Climate Change: The Magnetic North is Shifting

The media is busily denigrating the US for our heinous lack of adherence to lower emissions and meet the ‘goals’ of the Paris Climate Accord.   Forbes refers to us as “The Ugly Face of America”.   While citing percentages with self grandizing authority and blaming Trump for pulling out of “Obama’s Clean Power Plan”, Forbes does not articulate the fact that Obama’s plan did – nothing.   The US remained second highest producer of CO2 emissions behind China throughout Obama’s administration rule.   Obama did make a ‘call’ for more renewable, and he did make a ‘commitment’, but those are words – just as the entire Paris Accord is a body of goals and words without any rule.

Germany’s largest power station is fueled by coal, as is Denmark’s, Australia, Chile, India, Serbia, Poland, etc…  The largest power station in the US is Hydroelectric.   The 20 largest power producing facilities in the world are Hydro and nuclear with the exception of two, one in China and one in Japan.   And despite Forbes using Germany as an example to model, they failed each and every standardized goal set by Merkel who has now pushed that agenda to a possible – 2030.

Politicians routinely spew a plethora of rhetorical word-plays which the media regurgitates as fact when they are simply legalistic word-plays.   Throw in a few get out of jail free cards like ‘our aim’, ‘our path’, ‘our goal’, and when those ideals are not met – ‘we never promised’ is the free card.

But Germany isn’t the only country to backslide on their commitments, China, the world’s largest polluter, has pushed the punchcard to 2030 as well.    But even if those 2′ goals are attained, according to the UN the ‘goals’ are not even remotely effective and collectively all countries would have to increase their goals five fold to effect the necessary 1.5’ commitment.

In other words, even if every country collectively meets the Paris Accord goal of 2’ by 2030, they will still fall short of the necessary goal by 25%. And it is a fair guess that by then the entire Accord will have fizzled into nothing given no one has the funds to ante up – especially if the EU ends up footing the bill for the UN and their own military defense and their burgeoning immigration welfare.

In the Trump Blame Game, what exactly did Trump change with respect to Obama’s Climate Control policy?

1)   He hired an EPA Minister that the left doesn’t like, who subsequently resigned after threats.

2)   He lifted ‘some restrictions’ on greenhouse emissions from coal plants.

3)   Eased restrictions on millions of acres of land that had been protected for the “Grouse”.

4)   Approved five oil and gas companies permission to use seismic airgun blasts to search for oil and gas in the ocean.

5)   Lifted the block for the Keystone XL Pipeline.

6)   Sent to the appeals court a request to quash the Youth Climate Lawsuit – that no one knows diddly about.

7)   Cleared production of oil and gas wells in the Arctic.

8)   Signed a bill to clean up the plastic pollution in our oceans.

9)   Disbanded an ‘Air Pollution Review Panel’.

10) Extended the ban on mining near Yellowstone.

11) Rolled back Obama rules that oil and gas companies must monitor and mitigate the release of methane gas.

The ‘science’ of climate change is actually theory based.    However, in the midst of this climate theory, there is something radically occurring within the earth’s core.   The Magnetic North Field is moving at a speed 4-5 times normal.   “Magnetic fields are essential for life on Earth. That is because the magnetic field protects the planet from cosmic rays and charged particles from solar flares.  If we didn’t have the magnetic field protecting the Earth, then the atmosphere would become stripped of its atoms and the radiation from the solar wind would irradiate all life on Earth.”

The earths magnetic field protects life on earth by shielding it from radiation and moderating our climate.   Over the last 200 years, the magnetic field has weakened by about 15%.   Pole reversals occur naturally with the magnetic field ‘shifting’.   This core shift can be gradual or rapid and defines our shifting climate and radiation.   Some scientists believe these ‘historical shifts’ have been the causal factor in the eradication of Neanderthals and possibly the dinosaurs, etc…

Scientists explain that these shifts create ozone holes and cause charged particles to bombard Earth’s atmosphere during solar storms which would punch holes in Earth’s atmosphere.   It is believed in scientific circles that this weakening would directly effect those species that rely on geomagnetism for navigation, including bees, salmon, turtles, whales, bacteria and pigeons.

This shift has been tracked for about 160 years, the same timeline used to define ‘climate change’.

Currently the shift is occurring at the rate of 40 to 55 km per year.   In 1900 the pole was located in Canada, today it is closing in on Siberia.  So what comes first, the chicken or the egg?   Given that science states that this magnetic shift occurs every 200,000 years, and humans were hardly creating CO2 emissions back in the day, I think it is safe to say in this instance the chicken, the core, is the initiator, and humanities outcome will be the egg.

That said, no amount of Paris Accord ‘goals’ will have one rat’s arse on the outcome.