The Ego of Science: Global Freeze

As the “Bomb Cyclone” envelops the east coast, global warming scientists are rallying round the icicle desperately trying to convince everyone that this is a common evolution of a Global Warming schism. As such their ego’s are frayed and fear for their scholarly name rules their psyche.

To quote Sir Isaac Newton, “For every action there is an equal opposite reaction”. And this can be found in the ego of science today. For every scientist making a conclusion in favor of man-made Global warming, there is an equal force reaction of a scientist denying the account.  Hence – it becomes a theory, as there is no consensus of evidence.

Case in point: Mother Jones, a trendy Liberal media outlet, is quoting Dr. Jennifer Francis, a researcher of arctic climate change, who states that the warming in the Arctic changes the jetstream which causes ‘extreme weather conditions around the globe including floods, extreme cold, extreme heat, droughts, etc… ‘   In other words, every single weather condition known to mankind can be traced back to her specific research field – the Arctic.

Enter Dr. Ed Berry, a physicist who utilizes the ego of scientists to support his conclusion that manmade Global Warming is a farcical idea easily disproven by the insertion of one proven conclusion – CO2 does not drive climate.

“The scientific method says we can never prove an idea is true. We only can prove an idea is false. To approach truth, we discard fiction. Since we can never discard all fiction, science is never settled.”

This rationale is supported by Dr. Murray Salby who has written a textbook on the subject, and Dr. Willie Soon, who has proven that there is no correlation between earth’s temperature and CO2.

Francis’ claim that the jetstream is altered by a warming arctic is an idea, a presentation without evidence or scientific data to uphold the ‘idea’. And yet, this philosophy of thought is held out as scientific proof… when in fact it is one person’s theory. Science does state that the jetstreams are a factor of 1) solar radiation, and 2) earth rotation. Period.

Science has taken leaps and bounds in its self defense. The flu vaccine is mass marketed each year and now includes infants as young as 6 months. What is in the vaccine?   MSG, sugar, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, various antibiotics, sucrose and sorbitol, thimerosol which contains mercury, fertilized chicken eggs, aka egg protein, and the virus itself – YUM!  

As is the case with every vaccine, all of these ingredients are said to be ‘safe and effective’.   Sort-of. With the current flu crisis shooting across the globe, the CDC has issued a precaution because, well, the vaccine is actually only, maybe, possibly, sort-of 10% effective. And yet they encourage everyone to ante up and pay the price.

As to the scientists who diligently create the concoction each year – eh.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of scientific theories that were accepted as factual truisms that were later proven false; phrenology, static universe, expanding earth, blank slate, Martian canals, etc… Each time the argument prevailed that these theories were fact, and society blindly accepted sometimes for hundreds of years before learning they were simply pseudo ideas.

The ego is a fragile part of every human, however when a person is purporting to persuade an entire global population, greater care must be exercised in making statements – as in the shepherd leading his sheep.

Science is an art, subject to the eye of the beholder. When we put science on a pedestal likening it to a god, we are treading dangerous ground – and the consequences could be eternal.