Hillary vs. Hillary

The media keeps hyping how Hillary is ahead in ‘the polls’. But they don’t mention what poll nor do they say how they phrased the question. For example, if they were to ask, “Of all the Democrats running for president, who would you vote for?” Ummm, she’s the only one running, so I guess that would definitely put her in the lead…

So, what are you supposed to do if you are a democrat or liberal and you can’t stand Hillary?

Where are her Democratic contenders? Has she made a ‘Pac’ with the Devil to keep all other democratic candidates away, denouncing competition? She could compare notes with Kim Jong-un who garnered 100% of the votes, of course he was the only one running, and if you didn’t vote chances are you were shot.

Biden certainly doesn’t conjure up any sense of reality, he’s too easy to laugh at instead of with. But the problem is, no one really wants to spend the money knowing in advance they can’t contend against Hillary’s Soros funded Pacs and bank accounts. Perhaps the agenda is to keep the pool clean. To not dilute the oil with vinegar. And they may be right. One of the problems with Republicans is that too often they divert votes from a party win by having too many candidates spreading a thin layer amongst each. And when the dust settles on one, all the losers have to pretend they like the winner after throwing mud every which way.

As it stands now, there are three Republicans running against one Democrat with a potential run of three additional Democrats and NINE Republicans. I’m already weary in anticipation of the television ads, the rhetoric, the in-fighting, the glossy headlines, the fake smiles, the jabs and jaunts and overload of media deciphering content that is basically – meaningless. UGH!

Who is the biggest winner? The media of course, because they sell all the advertising spots! The money rolls. It certainly would save money to have just one candidate running… Just kidding!

With so much ugliness surrounding her recently, Hillary would seem doomed from the getgo, so what keeps her afloat? Media manipulation, lots of coaching, some plastic surgery, and probably a life coach to help soften that hardline, don’t give a damn attitude.

Re-creating Hillary. Who will she be now?

Apparently, she is targeting the young voters, although I think that’s a mistake. I would think she was far too much like the nasty grandma who pinches your cheek and makes young people cringe. Anyway, as such, her primary issues include: LGBT rights, marijuana, immigration, climate change and education.

A. **Education: 1) increase Pell grants to $10,000 after a person completes a year of ‘national service’. 2) Allow students to refinance loans at lower rates.

What is ‘national service’? Serving in the military. How can students refinance? Not sure yet.

B. **Climate Change: 1) carbon tax (carbon = coal, petroleum and natural gas), and 2) research.

Problem. Non carbon footprints include; wind, sun, hydroelectric and nuclear. Today 70% of electricity is produced using fossil fuels, 50% from coal and 20% from natural gas. Therefore the carbon tax would transfer to electricity as well.

Problem 2: Nuclear waste. We have yet to find of valid and safe method of disposal. We currently have over 88 nuclear facilities in operation with 5 more coming on in the next few years. Young people are hugely concerned about nuclear, especially given the most recent implosion in Japan and the fallout. Selling young people nuclear, is an uphill battle.

And research? I think we’re a bit over uncontrolled research projects that waste immeasurable dollars. Yuck.

C. **Pot: she wants more – research…

D. **LGBT: Advocate.

E. **Immigration: She wants to wave a wand and make everyone here – legal. Problem? What happens to all the people that are in the trials of getting through legally? What happens to those people today, tomorrow and the next day? Do you just open the gates to anyone and everyone unilaterally?

The Ghouls that are out of the closet and following her include:

  1. having upwards of eight to ten different email addresses that she used while Secretary of State illegally.

  2. Benghazi – a mess that caused numerous deaths – conceivably at her hands.

  3. Using an aide while in the White House as Secretary of State who was on two payrolls (illegally) and who has potential ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

  4. operating a foundation that has all sorts of shadowy chemtrails involving Middle East agenda’s the Ukraine agenda and little to no evidence of true charity

  5. advanced age and potential undisclosed health problems

  6. lies unfolding more often that challenge her credibility

Who likes Hillary? Hollywood certainly, she represents the proverbial ‘Queen’. She plays the ‘poor me’ candidate with historical reference to Bill’s dalliances. She has a powerhouse of money backing her. She represents something new – a woman president. Although it isn’t new really like she’s making history. Females who are world leaders include; Brazil, Bangladesh, Argentina, Germany, Liberia, Denmark, Lithuania, Kosovo, Jamaica, – there are 22!

It would be prudent to review why Hillary lost to Obama. The most glaring reason that might encompass a number of faults would be that she was simply too arrogant. She assumed the win would belong to her. And that arrogance follows her much like the dustbowl that follows the character in the Peanuts comic strip, Pigpen.

Once, after bathing and dressing in clean clothes, “Pig-Pen” stepped outside his house, and instantaneously became dirty and disheveled, whereupon he declared to Charlie Brown, “You know what I am? I’m a dust magnet.”