Hillary – What Is A Progressive Democrat?

How is it that we have come to the point in our evolution whereby lying is an accepted value?

Hillary Clinton embraces lying like it is a newborn child that she cherishes and nurtures. Truth seems to mean absolutely nothing to her as she continues spilling fabrications that are easily proven to be – fabrications. When her team of writers come together to create her speeches, do they insert these lies purposefully? Because if they do, then they assume We the People are idiots, unworthy of the Truth. If they don’t, they are making themselves appear rather stupid.

Does her campaign manager tell her, “Just lie, everyone knows that’s who you are, no sense in pretending otherwise…”    Or does she go off the teleprompter and make these statements without approval from the campaign staffers?

Hillary began her career embroiled in a scandal and she has maintained a healthy travelgate of scandals since. She is to scandals what dust was to Peanut’s, ‘Pig Pen’. Totalitarianism. Totalitarian regimes stay in political power through an all-encompassing propaganda campaign, which is disseminated through the state-controlled mass media and a single party that is often marked by political repression, personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance and widespread use of terror.”

The disappearing documents regime of Hillary began when she was working for Rose Law Firm and subpoenaed documents suddenly went missing – for two years. In addition, a missing hard drive that was ultimately found but significantly damaged, were all part of the beginning of the Hillarygate scandal that would morph and grow exponentially.

An accomplice, friend and attorney for the Clinton’s turns up dead – ruled a suicide despite the fact that evidence was tampered with, the autopsy was lame, most of the photos of the murder scene were declared over-exposed and trashed, no bullet was ever found, the gun didn’t have his fingerprints and has no history, the gun was created from 3 separate guns, a mysterious wound on his neck that was not noted, no toxicology report, and a handwriting expert who found the suicide note an ‘obvious forgery’. It was all “Game Of Cards” style of botched investigation/cover-up.  And the lone possible perp?  A hit by the Clintons.

But all this was just the start of the Clinton debacle that has extended for three decades! Still, in this topsy-turvy world she is considered quite a viable presidential candidate… and we vilify Putin… Seriously?

I’d say that pretty much sums up what a Clinton regime would look like in the White House. Winston Churchill used the term ‘totalitarianism’ to describe Hitler. Italy’s Fascist regime during WWI embraced a dictatorship rule termed totalitarianism. It became the Bolshevik cry during the reign of Marxist-Stalin rule in Russia after the assassination of Nicholas II in 1918.

And we now face this very real possibility here in the US.

Hillary’s stance on the issues, including; individual rights, domestic issues, economic issues, and defense and international issues align almost perfectly with Bernie Sanders. Sanders is a die-hard Socialist by self definition, Clinton is a ‘Progressive Liberal Democrat’ by self definition. Yet their ideologies align nearly perfectly. How can that be?

There was just one issue in which they disagreed, gun control. Bernie had ‘no opinion’, and Hillary, like Obama, vehemently supports greater gun control.  Why?  because you can’t defeat a populace that has a means for self defense.

So is Hillary a closet Socialist? The question has been debated, she has adamantly denied it, and yet, she is backed by George Soros – an atheist, of jewish cultural background, whose mentor was Karl Popper, a self professed socialist bordering on communism. Soros calls himself a ‘progressive liberal’, the same label that Hillary uses to define her political ideology. But, what does that mean?

The definition is actually a difficult track. A liberal typically wants higher taxes in order to use taxpayer money to fund their ideas for a better world, while a progressive wants to use more government ‘power’ to rule. Kant, Hegel and Marx were proponents of ‘Progressivism’. Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt were both Progressives. The movement has been defined radically from Imperialism to scientific racism, to state interventionism, to neoliberalism which fell somewhere between classical liberalism and socialism.

So while Hillary vehemently denies she is a Socialist, she is inches away no matter how you want to manipulate the wording. The only difference?   She advocates for larger and greater government control which begins leaning towards totalitarianism and the dreaded communism. For the Clinton-Soros agenda, it’s more about power and control.

Hillarygate is therefore a neoliberal progressive liberal socialist with imperialism tendencies which could evolve into a totalitarian regime lean into communism.  America!  be careful what you wish for because you just might get it!

And the only reason Bill and Hillary are still together today? They have too much dirt on each other to risk.