UK saysTrump Demonizing Socialist Democrats…

The new Media Meme circulating throughout the US and EU is that Republicans are ‘demonizing Democrats as being Socialists, baby killers and anti-Semitic.   But, they are.  So it isn’t demonizing, it is reporting facts. 

Even the very non-independent, Independent UK Telegraph, has jumped on this rather bizarre twisted assertion claiming that Trump set it in motion at his SOTU address when he stated that America will not succumb to Socialism.   Of course, Democrat/Socialists are quick to point out that the US already has socialist agencies within its ranks including the US military, welfare, Medicare, and Medicaid.   And to some extent this is true, even Congress is socialist, they collect a wage for doing nothing.  But it is also worth noting who voted in these socialist programs and why.

Medicare and Medicaid are relatively new having been created in 1966 under the auspices of Lyndon Johnson, Democrat.  Since then the cost of healthcare has risen 800%.  Well golly-gee, that worked well.  And despite arguments that doctor supply triggered the rise in costs, the supply of doctors has doubled per 100,000 legal citizens in this same time period.  Well go figure…

Welfare was a part and parcel of The New Deal signed into law by Roosevelt, a Democrat, through Executive Order, bypassing Congress because, well, there was no way in tarnation it would have ever passed otherwise!

Congressional salaries didn’t even exist until 1855 when Democrat President, Franklin Pierce, a proponent of slavery, a lawyer who was sworn into office by pledging his allegiance to a law book instead of the Bible, effected a relatively lucrative salary to Congress which – stuck.  Only to be ‘doubled’ by Democrat President Andrew Johnson in 1865.  Halleluja!

Of course, the point of the UK Independent article was to ‘demonize’ Trump by claiming that Republicans are demonizing Democrats, and well, it becomes the Demon Party ticket.

Of course the entire article emerges as rather snarky and wimpishesque as it miffs about the bad, bad deplorables who are calling the Democrats Socialists and baby killers, and after two judo years of annihilating Trump – they just can’t stand suddenly finding themselves the – target.   It reminds me of Macron.

The fact that the Democrats have rallied behind late state abortion/infanticide, and increased Socialist agendas, seems to allude the author’s brain realm.  The fact that the Socialist organizations instituted in our government were done at the behest of Socialist/Democrats, would also seem to allude the – author.

However, I am left with One Socialist organization in the US that bears discussion – the military.

The history of an organized military dates back to 2700 BC, which would coincide with the development of trade and travel and borders, but most specifically Sumer (Iraq) and Elam (Iran) as they battled for supremacy.    Dynasties rose and fell according to their military aggressions, supported by their monarchial rule.   I suppose in that essence they were always supported by their respective governments.  But it differs in philosophy from the concept of Socialism in that they, the military, perform a very self sacrificing service for a small pittance of change – whereas welfare and ‘social programs’ are all about giving money to those who contribute – nothing.

Back to the UK Independent article demonizing Trump for demonizing Socialist Democrats.

The Alice in Wonderland Green Deal issued by Ocasio-Cortez was simply – well, Alice in Wonderland, and yet according to the non-independent Independent, it was endorsed by 70 Democrats in the House and 12 in the Senate.   Which makes them – Socialists.  Not sure why that isn’t a relative scientific numeric fact-thingy…

So we are calling a spade a spade, and they don’t like it, and instead they call it demonizing?

In the end all this reveals that even some of the more simplistic journalism isn’t even attempted by ‘journalists’ lest they discover that Socialism has multiple definitions – those who work and sacrifice for their wage – and those who do nothing and get forever freebies.   The Socialist programs instituted by the Democrats were created to dummy down the population as a whole, people were given handouts to do – nothing.  The military was created to defend, honor, and sacrifice their ‘everything’ for the people.  As such, the comparison is hugely – remote.

NOT THE SAME.  And I am more than miffed that this travesty of definition has been so morphed and spoiled by the Liberal/Socialist/Democrat individuals…  into a wimpy miff-faced, you hurt my feelings after two years of absolute hate filled chaos logged and lodged at Trump and anyone who supports our President, that the people seem to submit to the failed definition, including politicians who supposedly managed Harvard degrees despite their poverty upbringing!

How can that possibly be?   I think I’ll have to ask the Wizard.   Because, surely, only the Wizard could possibly know the answer…