China Sanctioned For Brain Control Weaponry

The Biden Handlers are sanctioning China’s military medical research for surveilling the Uyghurs.   In addition, they seemingly inadvertently stated that one such facility makes ‘brain control weaponry’.  

“Mind control technologies are weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.”

In 2015, Russia accused the US of making such technology and forcibly implanting chips in humans. In 2018 DARPA acknowledged they were working on mind-controlled troops connected to weapons.   In 2018, journalist, Curtis Waltman of MuckRock, filed a FOIA request with the Washington State Fusion Center. What he received instead from the Department of Homeland Security was not what he requested, but far more insidious:   EM Effects On The Human Body. The file detailed a drawing of a human with arrows pointing to various systems that could be manipulated:   Forced memory blanking. Controlled dreams. Induced changes to hearing. Intense forced pain like hot needles piercing flesh. Wild flailing with periods of rigor mortis. Intense itching. Itching inside eyelids. Forced movement of jaw. Reading and broadcasting thoughts. Forced waking visions. Microwave hearing. Manipulation of hands. On and On and ON!

Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, a veteran who served in the Puerto Rico and Army National Guard for 7 years, moved to Alaska in 2015.   He went to an FBI office in 2016 and claimed the CIA was speaking to him through his television. The CIA told him that if he did not do as they said, they would cause him escalating pain in his head until he did.  The FBI claimed he was a mental case and dismissed his claims.   Subsequently, he got on a plane to Florida and opened fire in the Broward County airport randomly killing 5 and injuring 40.

Timothy McVeigh claimed the US Army had implanted a chip in his brain – also a veteran, McVeigh became known as the Oklahoma City Bomber.

David Voigts is an ex-Navy officer and a whistleblower. He claims he has been tortured since January 2012 via electronics warfare. He sights the Havanna Syndrome as such a diplomat targeted mind control warfare perpetrated by unknown sources.

Dr. Katherine Horton is a scientist who studied physics at Oxford University, where she obtained her Masters of Physics and then went on to get her PhD. She is a high energy physicist and system analyst. She worked for years at CERN in Geneva. She has been gangstalked by Military Intelligence agents.

While it is difficult to discern between these accounts and what they are labeled, Schizophrenic, the CIA has been actively ensconced in this sort of parapsychosis since the 1950’s:   BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA, MKSEARCH and MKNAOMI.  

While the initial precipitous reasoning for mind control was to create the ‘perfect military soldier’ who would operate according to the controller, as opposed to his own instincts, the nefarious world saw a different application.

Controlling human behavior thru pain would ultimately dehumanize the person to the point of AI.   Work 16 hours a day.   Never counter your orders.   Life is a computerized version of humanity.   Death is not a consequence, it is a ritual.

And then there are the worst case scenarios involving sex trafficking, child sexual assault, and suddenly the defense attorney for Ghislaine Maxwell comes to mind as she proclaims that the accounts of the witnesses against Ghislaine could be construed as faulted.   Their memory called into account…  As in Chipped.

Maxwell’s lead attorney is Bobbi Sternheim.   Her renowned clients include Osama bin Laden’s henchmen – al-Qaeda Chief Khalid–al Fawwaz, and Minh Quang Pham as well as numerous Mafia of Notoriety. A strange Choice to be sure… and not one that presumes a verdict of innocence.

AFTER MKUltra was uncovered within the CIA – it was a full 25 years since their program was activated before any action was taken.   The 1970’s trial saw that the CIA pinky swore they would never do it again…   Of course since then it has also been uncovered that there is $21 trillion ‘missing from the Department of Defense’.   As in two books.   $21 trillion.

The Shadow Government that has been the global initiator of debt, coups, war, inequality, elitism, and economies is based within the CIA, MI6, and a host of NGO’s for well over 70 years.   Or more.

If you worked inside the CIA and ignored the corruption and deviances – you are complicit.   If you worked inside the CIA and were oblivious of the corruption and deviances – you don’t belong in ‘intelligence’.   You are ignorant.

The idiocy in declaring Russia or China as ‘creating’ this warfare tactic – has brought the intelligence offices down on their own knees as their deviance rises to the surface.   Revealing the likely use of military veterans and other susceptible citizens to experiments within the guise of mass murder a viable CIA/Military joint exercise – is the true Nazi Regime. .

But stupidly accusing China of engaging in the same mind control warfare and sanctioning their facilities today – only opened their own Pandora Box. That has existed for 70+ years…  And they have perfunctorily proclaimed in such announcement that they are infinitely and arrogantly ABOVE THE LAW.