INDIA COVID Death Rate: According to Bill Gates, Fauci, and Soros…

HEADLINE:   ’Catastrophically worse’:   Scale of India’s Covid-19 deaths 10 times higher than officially reported – study…

BACKUP CITING:   While India’s official coronavirus death toll at the end of June 2021 was 400,000, examining the scale of the situation within India, “Researchers have estimated” that there were actually between 3-4.7 million more deaths than would otherwise have been expected between January 2020 and June 2021.

Organization Conducting Estimation:   Center For Global Developmentnonpartisan – of course.

The Director for this nonpartisan, unbiased, pinky swear truthbog is Lawrence Summers. His resume identifies his very nonpartisanship as:

  1. Treasury Secretary – Bill Clinton Office.
  2. Director of National Economic Council – Beanie Obama Office.
  3. President – Harvard. Fired after no-confidence vote citing financial conflicts, relational conflicts, aptitude conflicts…
  4. World Bank
  5. Regularly writes for the Washington Post…   That kind of nonpartisan stuff.

The president for this nonpartisan partisan globule CGD is Masood Ahmed.   His claim to fame includes fawning praise by Christine Lagarde, a self proclaimed Marxist/Socialist formerly president of the IMF and currently president of European Central Bank. Lagarde has been embroiled in multiple controversies including the destruction of evidence related to corruption cases. Nice resume!

The largest funder of CGD is… drum-roll…   Bill Gates.   SURPRISE! Others include: Australian government, European Commission, Bloomberg, Ford Foundation, IKEA, Soros, Swedish and UK Governments, Wellcome Trust, etc…etc…etc…

Almost boring it is so old shoe.

Initiatives include abortion, global health, research, yada, blech, nothingness. Sitting on assets worth over $65 million including a $16.4 million office building, salaries account for roughly 50% of expenses, while grants accounted for 15%, the majority of which are to foreign countries, or governments, or individuals – all of which went to their affiliate, Global Development in Europe – a UK registered charity.

Unfortunately, the IRS rules state that a foreign charity which acts as an affiliate must have a distinct Board.   Masood Ahmed serves as chair to both – thus they are in righteous default on their charitable status.   OOPS.  IRS???

I wonder if Bill Gates is aware of this blatant violation?

Nonetheless, India is obviously in their sights as a target of pronounced fear mongering requiring more tests and jabs in order to quell the 3rd, 4th, 10th, and 100th mutation that could likely extend into near infinity.   Did you know the human body houses over 360 trillion viruses?   Imagine getting 360 trillion vaccines…. I digress.

Did I mention that Gates and Soros just bought Mologic, a UK maker of quick CoVid tests at a steal price tag of $41million.   The test developed by Mologics was created by co-founder Mark Davis along with his brother, and funded exclusively by – Gates. COMPLETELY, nonpartisan…   But India has a population of nearly 1.4 billion which could equate to quite a few Mologic test kits especially when EU governments requirement is every 2 weeks!

I wonder how Gates plans to finance the purchase while in the midst of a highly contentious divorce? It is my understanding all assets are frozen – no purchases, no sales, until the divorce is final. Melinda????

Mologic’s nasal flow antigen self test was launched by – NIH – as in Fauci.   SIGH.   The antigen test is designed to detect the virus in people who have no symptoms – asymptomatic.  However, the antigen tests are considered highly less accurate in that they supposedly detect any antibody in the 360 trillion schematic of viruses inside your body that might relate to CoVid….  I wonder if everyone has the protein…   except for lizard people.

An antigen is a protein on the surface of every virus – all 360 trillion of them.   TO believe that anyone has or can isolate one particular virus amongst 360 trillion is either related to Fauci or Gates, or a complete moronic idiot.   They can’t even isolate the common cold, which has existed for thousands of years, and is a ‘coronavirus’. Yet they would have us believe they can isolate not just CoVid, but the hundreds if not thousands of mutations….

Perhaps NIH would be better served to find a cure for the common cold which leads to lung disease and pneumonia, the most common cause of CoVid mortality.

But then deaths from CoVid, not with, are – pneumonia and should be classified as such.

Which is why if you have the vaccine that stimulates antigen proteins, you will test positive for CoVid under the antigen test.   This would explain why a fully vaccinated White House administration would announce via nucleoid Psaki that hundreds upon hundreds have since tested positive for CoVid despite, ummm, being, ummm, vaccinated.


Including so far 6 of the dems who went MIA in Texas in order to avoid their duty to vote.   None of whom wore masks as prescribed by the Airline Union, none of whom social distanced, as prescribed by the Airline Union, and none of whom did anything responsible according to their own tribulations upon landing in Washington DC>

Thus giving them the appearance of absolute moronic idiots.

Guesstimating, estimating, crystal ball prediction of India’s CoVid with and from are a pathetic joke.   Algorithms are provably – a joke.   Just like polls.   Idiotic at best.   But Gates just bought a new testing technique funded by Gates with approval by Gates, with aspirations and models by – Gates and backing by Fauci with Soros money.   And there is ‘no partisanship’ at all…

IN the world of comedic Hollywood, this would be considered a hugely laughable moment, worthy of a Leslie Neilson parody movie, “Alien Antigens In Space”!  

IN reality, it is old, boring, and predictable.   Like Fauci’s fall from grace, soon Gates will become a slug of the earth, reviled and deposed.

India and Africa have little compassion or trust in anything Gates.   I imagine this mangled man will soon find himself verbally flogged by more and more countries as his Agenda devolves.

According to Kerry, Gates has exactly nine years left to coerce the globe that he is the god and savior of mankind via massive depopulation – for the good of all.   While Gates will likely board his floating flotilla equipped with helipad and supplies to last a decade or more, he severely overestimates his power.  I keep thinking of the movie Logan’s Run…

It is not NICE to fool Mother Nature!  She’s mad.