Warren Buffett Philanthropy Donates $3.6 billion – to Support Abortion

Warren Buffett continues to boast of his philanthropic agenda. Most recently he announced that he would again donate $3.6 billion to five charities that have benefited from him in the past:   Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sherwood Foundation, NoVo Foundation, Howard G Buffett Foundation and Susan Thompson Foundation.   With the exception of the Gates Foundation, the other four are controlled by his children. In essence, he is transferring his estate without paying estate taxes…

The top estate tax rate is 40%.   By comparison, IRS rules for 501©(3) charitable distributions levies a minimum requirement of 5%.   If a foundation fails to distribute this 5% minimum an excise tax penalty will be assessed at 30%.

Buffett’s NoVo Foundation paid $5.153 million for ‘Consulting Services’ in 2017.   The largest recipient of such consulting fees was the Raben Group – $2.177 million. Clients for this organization have included; Open Society Foundation, United Nations Foundation, Gates Foundation, Arnold Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, etc…   Their primary purpose is to influence, mold, and lobby through government affairs, Mass Media, Entertainment, and through the creation of culture changing ‘movements’.

In 2014 The Howard Buffett Foundation gave $10 million to Catholic Relief Services.

Catholic Relief Services has been embroiled in criticism for violating its underlying ethical purpose, ie donating millions to finance contraception and abortion.  They have supported CARE International, which claims to be a charitable organization fighting ‘poverty’. However, in reality they are a major proponent of contraception and ‘climate change’ agendas. Other charities they have supported include CORE Group and MEDICAM – both advocating abortion and population control.

The Susan Buffett Foundation is worth over $2.7 billion.   Its largest grant was to MSI-US whose stated purpose is to provide abortion services – 2017 grant $47.9 million.   Other contributions include NAF – National Abortion Federation – $31.8 million. And Population Services International whose ambassadors include Ashley Judd and Debra Messing – $34.4 million. It’s most recent charity review by GiveWell stated that: “The evidence we have seen does not clearly show that PSI has the impact it intends” while at the same time praising PSI for “(a) focusing on programs with proven impact and (b) monitoring whether these programs are implemented effectively.”

Phil Harvey has been instrumental in many of these abortion organizations including Population Services International, CARE, DKT International and Marie Stone International. Marie Stone was infamously named in a lawsuit citing forced sterilization on women in Africa.  Harvey was instrumental in challenging President Reagan’s policy that disallowed NGO’s from receiving government grants for abortion as well as explicitly opposing prostitution and sex trafficking. The policy was removed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, re-imposed by George W. Bush in 2001 and removed again by Barack Obama in 2009.

DKT International filed a lawsuit challenging the Reagan ruling. They were defeated. Then in 2013, the Alliance For Open Society International (George Soros) and Pathfinder jointly filed a lawsuit.  Chief Justice John Roberts declared that “the government cannot force a private organization to publicly profess a viewpoint that mirrors the government’s view but is not held by the organization itself.”

Despite many of these ‘sexual health’ NGO’s claiming they are working to prevent HIV, the number of infected people globally has steadily risen each year with statistics revealing that as of 2017 that number was approximately 37million – an increase of 30% since 2000.

While these NGO’s spend billions each year on abortion in order to reduce population, it is unusual that statistically HIV continues to increase despite thousands of NGO’s claiming they are eradicating it.

Abortions and HIV are not the only combatant:

TB is the leading cause of death among persons infected with HIV, it is also one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide.   According to the CDC, one fourth of the world’s population is infected with TB.   The TB vaccine is not recommended for adults because it is ineffective.   Antibiotic treatments are available but they are expensive and require a six month round of medication which can have severe side effects.

In the US 70% of all TB cases are attributed to non-citizens. The states with the highest rates of TB are California, Texas, New York, and Florida.   Since 1980, the rate of TB cases has more than doubled worldwide. In 2017, there were 10million new cases of TB and 1.6million deaths.   Globally, the highest instances of TB include India, China, Pakistan, and the Philippines.

While population control has been at the forefront of Bill Gates, it would also seem to be the primary focus of Warren Buffett and the various Foundations awarded his children. Of course, avoiding estate taxes would also seem to be his philanthropic venture having distributed $34 billion to his own Foundations since 2006. Given a 40% tax rate, he saved $13.6 billion – of course he encourages higher tax rates – claiming the rich won’t flee… but then most already have their offshore accounts in tax free havens, so what’s another $13 billion?