COVID CASES Among Children – Increasing Rapidly!

As the floodgates open once again with Liberal hysteria about children testing positive for CoVid, there is quite a boatload of misinformation, disinformation, and outright manipulation of information.

FIRST:   Nurse Shortage!   Hospitals are strained to peaking as staff shortages continue unabated with many fleeing vaccine mandates.   Banner Health in Arizona is reporting nurse vacancies of just under 1500.   Many were furloughed last year when routine operations were scrapped in favor of CoVid. With millions in revenue lost daily, nurses were fired and doctors took pay cuts.   Those decisions now reflect on hospital’s ability to care for patients.   Adding to the financial spiral, Banner is one of many hospitals that takes in border and illegal immigrant patients who are destitute.

When analyzing hospitalizations, these factors need to be addressed and assessed before the fear mongering escalates once again. When hospitals claim ‘they have x number of children hospitalized with CoVid, that also includes Flu and RSV given they don’t differentiate.   It also includes children with diabetes and other diseases that present with pneumonia.   And it also includes children who checked in, were seen and sent home.

Stanford conducted a study in May that found that of all children in hospitals 100% tested for CoVid after the fact and 50% have no CoVid symptoms but are in the hospital due to other issues.    “If we rely on hospitals’ positive SARS-CoV-2 test results, we are inflating by about two-fold the actual risk of hospitalization from the disease in kids.” ~ Dr. Alan Schroeder.

One highly contentious headline reads; Hospitalization of Children Up 300%!   The scam is similar to advertising slogans; This Product is 50% Better…   Better than what?   If the 300% data is based on previous hospitalizations of 3 and they now have 9, would you lock yourself in a broom closet for safety?

An additional fraudulent misrepresentation is quite repugnant when comparing child rates today as nearly reaching the all time highs of last summer.   Because last summer those highs represented saw the lows representing .2 per 100,.000 among those school aged 5-17 years old.   Today, the rates are .5 per the CDC.   The highest rate among this age group was .8 last December when the flu and RSV rates oddly plummeted simultaneously. In fact the CDC recorded 1899 TOTAL positive flu cases between September 2020 and May 2021.   They have NO SHAME!

Historical “Estimated Disease Burden” of the flu as guessed by the CDC experts has determined that there are roughly, maybe, possibly 33-45 million annual cases, 400,000 to 800,000 hospitalizations per year and 12,000 to 61,000 deaths annually…   give or take an error deviation of …   Of course, the CDC is quick to add that the results from 2018 and beyond are still ‘preliminary’ given their updated guesses haven’t been uploaded yet.

Despite a lack in flu cases 2020-2021, the CDC has updated their egg-based quadrivalent vaccine to fight against… drum roll… the same 4 that have been used for a decade:   H1N1, H3N2, Yamagata, and Victoria.   I suppose it saves Big Pharma money when choosing which vats to add to the witches brew.

The model that the CDC utilizes to determine their guesses is based on 13 ‘selected state and local health departments’ that serve roughly 9% of the US population.   Because the data can lag 2-3 years in actuality, the CDC just posts the last years proven guess estimate as the current number until more data can be mined.   The numbers are then manipulated/boosted far higher because ‘under-detection’ is assumed to be rampant.   The reason the CDC does not use actual death certificates to determine death rates is apparently because flu may lead to death from other causes like pneumonia and congestive heart failure. Using death certificates would grossly under-report that true deaths requiring boosters to the model algorithm…

And VOILA you have a nonstatistical statistic!

Of course – algorithms and guessing are the same means of determining climate change, carbon dating, earth dating,, GDP, and just about every illusion of reality… Ta-Da!