The Hilarious Hillarity of Hillary Clinton

Okay, the conspiracies abound, but what could be the possible reasons for Hillary Clinton’s absolute absence/fear/hiding from the media? Someone that is running for President of the United States, and yet they avoid the media as though they might find out something so completely devastating it would ruin her… Wait, wasn’t that Benghazi?  Or was it the disappearing emails?   Or the Foundation of Frolic?  Or the party princess?  Or the Muslim connection?  or the Fraud? Yawn.

So, what could that something be?

  1. Hillary had recent cosmetic surgery and doesn’t want the press to use that to focus on her ‘age’.

  2. She is a complete stand-in and the real Hillary is ailing in hiding. They are still training her.

  3. She has no idea how to respond to questions for which she hasn’t advance notice in which to have her crew devise an answer.

  4. She has a history of appearing ‘unfriendly’ in which she reveals her true self and her publicists are squelching as much of that as possible.

  5. She is waiting to find out what public opinion polls declare the people want before she creates her speeches to conform to the stats.

None of the above reasons are exactly what one would define as a ‘leader’. But they do define the politics that we have evolved to become, however sad.

Am I a Hillary fan?

Nah, not even close!  I actually do remember feeling sorry for her when the Bill adultery thing came out.  I remember thinking Tammy Wynette, “Stand by your man”. And I actually thought that she showed great integrity. But that was the last time I felt sort of compassion for the woman. Her personna is beyond strict and is well into the arena of very scary!  I know hard core liberals that find her scary.

Recently, I was asking around, testing, I wondered exactly who supported her. Who owned up to liking her was pretty telling. I mean, Shitake Mushrooms! Was I shocked. Really? But it speaks to the integrity of those that don’t care about her incessant lying and vacant accomplishments. Anyway, I do believe that in reality, without voter fixing and voter fraud, she would be given the boot. But, unfortunately reality dictates that our elections are a gross fantasy, ladeled in corruption and spiced with fraud. We know it, we see it, and we simply shrug – everyone’s doing it…

Her only chance of being elected would absolutely require major voter fraud. Followed shortly thereafter by martial law. But that is not beyond potential reality, so be prepared, we only have our selves to answer to for electing the officials we do.

So what is the story behind Hillary? Why is she really hiding?

Perhaps the Hillary camp is hiding to help all the bad press run itself out gambling on the short-term memory loss of the generl public and foreign voters. At any rate, whoever is running the show is making some very bad decisions. Roping off the press and shuttling them along like children or worse, pets, is so tacky as to be at once comical and at once arrogant. She won’t talk unless she knows the entire script. She won’t appear on shows, because she knows it will go off script. She has so much baggage at this point that she is a human hillarity…The Hillarious Hillary.

She needs a giant bubble to separate her from the riff raff of common man. How can she possibly appeal to ordinary folk, when she is deathly afraid of them? It would seem that her staff is sabatoging her campaign, so who are these illustrious good ole ‘folks’:

John Podesta: Founder of, Center for American Progress funded principally by… drum roll ta-da George Soros. Thnk Progress is a journalism outlet for CAP and is part of a group that pressured the IRS to target conservative groups. Could Podesta’s relationship with Lerner become a media target?

Robby Mook: A young upstart with grand ambitions. While his college degree was in the arts and ‘classics’, he was pursued to run Democrat elections beginning in 2004. A bit odd…   But it wasn’t until recently that his style paid off. He struts his pride and wears his ego as he offers his campaign agenda – pacing. Pacing what she says, when, how, to whom… Like fireworks, he opens big, slows, slows, and then plans to build to the climactic end in which she becomes President.

Joel Benenson: A journalist who did polling… including for the unsuccessful 1994 re-election for Mario Cuomo. Not a lot of meat here.

Jim Margolis: Media advisor who worked Obama’s 2008 and 2012 bids.

Jennifer Palmieri: Another Center For American Progress cohort, running the bulls with Soros. She also served as John Edward’s Press Secretary – OUCH, we know that didn’t pan out well…

Huma Abedin: The Muslim Brotherhood wife of the disgraced Weiner whose weiner got caught in the masher. She has no title other than ‘close ally/friend/confidante’. Hmmm.

Phillip Reines: Another player who has no official role other than a hanger onner for over a decade.

Hubby Clinton: A photo op personage, Billy did a photo shoot for Town and Country’s story about the Clinton philanthropy…. maybe they forgot the 9% memo.

Other than the Soros connection, not a lot of meat in the package. While he financially backs the campaign, the actual amount is difficult to pin down given that he has a variety of ‘outlets and charities’ to draw from and compel to donate to the Hillary fund. It is noteworthy to state that George Soros is openly vocal about his hatred for the US, “America is the gravest threat to world freedom”. By deference, that would mean that Hillary’s agenda under the leadership of Soros would be – to bring America to its proverbial knees.

Fair warning.