MEDIA PROPAGANDA – Has Existed For Centuries!

China’s CoVid case count and deaths is determined by – Johns Hopkins.   John’s Hopkins relies on data guesses by the New York Times and Wikipedia.   Russia’s economy is failing and everyone hates Putin – declares every Soros imprint;   NPR, Wikipedia, New York Times, etc…   Russia’s oil economy has collapsed – so say the Soros Pundits!   Statista: Oil exports from Russia topped over 9.8 million per day in 2022…highest in 11 years!   That would account for 1.6 million higher per day than in 2021. Math:   584 million more barrels for 2022 = estimated average price $80 per barrel = $46.720,000,000 additional revenue…


According to Johns Hopkins CoVid data chart – there are zero cases in Africa, India, Pakistan, or the Middle East. In fact, the chart for China actually references zero cases and zero deaths given numbers are ‘unknown’.   Maybe the media forgot to tell Hopkins to update their zero cases before spouting millions of cases per day…

This is what happens when the powers writing the news don’t give their pundit, Hopkins, time to alter their data.

The Economist claims there is no reliable means of accounting for China’s CoVid statistics and therefore recommends using ‘online search engines’…   What The HECK?

What it does reveal is that ‘data’ in general is fake. ALL DATA.

Americans spend 50% to 100% more for gas, oil, meat, chicken, and all food stuffs, mortgage rates are up 300%, housing up 80%, transportation up 100% – and YET inflation is just 7.2%. provides a representative look at average costs for public and private colleges as of October 2022.   When I compared there data values to my home state – the discrepancy was understated by 33% and 54% respectively.

“Data” tabulation has become the new factchecker fakery.

According to the UN, Russia’s population today is over 146 million, according to Statista it is 145.5 million and according to MacroTrends it is 144 million.   The US is 335.9 million according to the UN – but variations exist from a low of 285 million to 339 million.   It would appear the stats are skewed by the word “resident”.   Which would include illegal aliens.

According to the US government census – the US experienced 4.4% fewer births and 12% increase in deaths in 2021 – yet that somehow translated to an increase in population…

Given our DATA is a convoluted creation means that every number presented is now likely false.   A fabricated venture to delude.   If Data is a fabrication – is our history too?   At what point do we accept that everything we think we know is – false?

Why do ancient pictorials from Egypt depict people of different colors including; white, red, black – and ‘blue’?   Scientists speculate that the color was used to denote the sun god and subsequent rulers depicted as giants.   But how much of ‘science’ is based on actual evidence and how much is based on ‘speculation’?   Roughly 75% is speculation.

FAKE NEWS has been perpetuated for centuries!

The Donation of Constantine:   In the 8th century, the Church produced a document in which it was claimed that Constantine transferred large swathes of land to the Church dating from the 4th century.   It took until the 15th century before the document was proven to be a forgery – at which point ‘the church’ declared it wasn’t Constantine, oops, it was Charlemagne… The land was never returned to its rightful owners.

In 1782 Benjamin Franklin issued a ‘fake newspaper’ in which he declared that a bag of money and scalps was found and was being delivered to the King of England.   The story incited animosity toward Native Americans and helped achieve the divisive anti- rant.

Jews did not build Egyptian pyramids, archeological finds now state Egyptians built the Egyptian pyramids.

Cleopatra was Greek – not Egyptian.

Vikings were relatively small – and not hairy as Hollywoodized.   Women were under 5’ and men were roughly 5’6” or less and considered quite handsome.

Napoleon Complex?   By today’s measurements which are different than centuries old, Napoleon was roughly 5’ 6” a bit taller than the average Frenchman of the time.

Einstein did NOT fail math as has been stated, in fact he mastered calculus at the age of 15.

The Spanish Flu wasn’t Spanish or Flu – but according to ‘experts’ including Fauci in a paper written sometime around 2006 – was a ‘bacterial pneumonia derived from the Rockefeller Institute’s first ‘vaccine’.

The number of Wall Streeters who actually ‘jumped to their death’ following the crash was – 4.

ALL of these embellishment fake stories were initiated by ‘journalists’ of the era.