Psychiatry & Big Pharma ROOT Cause of Psychosis

“Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental conditions.”  The reason patients choose a psychiatrist over a psychologist is ‘medication’. Only psychiatrists can prescribe medications. Like every pharma drug, these medications come with a host of side effects often including the exasperation of the mental condition for which the patient wanted treatment.

Historically, people were considered mentally ill – or a ‘lunatic’ when they exhibited violent behavior for no apparent reason.   Often these people were confined to a ward or hospital for life.   The thought was to remove them from society so they could not harm others. It wasn’t until the 18th century that ‘humanitarian’ aid became part of a treatment program within the confines of a hospital.

At this point of time, England was well known for chaining their mentally ill. As a profession, psychiatry still did not exist and the word was used to apply to any employee who worked in a mental hospital.

By the middle of the 19th century US hospitals for the mentally ill began to call employees inside these institutions, ‘alienists’.   As a profession, psychiatry’s history is an abysmal failure including lobotomies, electro-shock, chains, vests, and then suddenly it all changed…

Drugs and Pharma came to the rescue!

Two hundred years ago, it was believed that a persons sins or the sins of thy father were the root cause of mental illness. As such, curing a person was not possible because the sin followed them everywhere.   Altering the brain was no different than altering the ‘weather’…

Wait and See What Happens…

With the advent of Big Pharma in the early 20th century, cure was no longer the objective. Diagnosis was archaic at best.   Prevention is and always has been – nonexistent.   Instead, drugs were the Powerhouse used to ‘relieve symptoms’. Sometimes that meant making the person a comatose drug addict when the pills were the cause of the ‘excess’ symptoms.

Many of the drugs had the side effect – may cause mental psychosis and or death.  

And like peddle pushing doctors, psychiatrists followed suit because despite all their education they still couldn’t ‘cure’ anyone from anything.   Given this reality, doctors became the patients.

Today we have a massive psychosis problem among the youth.   And they turn to ever more strong drugs to help disway the effects of the drugs that no longer give the same ‘high’.   Canada has the solution – Give illicit drugs away for free in small doses… This as a direct result of psychiatrists declaring that there is ‘misuse of ‘antipsychotic’ drugs.

Pharma’s answer?   Manufacture higher potent drugs and legalize street drugs – so Pharma can legally become a distributor.

Doctors and ‘psychiatrists’ have become lax and will prescribe out of boredom without even a basic analysis.   A teen is ‘depressed’ – psychiatry will prescribe Pharma drugs –   An elderly person in a nursing home doesn’t want to go to bed at the prescribed time – staff will medicate person as having behavioral issues. A boy is bored at school and can’t sit still – schools prescribe behavioral issues and recommend Pharma Drugs.   Schools thus get additional money from the state and feds.

Pharma blames the doctors, doctors blame the patients, and the only winner is – Pharma.

One of the largest causes of true mental disorders is – war.   We call it PTSD. Knowing the ‘causes’ we should be able to eliminate the illness. Instead, psychiatrists have expanded the definition to include normal issues such as; poverty & debt, bereavement, loss, stress, physical health, etc…   NONE of these ‘causes’ are legitimate mental illness – and therein is the rub.

Psychiatry thrives on itself – not on cure or prevention.   Therefore, expanding the definition to include normal reactions is a form of psychosis itself.   Because the entire purpose is greed, laziness, a god-complex on the part of the psychiatrist, feelings of inadequacy in one’s profession, and lack of a valid education that teaches actual cure and prevention.

THIS is why people fear this Adjunct Big Pharma profession.  

It was this same time frame that the Philosophy of theoretical science was elevated to Expert Science…   With the exact same outcome; greed, boredom, laziness and ultimately a sense of unworthiness.

The Scientists asked the Psychiatrists to cure them of their mental illness – boredom – and they were prescribed drugs that made them feel worse.   The cycle of deceit.   To add misery to misery, most psychiatrists chose the profession with the hopes that they could cure their own mental illnesses…

Prescription drug use was peddled across the globe by the Rockefeller Institute which made drugs ‘glamorous’.   A drawer full of loose color coded pills became a status symbol for women during the 1950’s and 1960’s.   Valley of The Dolls!   Grace Slick’s White Rabbit!

It has been revealed that the vast majority of Congress is on a cocktail of prescription meds. Hitler’s mental acuity became significantly altered to disrepair as he was prescribed a witches brew of drugs including; Meth, Cocaine, and Opiates!

IS Congress as hyped on Drugs as Hitler?   Is Netanyahu’s obsession with Bombing countries – a result of a drug cocktail? Are US military using Hitler’s concoction to be able to function?

When a veteran tells a medical professional he/she is suffering from PTSD – the ‘cure’ is drugs.   The same drugs that CAUSE mental illness.

Our REALITY has veered so far off track that our Global Handlers have declared that the track must be destroyed…   Global Handlers have declared – Too many have fallen off the train – and therefore the best solution is to start over – via eugenics – the creation of a super-race of humans and the death of everyone else.   Too far gone, they cannot be cured and are of no benefit to society.   Give them MORE drugs to hasten the end.