REBUILDING UKRAINE: Confiscating Russian Assets

The US Treasury is ramping up calls for Russia to be responsible financially for the reconstruction of Ukraine.   But of course, Janet Yellen doesn’t want to go through procedural means and methodologies, but instead is talking about forcibly confiscating Russian Assets…   Once again setting a Pandora Box Precedent that will surely backfire.   Standing in the wings is Assad, Sudan, Yemen, Ethiopia, and Palestine – waiting – hoping….   International Law would bury the US in reparations!

According to Nuland, the US Congress granted the Justice Department authority to use “illicit assets seized from Russian oligarchs” to help rebuild Ukraine.  But Congress doesn’t have the authority!   The Justice Department doesn’t have the authority!   Desperate for external funding to rebuild their biolabs and racketeering setup, $300 billion in Russian assets is at stake.

The irony of these two women, Yellen and Nuland, is the fact that their parents were directly affected by the Nazi Holocaust – Yellen in Poland, and Nuland in Ukraine.   Yet both support the neoNazi’s who destroyed their families.   And give them vast sums of taxpayer monies without Congressional vote.

Undeterred over the illegality, Nuland is threatening the EU to make it happen!

Once again it appears the western Cartel has been so fearless in ignoring rules and regulations that they think a little more blackmail might help sway their allies in Europe.   But they seemingly are again ‘overestimating’ their alliances and power and find themselves in a quagmire of pig dung.  Many foreign companies set up in Ukraine are ROYALLY PISSED!

Poland is fuming after volunteering to buy all of Ukraine’s wheat with the pinky swear promise to deliver it to Africa sometime – sometime – soon…given Africa is ummm in sacrifice.   Only to find that the grain is tainted with a pesticide chemical that is banned across the EU and US.   As a result, Poland has been forced to destroy their entire Ukraine wheat inventory.   The cost?   Loss to Polish Taxpayers.

Wall Street profited over $55 billion in the aftermath of lost Ukraine grain as the price of commodities skyrocketed with wheat bumping nearly double in just one year.   Falling off its high, wheat from Ukraine has been paused as local European farmers demand their priority in the markets.   Zelenskyy is fuming and will likely threaten the Polish PM in a classic temper tantrum designed to shame him into agreement.

The rebuilding of Ukraine will be a war of its own as companies vie for the privileged dollars and ratchet their bids accordingly.   The outlying towns will receive little to no funding as the restitution will be awarded to those American companies that suffer losses in Kyiv and Lyiv where the munitions and biolabs flourished.  

There are 237 US corporations operating in Ukraine including every major defense manufacturer; Raytheon, Northrop, and Lockheed.   Pfizer has operations in Ukraine.   The largest oil and petrochemical companies listed have operations in Ukraine.   What they don’t have are WINDMILL and Solar Manufacturers…

Obviously, profiting off oil has overcome the impact the pretend greenie-weenies have instilled via western hypnosis.   I imagine these 237 US companies are not too pleased at the loss of profits and assets that the Ukraine conflict has incurred.   They are most likely the ones pushing Nuland and Yellen for reparations.

The media is already onboard the rebuild mission declaring that a new and modernized Ukraine will be built on the backs of Taxpayers in the West.   They want to take the opportunity to turn Ukraine’s poverty laden century old brick and mortar buildings and turn them into the Saudi blueprint of NEOM.  

Coincidentally, NEOM has a price tag of exactly how much Yellen and Nuland want to expropriate from Russia – $300-$500 billion.   However, the Saudi project has been stalled.  Curious whether the fallout of the US spying, the US sanctioning, the US inciting war with China and the US admitting Western and NATO involvement in Ukraine is ongoing… could cool the jets of Bin Salman as he distances himself and Saudi Arabia from Western Cartel countries.

Apparently the BRICS countries have opened their eyes wider and acknowledged the fact that coal and oil and gas are NOT going out of favor – and we’ve wasted an entire decade playing patty-cake.   Russia continues to set records on oil sales, China is buying everything it can and more!    India and even Japan have begun relying on Russian oil to lift their economy out of the doldrums and meet demand.

Products made from oil and coal number in the thousands.   None of our manufacturing facilities have an alternative source.   Not one Greenie has addressed this differential.   Not one government official has brought this up to the windmill advocates.   The cost to retrofit any factory with steel machinery made from coal and oil, or the process for making upholstery, helmets, shaving cream, windmills, solar panels, parachutes, asphalt roads, wheels, tires, etc…etc…etc.. has ever been discussed.

Ukraine should be written off the Balance Sheets of these companies.   Rebuilding would take half a decade.   But the Power Cartel has already announced a new Pandemic – much more deadly – will be released in 2024 – their deadline for Kyiv biolabs to be operational.

With Sudan once again embroiled in clashes and bombings, oil is set to jump!   Do you think the ESG companies will jump on the profit potential or buy?

American Empire shifting Toward a BRICS/China Empire

Within the auspices of each Empire there are certain shifts in economic power, societal ideologies, wealth transfer, and stability.   With the destruction of America and her allies, western dominance wanes, ebbs, and trickles until a new ‘Super Power’ rises to replace the old worn and ragged.   The global sovereign powers have grown weary of Biden’s WH – pretending Biden is a worthy adversary – and the façade has crumbled.

Aligning with a Chucky the horror doll character who represents America and preys on children is over the top.   The BRICS are more concerned with actually making Earth a evolution of mankind instead of the Lizards who rule over the Western Governments.   More and more US allies are defecting.

And WHO would blame them?

With the passing of the American Empire, the dollar that is pegged against a false monetary system is likely to crash and burn.   The Ottoman Empire was considered quite successful.   Existing for nearly 700 years, it’s true power did not evolve until it absorbed Europe.   The decoupling weakened the Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries, but it was officially deconstructed after WWI by Western Powers who decided it was ‘time’..

What was left was a small shell of itself in the form of Turkey – constantly struggling – constantly inserting itself for even basic recognition.   If the US were to fall to China, the power vacuum held by the BRICS would withstand for 1000 years.   Their KEY?   Make Friends – Not War.

The Ottoman judiciary had three court systems: one for Muslims, one for non-Muslims, involving appointed Jews and Christians ruling over their respective religious communities, and the “trade court”. Because Christians and Jews were not afforded the same rights as Muslims, many of them converted to Islam.  

By the time the Ottoman Empire came to an end in 1922, half of the urban population of Turkey was descended from Muslim refugees from Russia.  Refugees.  

When the ‘Allies’ Divvied up the Ottoman Empire, Turkey became a mere speck of what it once was and has struggled ever since.   The Power shifted to the UK and US with Russia and China mired in internal economic and social deviances via; Mao and Stalin.

China recovered via the lifting of trade embargo’s.   Making them a friend – an ally – of the US.   Human Rights violations have occurred globally for centuries.   Not one country is immune.  These violations were ignored in order to bring about trade – and so as to not intervene in a sovereign nation’s system.   Human Rights violations continue today – albeit in deserts, concentration camps, and gulags- governments and the UN discuss the violations routinely – they do – nothing.  Why?  Because it would impact trade.

When Empires have fallen historically they become absorbed into a uniquely different form of societal ideology.   Those willing to alter who they are – survive, and those who cannot are eliminated… permanently.   This is the Democrat Party of today demanding the elimination of all persons who do not bow, scrape, and comply with piety to their singular way of thought and means.

The Liberals advocate for a New America and will soon introduce their New Constitution.   It is short-sided to think that The Constitution will save us!   Yet even within the US Fall there is a schism:   1)   The western nations support China despite their meager attempts to create a China Bully. China is their model of the New World.   2)   But another schism reveals that the purpose of the US might simply be to become a playground.   A land filled with deviant behavior separated yet accessible.   A sort of ‘relief valve’.   China will maintain its decorum, its level of education, its industrial nationalization – while the US will be parred demonstratively into fawns and frolic, porn and pedophilia, jokers and jesters.

Was it coincidence that the playground of the Roman Empire, Pompeii, was leveled to volcanic ash simultaneously?   Pompeii – which is not mentioned in the Bible… Pompeii where brothels had a menu of services and relevant pricing… Where nothing was deviant.

The notion that the Fall of the Western Empire is any more ‘natural’ than the fall of the Ottoman or Roman – is naïve at best.   These Empires follow a creation and a Fall as orchestrated by the same multi-generational Cult destroying the Western Nations today.   Almost as if they are a sub human species of universal beings playing with Earth.

Aliens have been depicted in hieroglyphics, in Minoan culture, sightings have been recorded for thousands of years.   Yet in this ultra evolved technological advancement that has occurred just over the last 130 years after sitting dormant for thousands of years – the concept of UFO’s is STILL ‘conspiratorial’.

Gates didn’t build a computer or computer system. Musk didn’t build Tesla engines.   The pyramids were not the technological prowess of the ancient Egyptians.  Easter Island?   Did Bezos really invent the Amazon concept?   How is it possible that 150 years ago in the mid 1800’s people still had outhouses, shacks, dirt roads, horse and buggies, slaves, poor hygiene, and dirty water?   How can we believe that ALL this technology was just suddenly and magically created by the same minds that existed in outhouses?

We are being told to push down our logic and rational thought processes. To bury what is obvious and embrace jesters and jokers instead.

The Liberals are not Rhode Scholars.   They don’t contribute to society -instead they light fires and commit heinous acts against children.   Tearing down instead of lifting up!   This is why countries across the globe have no desire to be attached to America. Because America is a flogged and dying horse – a manure pile in the wind.

ONLY The People can save it.   We have no more Allies.  

Western Militaries vs BRICS: The Tortoise & The Hare…

With western nations in turmoil, blatant propaganda and lies, corrupt politicians who never have consequences, and NATO in military decline, more countries are turning to the BRICS.   A safety valve.   The realization that a western ally could become an enemy in 24 hours is not exactly a winning situation.   The response is to turn to those who you can rely on when times are rough.  

The countries looking to become a part of BRICS include: Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Algeria, Iran, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, the UAE, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.  

Established in 2013, The New Development Bank was founded by the BRICS countries to support their growth and trade – similar to World Bank.   Other countries which have joined NDB who are not BRICS members include; Bangladesh, Egypt, Uruguay, and the UAE.

When the BRICS were originally formed it was a club alliance that was supposed to parallel NATO as opposed to being an alternative to NATO.   Not a military alliance, they were a trade and growth alliance. Thus NATO was not a target and conflicts were resolved without other BRICS members crashing the party. The concept envisioned a goal of mutual participation toward a shared goal of independent growth.

And WAR was tabled.   But Western nations THRIVE on War – on the profits – and on the depopulation.

Then China took off with growth more than doubling – a direct result of US Trade deficits.   Remarkably, China’s friendship with countries deemed hostile to the NATO version of a New World Order meant China’s growth began a decline.   In 2020 China’s growth rate tanked to 2.24% after a decade of near double digits.   In 2021, it rose to 8% only to flail back to 3%.

Manipulated?   Likely.   By China?   Not likely.  

During the Obama administration, China became the new US darling.   Thousand Talents Program – Ivy League insertions – NIH grants – Laboratories built by the US – and a dependency was created.   Glitch. The US wanted China without Jinping – and Jinping wasn’t about to cave. Suddenly, China became the repository of all things nefarious.   The media propaganda tool was instructed to demonize the country. The pariah.

And suddenly the US establishment began to talk about a World War with China. NATO devised scenario’s to analyze and calculate if western nations could prop up and WIN a dual war, ie Ukraine the NATO member and China the outsider.

One rather largess problem with the western play was they failed to add weapons to the algorithm. Specifically, the fact that Germany has no definitive military or weapons stockpile and the UK has enough ammunition to last exactly ‘one day’.   Without oil being pumped into Europe via Nord Stream – their military capabilities are severely diminished! Shortages of fuel and higher pricing to accommodate shipping further exasperated a nonexistent budget.

Although both countries swore to upgrade and expand – budgets went into twalette water levels given their expenditures on illegal immigration.   Effectively, the EU had little to offer in the event of a war with China.  

Simultaneously, the US had been supplying massive weapons to Saudi Arabia and Qatar – assuming an alliance in any war.   A miscalculation!  This and Ukraine have seriously breeched any necessary inventory stockpile in the event of WWIII.

Prior to the manufactured Plague/Pandemic, the US exports of weapons reached $285billion in 2020.   Then the Pandemic put a halt on the profit. In fiscal 2022, the DoD reported that sales had ‘rebounded to $50 billion’.   Which would be a result of Ukraine and not of actual business.

Meanwhile an emboldened west began to lose its allies.   The truth about the coups, revolutions, ongoing conflicts, Israel, and Germany revealed a two-sided face.   Inventories were depleted.   And there was no money to build back lost inventories because of trillion$ spending agendas on wokeness and climate change.

China increased its military spending year over year.

Today the US Government is chasing around ‘balloons’ with F-16’s and F-22’s at over $500,000 a pop and with missiles costing $400,000… each.   And still – China’s inventory just keeps going – a Tortoise & The Hare scenario.

China has also been on a massive spending spree buying up all of Russia’s oil despite sanctions.   “Double Dare Ya”.   While Biden continues to deplete US Reserves which will likely be on empty once the military figures out that China is NOT a viable target. At this point, Saudi Arabia and OPEC+ might decide to sell oil to the US and EU at spiked pricing simply because they can.

From a strategic standpoint – the BRICS are the Tortoise.   The western coups have been challenged.   And trust has been fully devoured.   The supposed HAARP demolition of Turkey and parts of Syria was another military idiocy that only drove the countries further from alliance. The Nord Stream revelation by journalist powerhouse, Seymour Hersh, further deepened the schisms.

Blowing up Nord Stream without an alternate supply waiting in the wings – was against all basic common sense!  Not to mention infantile military strategy.   Military judgment is questionable. But then I suggest Lloyd Austin has as much power over the DoD as Biden has inside the White House. Zero.

MSM supports all things NWO parlaying the voice of retired General Hodges – a Clintonite war hawk demanding NATO expansion and the annihilation of Russia at all expense. Hodges only claim to fame was his tenure in the botched Iraq War.   His military ‘credentials’ are worthy of a Lt Colonel – NOT a Lt General.   And the ‘expense’ has been US Taxpayers and Ukrainian citizens.   Both of which would apparently be expendable.

Who is running the Show?   Obviously idiots with a combined IQ acumen of under 90.