BREXIT: The 39billion Pound Bomb

With 39billion pounds on the line, it is no wonder the EU Commission doesn’t much care if BREXIT goes forward with No Deal.   When in doubt, follow the money. 

While the UK ranks third in total contributions/membership fees to the EU, Net Contributions have ranged between 4.7billion pounds to 10.756 billion pounds. Thus with 39 billion on the line, it would take roughly 4-5 years to break-even, assuming a $0 interest rate.  The problem?  The UK has operated on a budget deficit for largely 65+ years with few exceptions, the most radical deficits occurring during the 2008 financial meltdown.

Problem?  The UK doesn’t have 39 billion pounds to give to the EU.

With the EU Commission facing a shortage of funds given the probability of BREXIT, at this point, taking 39 billion and running for the nearest tax free haven would not seem a bad idea.  It would also give them the necessary time to schmooze alternate countries into the Union such as Turkey and the Baltics to counter the lost annual revenue from a UK exit.

Given the recent whisper meeting between Juncker and Theresa May that may be exactly what was desired all along.

Theresa May has been in office since 2016.  In the UK the term of office is five years, ending 2021 which coincides with Merkels’ and is a year shy of Macron’s 2022 term end.  However, none of these officials are remotely popular and their stand-down, resignation has been called for by The People.  Theresa May could exit early if the BREXIT debacle doesn’t resolve according to the Will of The People.  But, I doubt she really cares.   Her legacy is already twalette water.

In contrast, The People in the US have not called for Trump’s resignation, that call has rigidly been made by DC Swamp reptilians from the Democrat and Republican Parties who see their Deep State monetary and power vacuum being sucked into oblivion.

The UK and Germany GDP growth rates hovering in the 1% category would put them on par with Haiti and Azerbaijan, ranking in the bottom 30 of 193 countries.   Not exactly a success story to write home to mama.  Women unite?   Hardly.

The Show, of course, the choreographed in-fighting, was likely staged and rehearsed two years ago with a scripted Act I, II and III resolving in nothing but chaos.  The implication that anyone in the UK Parliament actually gave a rats ass, is quickly waning.  They didn’t, don’t never have.

In the end, The Swamp that controls the UK, is likely speckled with layers of appointments as to who will be the lackey of the week ridiculed in the press, only to have that honor shift to the next idiot whose finances are secured in the offshore camps of various Panama Accounts awaiting the fall so that they can at last escape into their umbrella cocktails and mermaid prostitutes oblivious to the crash of proletariat servants.

May and Merkel will skulk into the sunset of their ever shrinking geriatric years on this earth, and Macron will be left, the lone wolf, flailing desperately as the tide breeches and he raises an arm to the sky, “Sacre Bleu!”  and disappears into the diaspora.

They are all dispensable in the globalist scheme, and they know it.   All they want is their island lifestyle to eclipse their dreams and make destroying their own countries, their homeland, worth it.

Meanwhile, a lone Trump is fighting beyond human comprehension to sustain The Politicians that abhor him in the US, to rise above the reptilian and piranha razing of flesh, and recreate a world wherein The People reign.  

Comey: House of Cards Unraveling

The circulating MSM meme is that there were no indictments in the various scandals that erupted in the Obama years and therefore everyone is ‘clean’.   James Comey and Loretta Lynch found the IRS, Lois Lerner – clean.   But now, James Comey and Loretta Lynch are named in the Criminal Referral led by Ron DeSantis in a letter to AG Sessions, FBI Director, Wray and US Attorney, Huber:  

In the Criminal Referral, Comey is charged with making the statement that in his view no charges can be interred against Hillary before he interviewed Hillary and 17 other witnesses, thus implying a rigged investigation.   In addition, questionable conduct with respect to Trump regarding Comey leaking memoranda to the NY Times which were marked Secret or Confidential, could be held as treasonous.

Loretta Lynch is being charged with threatening a reprisal against a former FBI informant who was going to testify regarding the Hillary Uranium One deal.

Obviously the integrity of both Comey and Lynch is at stake and uproots previous decisions and actions including Lois Lerner, as well as Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton in her private plane for which she has denied any conspiracy wrong doing…

While the DeSantis Criminal Referral also includes; Hillary Clinton, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page, a host of others within the Swamp have fearfully resigned/quit, including:   James Comey’s chief-of-staff, James Rybicki (resigned); FBI Director of Communications Michael Kortan (resigned); DOJ-NSD Asst Attorney David Laufman (resigned);  DOJ-NSD head Mary McCord (April ’17) and DOJ-NSD head John Carlin (Oct 16).

Even more revealing with potential to explode criminally, is the revelation that Comey had hired a friend and professor, Daniel Richman, on an unpaid basis to consult within the Bureau while having access to the FISA database and classified information. Richman was delegated by Comey to be the ‘source’ of the leaked classified memos. Richman is only one of several outside contractors working within the FBI with apparently ungoverned access to highly sensitive and classified material.   Fusion GPS, the organization tasked with creating the infamous “Trump Dossier” was also an outside contractor working inside the FBI.

Enter Mueller.   Mueller was appointed to take over the investigation from Bill Priestap who was originally assigned Counterintelligence in the FBI by Comey.   Priestap was the first to allege the Russian Election Meddling as briefed to the Senate Intelligence Committee, June 2017.   It would have been Priestap who authorized Peter Strzok to engage with Christopher Steele in the Dossier scandal, and Strzok who interviewed Michael Flynn.

Bill Priestap’s wife is Sabina Menschal, a Hillary contributor, and the current CEO of Nardello, a top private eye firm in the DC Beltway.  Daniel Nardello previously worked for US Attorney Rudy Giuliani, as well as Patterson, Belknap, Webb and Tyler whose notable attorneys include former mayor, Rudy Giuliani.

Sabina’s uncle, Robert Menschal, was former senior Director at Goldman Sachs and a heavy weight contributor to the Hillary campaign along with her father, Richard.  They are both worth billions.

Still more: Fusion GPS co-founder, Glenn Simpson, hired Nellie Ohr, the wife of Bruce Ohr, former Associate Deputy AG, to investigate Trump.   Christopher Steele, of Fusion GPS Dossier, stated that he was desperate that Trump not get elected… which is odd on the surface given that Steele is a British citizen who was working for M16.   Of course, the implication may mean that M16 is a part of the Swamp. The current head is Alex Younger, appointed in 2014 by Foreign Secretary Hague and then Prime Minister, David Cameron.   Hague and Clinton were mutual admirers lauding each other publicly for their political acumen.  Hague was so close to Hillary that after she stepped down as Secretary of State, he hosted a dinner party for her…

In 2016, the same time that Priestap was implicating Russia in election meddling, M16’s, Younger, made similar comments claiming “Russia” posed a fundamental threat to European democracies.

While the extent of the circular path is difficult to wrap around, it does provide a glimpse into the convoluted design of corruption and manipulation which would likely find it’s initial source/core breath in the Hillary camp.   The intent was not only to take down Trump before the election, but after through possible impeachment proceedings to create a gravity that would potentially make the election null and give it to Hillary with all her figureheads in place already within the White House.

The fact that investigative work has been able to unearth these extensive collusions is certainly a massive victory for Trump that highlights a power that must be enormously expansive to be able to bring down so many officials in the political Swamp we once called our capitol, Washington, DC.

The Swamp vs Trump

The old adage in business is to surround yourself with those people who are strong where you are weak. That being said, Trump’s supreme strength is securing business deals. On that front he has continually won the game since assuming office. The military, foreign policy, NSA, FBI, those positions were supposed to be managed by the best of the best without micro-management.   Trump gave each office their rein, some took it and ran, other’s seemed lost, and still other’s fell on their face.

Trump’s presumption that if a person is knowledgeable, educated, experienced, and acclaimed, then they also have integrity and are a valuable asset proved to be at fault. That presumption has proven to be his biggest weakness. Initially, that weakness was micro-managed by Steve Bannon, a powerhouse with seniority, maturity and insight.   The baton was passed to Jared Kushner, and since then Trump has consistently been on the defensive.

While defensive moves are important, they don’t win the game. Not in chess, not on the battlefield, not in football.

Kushner himself has maintained a low profile, but it is his job to keep Trump on task and out of the feuding frenzy. It could be that Trump is less inclined to be managed by his son-in-law, or by someone who is merely 36, but this was his choice and he needs to abide by that choice.

The mainstream media, most specifically, Washington Post, NY Times and CNN, have taken up the position that they are more qualified and astute as to how this country should be run. They have presumably taken over the role of governing the United States, telling us what we want, how we want it and when we want it.  As in now, this second.

Everyone; conservative, progressive, green, liberal, feel obliged to tell Trump and his appointees how to manage their duties and what they did ‘wrong’. I include myself in that fray of holier than thou.   Karl Rove…”this is what Trump should have done…”   Ann Coulter… “Trump isn’t the ruthless business man that we were promised…”

But he is!   He is when negotiating business deals with ‘business men’. But the Swamp isn’t a Board Room, it is a corrupted greedy swamp filled with misanthropic narcissistic alligators.   They don’t operate from a platform of logic or integrity or respect, they operate for exactly one purpose, getting re-elected so they can continue to live in the swamp.  Trump presumed they were better than they are in truth.

They love to talk about how little they are paid but oddly seem to leave Washington with bank accounts crammed with millions and homes well into the millions.   And of course their tax returns are a ‘private matter’.

So while Trump is negotiating more business deals, maybe a chill-pill is the order of the day for all of us.

I don’t agree with a lot of President Trump’s decisions of late, on the other hand, he is privy to information that I/we don’t have and it is safe to say that once a President is ‘briefed’, no matter their platform or policies or party, a shift takes place.

In that, Trump chose to focus on what he knows best – business. According to polls and the press on both sides of the spectrum, Jobs was the Number One agenda rated by The People for consideration – and Trump complied.  Everything takes time. Patience.  It took Obama 7 years to give us Obamacare – and it was and is a proverbial Mess.

The Wall? Tax Reform? New Healthcare? They were all a part of the Pill, but don’t forget, Jobs was first on the list of The People.   As a computer generation we are ingrained with the demand that everything happen immediately.  But in the real world, in business, that just ain’t so and never has been.  So stop complaining, we wanted a savvy businessman, and that’s exactly what we got.

The Swamp?  Vote them out.