AI REGULATION: Humans are too ignorant.

Today a blue-checked Bloomberg Twitter account published an image of the Pentagon being blown up.   After the markets tumbled, and the image was picked up by media outlets across the globe, it was determined AI made it’s debut!   And it was considered a Great SUCCESS!

One of the supposed topics of discussion at the G7 Summit was how to regulate AI. Given that not one member attendee had ANY knowledge of AI, technology, or regulation, it is quite doubtful this discussion even took place.   But the appearance of a Summit was necessary in order to have a nice vacation at a ritzy resort at taxpayers expense.

The internet is already well rehearsed in lively AI technology reconfiguring heads on different bodies – in an advanced version of photoshopping.   Some are certainly more advanced than others, but the concept that AI will somehow allude the criminal elements is naïve at best.   Because that element is already upon us.

Using what is termed ‘deep fake’ audios and videos, AI is able to replicate mannerisms, voices, and appearances.   Think you are watching President Biden in Geneva?   Think again – AI can superimpose anyone anywhere.

AI can create pornography imagery.   AI can create a bomb explosion at the Pentagon that never took place.   And that was just the Trial.   Within that scenario, our esteemed US government has now been given ‘satellite phones’ for when the grid is down and communication must be maintained.   AI software is capable of making decisions on its own without input from a real person.   Let me repeat: AI software is so advanced it can make its OWN decisions without input.   As in – start a nuclear war – or even FAKE the start of a nuclear war.

In reality we are too late. Regulation of AI is simply not possible. It assumes criminals and government criminals are going to suddenly become law abiding.   Like the wackadoodles in Chicago, just teasing the law with assault, battery, car theft, and murder; criminals require a re-education camp.   Unfortunately, Government officials are too far gone for re-education and should be let out to pasture…   A Congressional chamber filled with ‘attorneys’, their competence in manners of technology and business is wholly lacking.   A competency test for Biden has been dangled – but it might behoove all of Congress to be subject to such an annual exam accompanied by a medical exam looking for ‘substances’.

A satellite phone is pricey, requires LEO batteries and is subject to a monthly subscription for it’s use.  The obvious catch is that if the grid is down and mobile phones and landlines are inoperable, communication would only be viable to other satellite phone holders. Walkie-Talkies might be a better no fuss no muss option.

To date – no one has claimed responsibility for the Pentagon AI image.   But the point is moot.   AI is already loose and spreading abuse.

Of course, some of the most airheaded notions of regulation have already spilled across the media with ferocity and velocity!  

  • AI Must be prohibited from discrimination
  • AI must NOT be allowed personal data
  • AI must NOT be allowed to spread any fake information, data, or phishing scams
  • AI must be equitable and inclusive
  • AI can not be biased

Really!?   Fark! Are these people that DAFT?   The rule book for the IRS is now what – 75,000+ pages?   Few accountants have read the rule book and instead use AI generated data to complete a tax return.   So how would you then regulate the AI that runs EVERYTHING?   Who would oversee every decision by AI?   How would AI be monitored?   The only answer is AI would have to be the regulator and police of AI.  

And that’s the dicey truth of this manifestation without intellectual humans to consider the consequences!   IF AI is thus running everything and regulating itself in everything because humans are now too ignorant, AI is The Master.   The extent of potential detriment is astronomical.   Suppose AI is performing surgery on a person and makes the decision that the patient is not a healthy candidate for said surgery, AI could make the decision to either forego the surgery or to euthanize the patient.

Further complicating the AI phenomena is the fact that all original input data is subject to extreme bias. A simple algorithm is only as good as those feeding the data.     Polls are based on AI data feeds and are routinely ridiculed for their bias and lack of factual output.   IF AI is fed a healthy bias of progressive WEF Agendas – its output will be The Great Reset.  

Will AI software companies create competing AI?   A conservative vs liberal version?   Will AI determine guilt and innocence based on biased data input?   The perils are as expansive as each human brain.  Would AI have determined the FBI was inciting the January 6th protestors?   Or would AI have told the FBI how to incite the protestors?  

We will know all too soon.