Facebook Partners with The Atlantic Council on Censorship

Oh Brother, as if Facebook couldn’t get any worse, Zuckerberg announced the new and exciting launch of a collaboration/partnership with The Atlantic Council, and here is their job description:

“security, policy and product teams” to offer “real-time insights and updates on emerging threats and disinformation campaigns from around the world. The Atlantic Council’s Digital Research Unit Monitoring Missions will help Facebook watch out for “misinformation and foreign interference” during “elections and other highly sensitive moments” and also work to “help educate citizens as well as civil society.”

What the heck!

The primary funders behind The Atlantic Council include:   UAE, Bahaa Hariri – a Saudi Lebanese businessman who is brother to the PM of Lebanon, Adrienne Arsht – wife of Myer Feldman who was advisor to Johnson, Abu Dhabi Oil, UK, NATO, Wallenbergs – prominent Swedish bankers, Norway, Japan, Google, Rockefellers, HSBC, US State Department, US Army and Navy, JP Morgan, Turkey, Latvia, Cyprus, Slovakia, Ukraine… the list is extensive.

An interesting group of countries that will be Facebooks tag team for censoring.

Of course, it doesn’t end there.   According to a Breitbart report in 2016, Ploughshares Fund, which is financed by Soros Open Society, helps fund The Atlantic Council – and was instrumental in helping market the Iran Nuclear Deal with Obama.

So it is official. Facebook has sold out to Soros and as such will manipulate all US elections utilizing their market manipulation techniques, censorship and propaganda to ‘educate us idiots’.

We are in desperate need of a Facebook alternative – quickly!

Three days ago, 3 million Facebook users who use a personality app in conjunction with Facebook had all their private personal details hacked and visible for all the world to see, use, and record for future purposes…   The data sets were controlled by David Stillwell and Michal Kosinski at the University of Cambridge’s The Psychometrics Centre.

Facebook is also using Artificial Intelligence to weed out fake accounts, graphic accounts, violent accounts, hate speech accounts, and those that don’t meet their ‘standards’.   This year alone 583 million ‘fake accounts’ were deleted.   Facebook has well over 2 billion users. The US has greatest number of accounts followed by: India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, UK, Turkey, Philippines, France and Germany.

Odd, but Russia doesn’t even make the top ten…and yet is the dominant villain.

Utilizing the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab to attack all the fake news and hate speech, their senior fellows include: Eliot Higgins of Bellingcat and Ben Nimmo who they humorously coin as their “Sherlocks”.

Ben Nimmo was NATO’s lead press officer on Russia and Ukraine from 2011 to 2014.   He has been called out numerous times for claiming that western individuals who question the neoliberal agenda and criticize their stories are Russian Bots – and thus had their accounts deleted.   Both Nimmo and Higgins, UK operatives, are quite verbal in their anti-Trump, anti-Russian agenda reporting extensively on anti-Assad issues, and pro- White Helmets.  Bellingcat is funded by the UK.

They have both been instrumental in making their false claims about the collusion of Trump and Putin in the election meddling campaign of Mueller, and are quite possibly players in the UK based Trump Dossier scandal.

THEPROPORNOT website is a shadowy organization that claims to have inside information about all the fake news sites – providing a list of those to delete.   The organization has been used as a ‘source’ for Washington Post articles, The Daily Beast, Foreign Policy, CNN, RFE/RL, The Interpreter, and The Kiev Post. According to an investigation done by The Consortium News, all the players work Ukrainian intelligence, and their Broadcasting Board of Governors included two people who actively worked on Hillary’s campaign; Michael Kempner and Karen Kornbluh.

The Swamp in the UK is becoming quite a prolific Player in the pro-Hillary and anti-Trump consortium, which would mean that by default Soros has control over MI6 – and Theresa May.

In essence, the circle always seems to find its way back to Hillary and Soros. And so, we face one of the largest censorship and propaganda campaigns this country has ever seen since the Mockingbird agenda of the CIA.

WWIII – Operation Northwoods

In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Department of Defense and the CIA drafted a proposal entitled Operation Northwoods.   The purpose was to ‘create real or staged actions against military and civilian targets within a terror campaign, blame the resulting ‘effects’ on the Cuban government so as to provoke a justification to go to war with Cuba’.  

Sound familiar?

It is believed that Kennedy nixed the operation.

In addition, under the signature of Brig General Edward Lansdale, and with cooperation of the CIA, Operation Mongoose proposed actions to ‘provoke, harass or disrupt’ Cuba so as to incite – war.  Simultaneously, Operation Bingo outlined a plan to give the ‘appearance’ of an attack on US facilities in Cuba so as to derive means and justification to demonize Castro and incite war.

Sound familiar?

While the General who orchestrated Operation Northwoods, Lyman Lemnitzer, was removed from office by Kennedy, he was immediately picked up by NATO to become “Supreme Allied Commander”.  Obviously NATO liked his way of thinking.

Together with McNamara, Kennedy instituted a defense strategy of flexible response, meaning they held to the potential for massive retaliation, without necessarily actionable massive retaliation.  More like a threat, substantiated by a smaller actionable strike.  Sound familiar?

At the time, McNamara, who was Secretary of Defense, formally a Republican who switched parties in 1978, actively promoted – WAR.  He decisively encouraged US intervention in the Vietnam War, which didn’t go over too well, and after retirement was a trustee at the Brookings Institute, a far Liberal organization funded by The Gates Foundation, Qatar, Norway, Rockefeller Foundation and JP Morgan Chase.  OUCH!

All of which plays out “Something like Syria…”

Something like the demonizing of Russia using staged events against military and civilian targets:  MH Flight 17, Chemical weapons, etc… ?  The biggest issue of all the conspiracy notations with regard to MH Flight 17 is the fact that despite nearly 300 victims, there was no blood.  While multiple other inconsistencies are cited, passport irregularities, etc.., photos reveal – 20 minutes after the crash – there was no blood.  Anywhere.  An anomaly that can not be explained.

The Chemical Weapon and gassing in Syria has been debunked innumerable times with illustrations of staging, actors, and actors being used in multiple wars…

What are we to believe in a world wherein lies abound?

While it is suggested that none of the aforementioned Operations were carried out, there is no denial of the intent, nor of the rogue nature that seemingly overtook the intelligence arena.   IN 1961, John Dulles was Director of the CIA.  A proponent of coups, he initiated the Coup in Iran, the Coup in Guatemala, and The infamous Bay of Pigs failure.   As a result of his drastic Bay of Pigs Fiasco, Kennedy called for his resignation, which he submitted in December 1961.  He was Not Happy.

Despite his bitterness toward Kennedy, Johnson asked Dulles to be one of seven commissioners for the Warren Commission in the investigation over Kennedy’s assassination one year later. An odd choice.  But certainly convenient given Johnson was in the crosshairs as being conspiratorially involved.

Dulles was also responsible for making the determination that The Protocols of The Elders of Zion – was a forgery.  Also, an odd part of his job description.  But one the furthered the Agenda.

Of course, this all post dates the same tactic employed by the US in conjunction with the British and Dutch to engage in increasingly strident economic conditions focused on Japan in order to provoke them into war with the US at the behest of the Rockefellers who felt their oil interests were being unjustly challenged by Japanese trade. Japan attempted to negotiate with Roosevelt on numerous occasions, but was refused any compromise.   The ensuing war was orchestrated.  And we all know how that ended.

History repeating itself?  Or US repeating itself?   We do have a choice.

Knowing the CIA penchant for subversive Operations, aka, Operation Mockingbird, that never go away, it would not be terribly far fetched to assume that Operation Northwoods was anything less and is alive, well and proliferating nicely according to the Agenda.

Only this time the target is Russia.


Because Russia has refused to bend to the NWO, the Banking Cabal, and the Global Elite who desire to create a Globalization wherein – they rule.

In the meantime we are distracted with nonsense such as Facebook  having access to our privacy?   When in fact, our privacy was hacked by everyone decades ago?   Including NSA, CIA, FBI, and multiple “Analytica’s” under the tutelage of governments across the globe, the health industry, credit card industry, county and state real estate assessors, etc, etc.

Facebook’s Zuckerberg, a die hard Liberal who long ago gave his soul to Hillary and the Cabal has offered to sacrifice a ‘portion’ of his wealth ‘for the greater good’ via ‘pinkie swear I promise to do better’, while knowing that the pervasive data compilation is actually hosted by the CIA, the FBI, NSA, and every intelligence outfit in the US and abroad.

While history sheds light and makes the present day events much more obvious, the Agenda is to Bury history, so that we just – forget. 

As in:   An ignorant mind, is easily defeated.

FACEBOOK Censorship

It has now been announced that the Federal Trade Commission will be investigating Facebook and their shared use of data with Cambridge Analytica, a conservative leaning and financed offshoot of SCL Group.   Terrell McSweeny is an acting Commissioner of the FTC appointed under Obama and tasked with advising both Obama and Biden. Her previous resume states that she worked at O’Melveny & Myers LLP, a law firm whose client list boasts both Facebook and Google. Odd.

Many of the current ‘notable partners’ at the firm served under Clinton or Obama in such capacities as:   National Security Advisor, the ‘most powerful’ senior advisor to Obama, Director of the White House Military Office, US Secretary of State, and Solicitor General of the US. One of their more ‘notable cases’ involved the Second Amendment right to bear arms – in defending the ban, they lost.

Bringing Facebook to the table is ‘complicated’ due to the fact that Zuckerberg is being made a possible patsy in his bid to be a good ole boy in line with the Democrat agenda of Soros. He is young, vulnerable, wealthy, and easily manipulated. But he also has sights of grandeur that made him a Democrat target. And so, a plan was initiated in which Soros and Zuckerberg would collaborate in regulating Facebook so as to eliminate ‘hate speech’, i.e., conservative opinion voices.   Because it is Soros who is going after Facebook, and thus by default the conservative voice, Cambridge Analytica became the real target.

Whether Zuckerberg actually lost billions, is of no consequence when one considers the percentage. Zuckerberg lost roughly 10%, but still retains a Facebook wealth of about $63 billion (the numbers vary by source but end at $63 billion). Without knowing his true portfolio, estimations are really meaningless.

If Soros can impose the restrictive conditions on Facebook in the US similar to what Merkel has already imposed on Germany, the voice of conservatives will be squelched.   The censorship will be complete, and the propaganda will impale what is left.

Because ‘NOT’ hearing a voice outside of the propaganda media is an old tool, and Soros is well aware of its power as defined by his youth as a Nazi protégé.

I recently came upon a blog by an American living in Russia, who gave credence to other bloggers who have great experience with the Russian culture, pre-Putin, and today, and the voices are considerably different than the presentation demonizing we hear in the US.   These people aren’t alt-right, Nazi’s, right wingers, or any other disglorified label, they are simply people who have a perspective that is not tainted with a boss, an agenda, and a paycheck. They are – you and I.

The point?   Real people tend to have quite different opinions than those of their supposed representative government.  Which is also why Ukraine is a freakin’ mess!   The People rose. Bloggers offer that voice, when the governments attempt to speak for us.

In psychology it is known as the herd mentality in which people believe what they are told because it is as though the thought is beat into them and they must follow. Cast sheep is another analogy when the herd leave the sheep to die because he can not rise up without help.

What we do know is that Soros called for the deep regulation of Facebook and Google, both adamant supporters of Clinton and Obama.   Dissecting the agenda, I imagine Analytica will go down, Facebook will rise, albeit with heavy restrictions on conservative speech, and the VOICE will go underground.

It isn’t really about data protection, otherwise they would target banks, retail outlets, insurance agencies, credit card agencies, Yahoo, Credit rating agencies, and government Voter Registration…   but they don’t.   Because data protection isn’t the real target – CENSORSHIP – is.

Look no further than Merkel, Germany WWII and WWI.