Bana Alabed in Syria: Faked! Merkel Blaming Russia…


Sweden finds that many of the asylum seekers claiming to be under the age of 17 are being found to be well into their twenties after conducting a medical examination…of course they are sure that it is all innocent because Arabs don’t celebrate their birthday and probably have no idea how old they are… The UK says that they look older because of the war, although they have facial hair, a stubble, wrinkles, and clearly appear to be in their twenties and even thirties.


And still the story is about the fear of backlash against asylum seekers…poor them.  Let’s snot focus on the actual ‘victims’.

While the media would have us believe that these poor children are just like the immigrants that came to America, ta-da!!! – I don’t see these pundits offering to open their homes and give them a job…as in, put your freakin’ house to where your mouth slobbers.

Merkel now has the dubious honor of opening her country to its complete demise while Germans are murdered, sexually assaulted, raped, beaten, knifed and infected with diseases once eradicated.  Gee, let’s do more of that!  Elect these wondrous accomplishments…

And as if the fake news couldn’t get worse, the EU has announced that Russia is organizing the migrant attacks to make Merkel lose the upcoming election!   Whoa there horsie…  Where did this accusation come from? The Council on Foreign Relations.  A fake organization infected with Soros, Clinton, and a desire for a World Open Society.  Oh, now it makes sense.

Gustav Gressel has made this audacious claim, taking his cue from the Hillary.   It was just a few short weeks ago that Obama made a special stop to Germany to ‘encourage’ Merkel to run for office again as in a last ditch effort to contain the anti-politics that is sweeping the US and EU.  Remember?  In other words, he told her that she and her entire family would be brutally murdered if she did not comply with the order of the Order.   I digress.

Gustav claims that a small number of refugees have links with the Kremlin and Syrian government. Therefore Russia is the provocateur behind the Cologne attacks , the Nice attacks and the Berlin attack. WOW!  Broad- jump, this is getting perverse like nothing imaginable.  People are actually acting like they are drones in a board game.

You want to shake them and demand they – WAKE UP!

But like the explosive heads in the movie, Kingsmen, they don’t have a lot goin’ – up there anyway.

Echoing the DNC, Hillary and Billy, Merkel is claiming that they are already dealing with hackers and propaganda… As though Merkel were blameless. As though her policies of allowing millions into the country was not her fault – but ‘Russia made me do it.’

I have to say, she did it become apparent that she defected?  Because she wasn’t always on – the wrong side.  She used to represent integrity and honesty.  Once upon a time.  In another generation long go lost.  The Internet is alive with blogs about someone not being who they say to be.  And others who lament what Obama has evolved to be.

But, in reality, the consensus is- Obama failed miserably.

Of course, if we back track the research, it was actually Soros who demanded Merkel open her borders to the refugees. In fact, he was so bold to claim that if she didn’t open her borders, it would be the end of the EU. After she complied, it was Soros who announced that Merkel’s open border policy – would be the end of the EU.    Damned if you do – damned if you don’t.

What we do know is that the massive wave has caused spikes in crime, much that Merkel quashes, doesn’t prosecute, and enables. Italy has declared that the wave of immigrants has sent their stats flying. But most of the European countries try and stifle the statistics to protect their people from fear… And instead, regurgitate ‘Fake News’ and ‘Fake Photos’.

The BBC recently came under fire for its fake photograph, which was the basis of their ‘fake story’ and was picked up as real by The New York Times…

Egyptian authorities have arrested a photographer and his assistants taking fake photographs using imagery in Egypt and red paint on a little girl which they were going to post on Facebook and decry as Syrian regime assaults in Aleppo.

And then there is Bana Alabed, a seven year old girl interviewed via Skype by CNN, who has been posting regularly from inside Aleppo on her new i-phone and laptop, despite the fact that electricity and internet have been down… and despite the fact that they claim their house was bombed to rubble – yet they were somehow able to collect their clothes unscathed, their laptop unscathed, their cellphone, a doll and other accoutrements…unscathed.

CNN shows pictures of her with makeup and ribbons in her newly coiffed hair, her skin unblemished by the ravages of war, squeaky clean, skipping through the rubble of war-torn Aleppo as though she hasn’t a care or fear in the world. And the only other people visible in her many pictures are her mother and brothers – even in the streets. Odd.  A photoshop world.

She and her siblings are wearing new clothing, in fact, every picture shows her wearing a new outfit, cute hats, and logo clothing. And somehow despite the continuous bombing and rubble, the lack of food and water, their apartment in the middle of east Aleppo – is immaculate.

She is obviously posed for all the photographs, including ones in which she is supposed to look ‘afraid’. And of course, her tweets and banners are all in English with Assad and Russia as the demon provocateurs.

Upon a bit of sleuthing, apparently, Bana’s rather extensive wardrobe is bought from AliExpress – including her red and grey letter jacket, and her 68 Universal jacket. Both are said to be new items coming out in “2016”. Free shipping to Aleppo?   Apparently, the Middle East isn’t on the shipping list… UK, US, France, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, Israel and Russia – are.

I imagine we will suddenly see her on Entertainment channels across the Uk as her celebrity status is unveiled…
