Child Detention Centers Generated $5.2 Billion Annually?

October 2012, a scathing article was written exposing the Obama Practice of putting illegal alien children crossing the border alone in prison like detention centers, and given the lack of space, sometimes they had to be housed at military facilities.   Between October 2011 and June 2012, border agents apprehended 15590 children and put them in detention centers.   There were no parents in these shelters. 

In 2014, a USA Today article again unleashed a scathing report as it exposed 90,000 unaccompanied children were now living in US detention centers, while 1100 of them were being housed at a Texas Air Force base due to lacking space.

It was revealed that according to Homeland Security:

“Several temporary and permanent resettlement centers on the border have opened just to house unaccompanied migrant children. But the HHS’ Administration for Children & Families, which has responsibility for the children, won’t say where the centers are or how much is being spent for the kids’ care.”

Federal law states that the unaccompanied children are supposed to be turned over to HHS within 72 hours and then reunited with parents or other relatives already living in the United States.

But they weren’t – otherwise there would be no need for so many Detention Facilities.  Follow The Money.   The Walmart in Brownsville Texas that garnered all kinds of conspiracy theories that it was going to be a prison for US citizens when Obama declared Marshall Law – was actually transformed into a ‘children’s detention facility’ and shuttered from the press or public – by Obama.

The conditions of some facilities were so awful a complaint was filed by the American Civil Liberties Organization citing children not even given water, molestation, and beatings.   At the time federal funding cuts were being made against organizations that were tasked with addressing this problem. Appropriations were scarce, and according to the article:  “The problem with the administration is they don’t want to give information,” he said. “In fact, there’s times when they don’t want to give information to members of Congress. It’s almost like they don’t want the American public to know about the situation.”

The issue was obviously quite alive and thriving throughout the entire tenure of the Obama Administration who wanted to cover it up, and pretend it didn’t exist.

In fact, the exact same photos were being splashed across the media exposing ‘cages’ and over-crowded facilities – in 2014.

But it even gets better for those with short term memory loss.  In 2016, Obama was attempting to force the state of Texas to grant the largest child detention facility a new classification “Child Care Facility”, despite the fact that it was originally built as a prison for men.   It boasts a gym, Zumba classes, a beauty salon, playgrounds and a school, not exactly short-term – as in 72 hour holding.   While opponents wanted the facilities shut down and the children released, Obama argued that it would not be in their best interest and granting child care status would open the facilities up to receiving considerably more government funding.

A former employee at one of the Texas centers stated that, “security locked up migrant mothers who spoke out about the conditions. She said a psychologist worked as an informant for federal agents, and that her bosses regularly asked her to omit complaints to hide them from government audits. In early 2015 and again in December 2015, migrants at the center went on hunger strikes.”

Obama argued that sending the children to live with their relatives while giving them an ‘ankle bracelet’ to monitor them would only cost $17 a day compared to the $159 per day it cost to house a child in a detention center – or roughly $4800 per month per child – $58,000 per year!  And Obama wanted to expand the cost… why?  Most likely because he is a share holder through a series of offshore trust accounts.

So the disservice that Time Magazine, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Mika Brzezinski and all the despicable faces in Hollywood  have conveniently forgotten – is the POLICY was not only created by the Obama Administration, but they fought tooth and nail to make it into a mega-business venture utilizing taxpayer funding! At $58,000 a head times 90,000 children – that translates to a $5.22 billion annual revenue…