement or signed but failed to ratify, include:  France, Mexico, Croatia, Portugal, Lebanon, Turkey, Bolivia, Holy See, Iceland, Iraq, Liberia, Luxembourg, Morocco, Syria, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, Thailand, Cambodia, Iran, Haiti, Dominican republic, Bosnia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, and ‘most’ of Africa.

What the treaty acknowledged was the fact that weather modification was in existence, had been for some time, and as a result of its scientific breakthroughs, required ‘management’.  The Treaty states that the agreement against hostile use shall not ‘hinder’ the continued use of ‘environmental modification techniques’.

In addition the wording could be legally construed to allow for the use with debates over what constituted; 1.  Widespread, 2.  Long-lasting, and 3.  Severe.

Today, modification is referred to as ‘geoengineering’ and refers to solar radiation management (SRM) and global climate engineering.  Which came first – the chicken or the egg?  In the Geoengineering mantra, it is now unclear if global warming/climate change is a result of natural causes, man causes, or geoengineering manipulation.  Given that the tests have been ongoing for over 70 years, the trial and error factor is not unlike the nuclear tests of the 1950’s.  Let’s wait and see what happens when we nuke our military personnel…  My father was a victim.

Such is the ‘science of weather manipulation’.

Despite denying it existed, the 1976 UN document brings an obvious truth to what was termed a conspiracy theory for decades.  Given that we know that truth is in short supply within these various arenas, it would not be out of the ordinary to  assume that the evolution of weather modification has progressed most infinitely and is in fact utilized quite readily for peaceful purposes, and for management of nations that we feel need to be punished.   Albeit, in a way that might not be construed as ‘long-lasting’ – which has no legal definition.  Therefore, the punishment might be temporal, flooding that will subside, or a heat wave that makes life uncomfortable, except that we are now finding that even the most temporal change has cumulative and domino effects.  

But if no one admits it, if no one party states that they are engaging, the media will continue to claim it is all man-made and we simply need to reduce our ‘carbon footprint’, our gas consumption, our aerosol use, our…

One of the methods of achieving SRM is to inject billions of particles of sulfer dioxide into the stratosphere in order to deflect sunlight and send it back out toward the sun.  It is believed that this technique would cause widespread and localized droughts in either Africa or South America.  This particular methodology is currently inherently funded by Bill Gates and Harvard – the same Harvard and Bill Gates that advocate for massive de- population.


Much of the initiative is defined as “Experiments” which are conducted in our atmosphere as a hit and miss, maybe, theory that we need to act on in order to determine if it works – and if it doesn’t then we have – consequences.  Like Global Warming and Chaotic Weather Patterns.

Apparently, as a result of these manipulations, scientists warn that stopping the manipulation is like a heroin addict going cold turkey, the likely reaction of the atmosphere would be catastrophic as it went into convulsions and withdrawal.

The problem is there is no corresponding methodone fix!

“If geoengineering were halted all at once, there would be rapid temperature and precipitation increases at 5–10 times the rates from gradual global warming.”x This means that stopping SAI once it had started could be more dangerous than starting it in the first place. Ozone depletion is another important side effect of SAI.

Furthermore, once SRM is deployed, sudden interruption would cause a termination effect, raising temperatures rapidly, creating a situation worse than it was before its deployment. Therefore, SRM will create dependency and captive markets.”

In other words, we created a monster akin to ISIS.  We can’t terminate what was started decades ago because it would send our environment into a cataclysmic state of chaos, so we are stuck.  It is liking weaning off opioids.

Weather Manipulation is an addiction.  So while the scientists that ‘experimented’ us to this place desperately try and claim that it is all man-made and a carbon footprint, the reality is that this same science is actually most likely the base cause of the chaotic eclipse that has morphed into a nanospeed decay of planet earth.

How the particles are injected is the source of argument and conspiracies, instead of the fact that they are injected.   And so, the truth is mushed into a legal advertising morph or play on words.  But the truly sad reality is the fact that we are now addicted to a scientific shitakestorm that began as an ‘experiment’.

There are those who claim that aluminum is one of the stratosphere ingredients in the nanoparticle experiment.

What does aluminum do to our body?
Aluminum is linked to blood disorders, such as hemolysis, leukocytosis and porphyria, as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS.  In addition, exposure to this unwanted substance can cause an increase in cavities, as it interferes with bone calcification and competes with fluoride.   Aluminum exposure causes brain oxidation and inflammation – while increasing amounts of the beta-amyloid proteins linked with Alzheimer’s disease aluminum exposure causes brain oxidation and inflammation – while increasing amounts of the beta-amyloid proteins linked with Alzheimer’s disease.

What you CAN DO:  Eat Cilantro by the fresh bunch, crave anti-oxidants, turmeric, purified water, sea salt, avoid processed foods, high doses of vitamin C, garlic and onion. 

So many of us opt to avoid all the vaccines which are rich in aluminum, but if our atmosphere is deluged, it becomes even more of a dominant agenda…

FYI: Don’t forget if they are actively injecting trillions of particle into our atmosphere that means our rain water, our ponds – are the highest concentrate.  Sorry.  Also realize that this means that Trump can not simply alter this course given that the proposed reaction would be severe withdrawals far worse than the current weather chaos we experience today…