National Endowment For Democracy: Fighting Communism With Marxism

Restaurant workers have fled.   Retail stores are overloaded with short staffing.   Hospital workers are leaving because of mandatory vaccination rules. Schools can’t reopen without the support staff.   A shortage of truck drivers is advancing food and retail shortages.   A shortage of chips is derailing the new car auto industry.   Gas prices are now up 50-70%.   And – the unemployment rate remains unchanged at 6%.  

All within 6 months of the Regime we call Biden’s White House Handlers.

After plying the Nation with Executive Orders now numbering 60+ Biden’s purported rule is being challenged by his fellow democrat handlers;  the Afghanistan pullout was a mistake.   Hunter’s art deals are likely a sham.   And the Roundtable of the Medievalists have declared that a global tax rate has been agreed upon – Presidents were not invited.

Obama’s former doctor has stated that Biden is unfit – leading to the potential to invoke his inability to serve.   A Kamala Harris presidency could be challenged given she is NOT a natural born citizen as required by the Constitution – neither of her parents were American citizens when she was born.   While this significant tidbit flew over the Cuckoos Nest, it will likely gain traction if Biden is evicted from the White House.

While Fauci likens a vaccine mandate to vaccines required today…   Fauci himself likely only had 4 vaccinations in his own youth:   polio, measles, DPT, and Smallpox.   I wonder – could he be an asymptomatic carrier of HIV, Hep B, Hep A, chickenpox, Pneumococcal, mumps, rubella, meningococcal and HPV?   Perhaps he should immediately submit to a cocktail – just to be safe so he doesn’t infect others and cause their death… “Just Get The Jabs – Fauci!”

And right on cue, Cuba erupts into protests condoned by White House Biden.   According to the coup enforcers, NED, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela are targeted hotspots for crisis.  NED’s website states: “In 2020, the LAC program at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) provided critical support to advance democracy in the countries under the most authoritarian regimes–Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.”

Well, isn’t that coincidental?

Despite Media and White House officials claiming any involvement in these coup protests, NED, financed by The White House, is much more transparent in their coup regime initiatives and FUNDING:

International Platform for Human Rights in Cuba – headquartered at Florida International University; $87,253. About Page – “…in service to the concept of an open society…”.

Fundacion Cartel Urbano: $110,000 – a Cuban organization calling for protests and fighting to secure gender rights, drugs, and breaking the chain of masculinity.

Cubalex; a charitable organization in the US whose Board of Directors are from Sweden, Germany, and the UN – $150,000

National Democratic Institute based in Washington, DC. – Board Chair = Madelaine Albright. Funded by: NED, USAID, Open Society, Amazon, Google, Coca-Cola, and everybody at the Roundtable. $500,000.

Editorial Hypermedia – promoting dialogue between Cuban women from different paths. $93,941

Asociacion Diario de Cuba – the creation of a new media that will act as the mouthpiece of NED. $215,000.

Foundation For Human Rights in Cuba – to promote a peaceful transition … by training activists – endorsed by Obama, Rubio and Biden. $126,000.

The list is exhaustive with NED grants which are essentially US Taxpayer funded.   And somehow, the US is determined to decry fake news when the Cuban government states that the US is behind the protests rocking Cuba. Proving once again that US organizations funded by taxpayers are completely rogue.  And the media is a complete blitz written by The Roundtable.

The largest recipient of NED grant funding went to their own affiliate, Center for International Private Enterprise – CIPE.

The Board of Directors for CIPE have extensive career background in the federal government as well as The Green Climate Fund, the UN, the World Economic Forum, and membership in “The Mont Pelerin Society”.

It is the Mont Pelerin Society that garners the most interest given it is rooted in ‘fighting’ Marxist extremism while advocating for an Open Society and refers to itself as The Liberal Order.   The fact that this statement would seem to be an oxymoron alludes the webpage writers.   One of their founding fathers was the George Soros mentor, Karl Popper.  

A number of the Mont Pelerin members are engaged with the Canadian Fraser Institute which advocates for all things – Canada – while denying President Trump’s Nationalist views…?   As in – what is good for me – is not good for thee!   Somehow the fact that Canada is simply a colony of the Queen evades rational or ‘critical thinking’.

Mont Pelerin is also associated with the Hoover Institute which would advocate a bumbling mogul mountain run of neoconservatives, including John Bolton. They advocate regime change, the use of revolutionary, anarchist change methodologies, and slander use Reagan’s name as their moniker.   They will use any excuse to initiate a war.   William Kristol, a neoconservative co-founder advocated for Republicans Against Trump.  

It is an example of ‘the company one keeps’ vs ‘the delusional illusion of propaganda one expels from thine lips’.   And in this case, the Hoover Institute, the Mont Pelerin Society, CIPE, NED, USAID, are well entrenched in the Cabalist Roundtable  that would support a Marxist Society.

Whether they are fighting Communism in order to achieve Marxism or a Medievalist Monarchy is simply a game of Power and Money, and hardly born of the best interests of The People.   But that would be their moniker of perception as they continually rewrite their history, their alliances, and their motives.

Collapsing communism in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela is simply a way of gaining control of a country that will NOT curl into a fetal position and die as demanded by their whims of totalitarianism.

President Trump – a solitary figure – sought to bring down a global powerhouse that has existed for centuries.   His biggest mistake was underestimating his opponent.   I doubt – that will happen again.

Watching Marxists Annihilate Communists is much like watching an alligator eat a python…