Critical Race Theory: A Dystopian Agenda

The sociological and psychological effect of creating a dystopian childhood through the hemorrhaging of gender and identity will ultimately create the ideal Cyborg. Distracted by the pandemic, vaccines, and propaganda, the next generation is being trained to be nonhuman.   The genetic body is being transformed through MRna modification while simultaneously the brain is being wiped of everything that defines human versus Artifical Intelligence – AI.

The next class system will be of robots, human Cyborgs, and Human Elites. At least that would be the focus and agenda that is quickly becoming apparent in society.   It is beyond Marxism or Communism. It is the manipulated re-creation of the next species that will govern earth.

Surely, for many it sounds implausible, and this implausibility is exactly what the media is helping to impregnate.   No one will fight something they don’t know is happening or existing.   While we have the power, do we have the will?

Class curriculums in the public school system are imperiling the youngest from first grade through college.   Manipulating the brain to become so confused, so filled with self loathing, that the children will fail to develop, and fail to thrive.   Educators are no longer educating, they are psychologically destroying. Willfully. A form of mass murder.

The depopulation will serve to help advance Cyborgs which do not deplete precious resources.   Most parents are oblivious.   It isn’t about race or gender, it is about nullifying the next generation completely.   Their lifespan will likely cave to roughly 30 years. Those deemed fit will be retrofitted with AI.

The pandemic was designed to eliminate the old and febrile.

A war will likely be the means to eliminate the mean age, and the elite believe they and their children will be spared to create a monarchial ruling class.

But we still have the power to stop it.

A number of organizations are fighting the indoctrination.   Information is key. provides an interactive map that details which public schools and universities are promoting Critical Race Theory, and the denouncement of white humans.   In Colorado, 70 public schools K-12 require a student to sign a pledge “No Place for Hate” which indoctrinates the anti-white ideology.   Teachers and fellow students are called upon to immediately report any ‘microagressive’ attitudes, speech or behavior.   Any student who does not sign the pledge is deemed racist and their behavior is reported to the Anti Defamation League which is the designated arbitration punishment council.    Students must be re-educated.

Campus Reform is simply a website which informs parents which schools are implementing indoctrination based on tips and journalists research. They do not involve themselves into the melee.   Because ultimately, it is the parent’s choice to make an informed decision.

While private schools are not an option for most parents, modified homeschooling is ratcheting up across the country.   Across the US, the percentage of children now being homeschooled has risen from a relative constant of 3.3% to peaks of 8.8% to 16.1% based on race during the last year alone.   The largest spike is seen in the black community.

Today the resistance remains mostly within the suburban and rural middle sphere, the next phase of their program is likely to be a conquest of this arena.   The housing market – taxes – and confiscation or property will play a heavy toll.   We are numbers. Don’t play the passive fool.  Biden’s declaration of War will be a thread in the spider’s web.   Pitting  the US against Iran, Russia and China would be self annihilation.   Politicians and elite have been busily building African cities that rival posh residences in London.   Their exodus planned well in advance.

And Boris Johnson has declared that the UK will be refurbishing the Royal Yacht – for one purpose.   To facilitate his personal exodus…armed.