Merkel: Failed Values Amidst a Purveyor of Fake News

After Merkel openly ushered in millions of immigrants between 2015 and 2017 at the behest of Soros, she is visibly backtracking.  Austria is urging border protections, Italy is shipping immigrants to Spain, and Merkel is mumbling that she needs to talk to Brussels before she is allowed to say anything, because, well, she doesn’t know what Soros wants anymore…

After the EU decried “FOUL” because Trump suggested that the US should no longer be responsible for Europe’s military, the EU Commission under Juncker’s instructions announced a European Defense Fund that would not protect anyone outside the EU.   Of course, the decision to create EDF was due to border threats. Apparently EDF financing will be progressive and use taxpayers as the basis for what would be a new tax…(I wonder if they know this yet)?. Juncker is demanding member states ante up 5.5 billion Euro per year after 2020, and 2.56 billion per year beginning err, last year, although no one has actually contributed anything – yet.

Germany’s foreign minister, Maas, has issued his counter measure to Trump’s America First by stating, Europe First!  Mentioning ‘values and interests’ as his platform is a bit mystifying given Germany is forced to admit that they will fail to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Accord by 2020. Oops.

Maas, who is head of Germanys Social Democratic Party, must also answer for his party’s decision to offer ‘feminist porn’ for free on public broadcasting stations throughout Germany as a means of equalizing divisive sexist pornography which is apparently a favorite pastime beginning at the age of 13.  This value comes on the heels of massive child sex trafficking allegations.

Merkel is arguing the Trudeau platform regarding trade with the US by complaining that although the US does have deficits in the trade of goods, it does not in the trade of services. Foremost, this does not even address ‘tariffs’, but secondly it fails to address the fact that trade in services generates tax revenue for the country that is receiving the service as well as jobs.

According to a document released by the European Parliament in 2015, trade in services is a very gray area given valuations are estimates, can vary widely by country in methodology of valuation, and are not a verifiable number.  In addition, ‘intellectual property’ is definitively a varying value that can be worth billions until it’s patent expires which in the pharma industry is roughly 7-10 years.   The vast majority of trade falls within what is called ‘category iii, or (c)’ referenced as:  “…a service provider of one party through a commercial presence in the territory of any other party”.  This means that a commercial establishment of the US would have created a facility in another country, such as a bank or a pharmaceutical company.  Such company would likely employ staff within the host country and generate taxable revenue.

The TISA agreement (Trade in Services Agreement) which is the basis of all Service Trade is ensnared in ‘secrecy’ which makes the rules and negotiations completely confidential and lacking in transparency.  Thus identifying the services and how they are valued is of little merit.

And lastly, Germany’s values have been purged again.  It has come to haunt Merkel that she has failed to address the ramifications of a German cult that was organized in Chile wherein children were kidnapped, enslaved, tortured, and sexually abused since – 1961.  Despite the Chilean government requesting Germany to resolve the ongoing problem and establish a fund for the survivors – Merkel has apparently failed to do anything at all although her government has promised, pinky swear, to develop a plan of action as of June 30th.

For Merkel to continually create an arrogant aura of superior values, superior knowledge, and a superior attitude with regard to all the above Germany First structures, in reality she embodies a truly abysmal failed Leadership built on fake censored media which is monitored and edited by Soros –