Trains Derailing – Infrastructure Failures – Buttigieg …tomorrow we’ll spend the $560BILLION

Trains Derailing is all Trump’s fault…   Trump rolled back an Obama Regulation requiring RR’s to install different brakes which would be required for each car.   RR lobbyists gave millions to republicans – it is all their fault.   Buttigieg tells Norfolk RR that the train derailment and subsequent chemical leak – was all Trump’s fault.   The same view is applied to guns – yet no matter what laws and regulations Democrats Create – shootings still happen.   Talking points without any ‘bearing’.    

The Railcar Brake Regulation: The 2015 Obama era rule required cargo trains carrying crude oil or other flammable liquids to retrofit their braking systems with electronic braking systems.   The American Association of Railroads ( A UNION) attempted to appeal the regulation claiming it was too costly.

In 2018, the Trump Transportation Secretary rolled back that portion of the law.   There have been prior derailments involving chemicals – however, the vast majority of train accidents involve passenger trains which were NOT a part of the Obama braking requirement.  Passenger trains account for the vast majority of deaths.

In 2020, the very liberal USAToday wrote:   “ …there have been 4.8 derailments for every 100 miles of train track from 2015 to 2019, the most common cause of which are broken rails or welds.”   That would be during the era of the Obama regulation AND after.

And like Pharma – the fix was not to repair the cause – but to give a prescription med to the resulting symptom.   If a car hits a giant pothole in the street causing the driver to lose control and crash – is the car at fault?   Should all cars thereafter be made to withstand potholes?

More to the point – Transportation Secretary Buttigieg has been in office 2 years – did he review regulations? Did he implement new regulations? Did he rollback Trump’s deregulation?   Did he call for the maintenance and repair of railroad tracks?   No. In fact Biden/Buttigieg have been vocally reticent to make any rollbacks of Freight regulations even after the Ohio incident.

So what has Buttigieg done?  

In 2022, Buttigieg was handed $560 billion to overhaul the US infrastructure – including railroads.   At the time the American Society of Civil Engineers gave the US infrastructure a C-.   What did Buttigieg do?    He gave an interview to Anderson Cooper.   “Man, we gotta do this!”   He spent most of the interview cackling like a Kamala –

According to Buttigieg, this is what he has done:   “We’re having new conversations about safety resources that we haven’t seen when it comes to public transit, and haven’t seen in a very long time when it comes to rail, airports, and seaports…” Forbes, 2/2/2023.

Conversations?   What happened to the $560 billion?

That particular discussion seems off-limits.   Instead, Buttigieg prefers discussions about equity in transportation.   Giving NY and Maryland funding for repairs  would appear to be his only contribution according to Forbes.   In fact, Buttigieg claims that now that 2023 has arrived – now they are going to do ‘great things’…

So maybe the fault lies with lobbying groups paying republicans $6 million – according to a Tweeter Twat.

RailRoad Lobbyist Donations according to Open Secrets for 21-22:   $1,764,695 was given to Republican candidates, $1,408,068 to their Democratic rivals.

Of course there are multiple other considerations regarding the railroad derailments of recent and the warehouse explosions, including sabotage from either within or from an outside entity.   Russia and Germany have experienced a higher than normal incident of these sort of catastrophic events.   From a military standpoint, it could be a tit-for-tat shadow retaliation.   Or it could be easily parlayed by simply putting an object on the rails. Or a Molotov cocktail thrown at a warehouse.

Given the ‘transparency’ arrangement within our current government – it is likely they have zero incentive to tell the TRUTH.  But then, given that Congress is NOT required to actually show up at work for the last 2 years+ the rumor that Buttigieg was busy ‘wintering’ in Aruba might explain his roll eye reticence to actually DO SOMETHING!

Climate Change – Hurricane Madness

Remember the Paris Accord, the Green Climate Fund that was touted as the savior of the world – with the help of $100 billion annually?  Remember that fund that Germany and France and the EU described as all important to sustainability?  Remember how Trump was demonized when he pulled the US out of the agreement and the world chastised and ridiculed him?

Apparently, not even Germany gives a hoot any longer.

Why?  They can’t even begin to come close to meeting emission targets as presumed and simply have given up – the task is daunting, the funds ridiculously outside of reality, and the efforts lame.

According to the latest report by the OECD and NCE, they claim that ‘infrastructure spending needs to exceed $7 trillion per year through 2030’ in order to combat climate change.

Since it’s inception, the Paris Accord Green Climate Fund has raised a total of $10.3 billion in pledges – 20% of which came from the US under Obama.  The EU is not a contributor, Russia and China did not pledge anything, and some of the pledges are actually merely ‘loans’, not full cash gifts.  Based on the $7 trillion required per year since 2016, they are shy $21,989,700,000,000.

The Board at Green Climate has allocated 58% of its funds to Asia and Africa  through intermediaries.  These intermediaries are supposed to dole out the money toward specific goals and objectives. So who are the intermediaries?   World Food Program, The World Bank, United Nations Development Program, UN Food Program, Inter-American Development Bank, etc…

None of the allocated funds are utilized for actual climate change, they are simply redistributed to banks and organizations who have no requirement to delineate transparent use of funds.  In fact it appears that the UN and banks receive the far majority of funds and then disburse the funds as a loan to the project country with ‘commercial rates of interest’.  A win-win for Banks and a slush fund for the UN.

While infrastructure spending can help mitigate natural disasters, like sea-walls for hurricane flooding crisis’, the Green Fund projects seem more aligned to boost agriculture and energy projects – both of which help the underlying shift in land ownership in Africa which is concentrated in higher income locals with ties to the government, China, Middle East, Netherlands, UK and US.  Latin America is no different.  And in reality – has absolutely nothing to do with climate change.

The World Bank recently proposed instituting an annual land tax in Africa which they claim would be utilized to help the locals who are continually displaced due to the Land Grabs. Full Disclosure:  World Bank has been involved in the Land Grabs…

Does this mean that Climate Change is a farse?  No.  It means the Paris Accord was a sham, a Ponzi scheme to reroute funds to support land grab biofuel production while displacing hundreds of thousands of African people.

It means that banks are receiving the money, have absolutely no over-sight, and lend the money that was a gift while charging heavy interest fees that they pocket.

Germany’s carbon footprint has increased over the last few years, China’s is exploding, France and the Netherlands are tackling the problem by stating they will attempt to phase out diesel and petrol by 2040 and 2025 respectively.   Really?   Emissions per capita rank;  Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Australia, US, Saudi Arabia and Canada as the highest.   Only a spattering of Africa countries even make the list…  Hence the new definition of Climate Change – Infrastructure.

Since the US pullout, most other countries have tabled caring, because it was never about caring, it was about lining banks pockets and free infrastructure in those areas of Africa where the land grabs required better access and more water.

And despite the massive number of hurricanes and cyclones pounding countries and wreaking havoc, no one mentions building sea-walls, canals, moats, gullies, etc… to mitigate damage control.

Weather manipulation has reached far greater capacities than we can imagine.   From radio frequency manipulation, to stratosphere solar deflection, to carbon capture, to cloud brightening techniques, climate geoengineering is very real and very destructive.

Harvard is apparently at the forefront of solar geo-engineering, partially funded by Bill Gates, Pritzker Foundation, The Open Philanthropy Project, and the Arnolds, the same Harvard that has accepted funding for such projects as Evolutionary Dynamics (infectious disease evolutions) for which Jeffrey Epstein was supportive.

Basically, it all evolves around the concept of the Greater Good, wherein only the select shall survive in the utilitarian view of the greater good central to hedonistic self pleasure and profit.

As in:  If we, the banks, can’t have WWIII, then we, the Cabal, will create profit from other destructive means.

US Infrastructure Meddling and Peddling

The Sky Is Falling! Actually it’s the bridges, the roads, and just about every infrastructure system we have in the US. And it’s Trump’s fault. Wait, it’s also his responsibility, not the ten or more President’s before him… Funny how that works in the public. Get it – Public Works!  Anyway…

So the Dems came up with a fabulous solution but it will cost $1 trillion and the Feds have to pay for it 100%. They don’t actually say ‘how’ the government will fund this, they simply say it will. Interestingly, they managed to come up with this plan right after Trump was elected having pledged his own support for a $1 trillion plan to rebuild infrastructure, despite Hillary’s $250 billion ‘pledge’. And they immediately began bashing Trump for not having towed their line – given it is perfect. So why didn’t they tow that line ten years ago, or even five? Why didn’t they have Obama rally an infrastructure rebuild? Because it isn’t really a plan with directed financing, it’s more like a fantasy without having a clue where the money is going to come from.

Gee, that makes sense.

But wait, there’s a ‘Problem’. You see, fewer people are now working in road building. WOW, New York Times, this is truly great journalism and deductive reasoning. Maybe the reason there would be a shortfall of workers is because there hasn’t been much road building for the last 28 years. Maybe that could explain this anomaly of a deficiency. But that’s not their agenda. Their point is to provide a qualification for bringing in more immigrants to cover the shortfall of road workers that they will claim is caused by lazy American’s who don’t want to work!

FIFTEEN million jobs will be created! That would just about cover all the illegal immigrants in the US. Funny how that works, public.

And this one is good, “Public construction in road building in California was down 27% last year from 2007.” That would coincide with Obama and Jerry Brown not spending on infrastructure, right? Why? Because they don’t have any money! And since they aren’t building, it would logically explain why there are fewer workers, because, workers aren’t going to sit around for a decade waiting for a job unless they’re on Welfare, which maybe they are!

And here is the best: “They (the government) should devote resources to building…” What resources? Still, the media laps it up like a lost dog offered bacon.

Trump’s plan involves privatizing roads which means tolls. Dems don’t like that. Why? Because then they will have to pay equally? It’s a use tax which makes logical sense, “if you use the road, then you pay, if you don’t use it, then you don’t pay”.   What’s not to like? Well, politicians get an allowance for everything anyway, so whether it’s a gas tax or a toll, they will be reimbursed. So in the end, like Obamacare, politicians won’t pay for infrastructure any more than they do for health care.