HATE CRIME: Propaganda

HATE CRIMES in the US are created and promoted to cause internal societal chaos.   Trump hasn’t even assumed Presidency and the media and Southern Poverty Law Center (a Soros organization) are spewing accusations claiming Trump is responsible…   WHAT?

Why would Soros peddle the blame on Trump? Because his puppet Hillary didn’t make the cut and he’s in major hate mode for losing.  Wait – doesn’t that make him a perpetrator of Hate Crimes – that should be prosecuted?

Hate Crimes are a difficult category to assess due to a wide range of what constitutes such a crime. In addition, the FBI actually uses ‘other sources’ to make a tally and that source may include The Southern Poverty Law Center which has a massive bias and questionable statistical proof.

According to the FBI: “Though the reports from these agencies are insufficient to allow a valid national or regional measure of the volume and types of crimes motivated by hate, they offer perspectives on the general nature of hate crime occurrence.”

 In other words, the statistics are ‘faith based’ using data outside of the FBI.

A breakdown offers the following insight:

1)   About 30% of ‘hate crimes’ are intimidation, or basically bullying.   It is estimated that only 36% of Bullying is even reported, skewing the statistic. In addition, 92% of bullying is because of a person’s appearance

2)   Vandalism or destruction to property accounted for 30% of the offenses, but riots are not included, ie: Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Charlotte, Anaheim, and Oakland. In fact thee have been 7 riots during the Obama administration, the same number that occurred between 1980 and 2009 -29 years.

3)   While the media states that 11,000 to 14,900 agencies were asked to participate in the data release of hate crimes, only a fractional percentage actually reported any crime at all – roughly 1600, which indicates that hate crimes are most definitely clustered and attributable to specific cities.

4)   Sexual and gender bias far outweigh in terms of percentages. While only 3% of the US population identifies as Gay, roughly 30% of hate crimes were targeted at them.

Statistics provide some degree of insight, however, how one reads, interprets and analyzes them is of equal or greater importance.

For example, yesterday it was revealed that a ‘hate crime’ occurred in which 4 black men tortured a disabled white man for hours while yelling Trump slurs. Will this be classified as a hate crime involving race? Disability? Or Politics?

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, they counted 867 hate crimes between November 8 and November 18th… and while those numbers declined shortly thereafter, one could interpret that the multiple indicates about 80 hate crimes per day over a 365 calendar year would amount to 29,200 or about 4-5x what the FBI reports. And given we know that most hate crimes after the election were political – against Trump supporters – against whites, it is puzzling that the SPLC doesn’t see it that way. In fact, other reports indicate that there were over 2000 hate crimes perpetrated against Trump Supporters since the election! There have also been a slew of “FAKE Hate Crimes” being reported predominantly by college kids, Muslims and Blacks.

In addition, these crimes, and all the crimes between 2009 and 2016 that the SPLC likes to flag – all occurred under Obama’s watch.   Eric Holder’s watch. Loretta Lynch’s watch. Biden’s watch.   And Hillary’s watch. Rosie O’Donnell slandering Trump’s underage son was libel – a hate crime that went without consequence or statistic. Robert De Niro, Charlie Sheen, and a host of Hollywooders wanting Trump dead – is hate crime! They should be prosecuted for intimidation and threatening a person’s life.

Recently the media was in a tizzy over a letter sent to a mosque that was pretty vile. It was signed, Americans For A Better Way. But there is no such organization. The problem is the media only reports hate crimes when they fit a particular agenda that the media wants to promote – and are silent when the statistic or event is not a part of their agenda.

WHY does the media choose this agenda?

Again – because it is all about creating division, creating anarchy, creating a false reality that will implode our society.

A reporter or journalist who reports a ‘fake hate crime’ should be labeled a hate crime criminal themselves… and prosecuted.