Poland Sued by EU at Behest of Soros!

The EU Commission is suing Poland!  Poland lowered the retirement age of judges from 70 to 65 which effectively terminates 27 of their 72 judges.   According to a statement issued by the EU, the foregoing is the reasoning behind such a bizarre move:   “The European Commission maintains that the Polish law on the Supreme Court is incompatible with EU law as it undermines the principle of judicial independence, including the irremovability of judges,”

Judicial independence means separation of power.  Typically, this meant that other assemblies of government could not influence the decision making process of sitting judges, given they were independent.  But the government continues to pay them.

Judges in many countries are granted ‘life tenure’, but are nonetheless forced to retire at 70 or 75.  So life tenure is a meaningless clause and the real issue is thus rather crumbly.

But then the EU Commission has been in a row with Poland of late and this would seem to be the strumming of a Soros agenda – tit-for-tat.  I doubt this EU move will likely make any fast friends among the Polish people as more meddling in internal affairs is generally not taken well.

But then the Polish President, Andrzej Duda, has indicated he would like a relationship with Trump, and that may have been the real catalyst for Soros who has quite an influence over the EU Commission.

According to the EU, the new age limitation for judges is a means for Poland to drain their Swamp. But whether life tenure means 70, 75 of 65, it is interesting that the EU would even have the right to make that determination.  With the EU fighting BREXIT, with Hungary also following anti-EU ideals, with Italy staged to follow, the EU Commission is rightfully seeing it’s base of funding disappear, and it’s globalization agenda – fray.

Austria is in the midst of a row with the UN and EU over the migration crisis.  Relations with Putin have added to the Soros miff, as Russia continues the race of the Tortoise and the Hare.

Therein, the EU defines Judicial Independence as a Human Right.  In a recent poll, Europeans were asked to rank what they deem as most important from a list of European Values.   EU Values have frequently been cited by Merkel as being far superior to US Values.  Following is how the people of Europe would rate their value structure:

Human Rights, Human Life, Peace, Democracy, Individual Freedom, Rule of Law, equality, Solidarity, Tolerance, Self, Respect for Other Cultures, Religion – in that order.

A notable sad realization is that ‘religion’ came in last place garnering just 5% of the poll’s position.

So how is Poland’s Reformation of it’s Judiciary considered a ‘Human Right” violation?  Because according to Poland, many of the older judges are actually remnants of the 1980’s Communist era and need to be replaced. The globalists disagree and claim that the Reformation will allow politicians to place in office judges who fit their particular agenda.

But the government isn’t ‘selectively’ eliminating judges, they simply changed the retirement age and lowered it by five years.  Judges will continue to be nominated according to the same process that has been used for decades.

Soros’ efforts to destabilize from within have been called out.   Since booting out Mrs Lyudmyla Kozlovska, President of the Open Dialog Foundation, this past August, Soros has been busily working on retaliatory actions.  But even more enlightening, what this highlights is the incredible power-influence Soros has over the EU Commission!  They will do his bidding no matter what it is, no matter if their actions are idiotic!   Some EU countries have quite simply risen above his influence and are fighting back.

Perhaps Poland’s desire to have a permanent US military base in Poland named after Trump, isn’t so much about fears of a Russian invasion as the US media would have us believe, but of an EU invasion…

Just a thought.