Syria Rebuild: Germany Bidding for Contracts?

Syria is still in the gray throes of media efforts to spill a rather topsy-turvy rendition of what happened, including the notion, as stated by Germany’s,, returning Syrian refugees from Germany to Syria, is not going to happen…  In addition, Germany feels that the Assad regime, ‘depopulated the areas in which insurgents were strong’and this alludes to Germany claiming the refugees are all opponents of the Assad regime and Assad will therefore torture and kill them…

Ok, there are rather striking and obvious misstatements!

  1. If Syrian refugees want to go home, how can Germany refuse to allow them unless they consider them prisoners of Germany?
  2. Assad ‘depopulated the ‘insurgents’ also known as ISIS, al Qaeda, al-Nusra, and a host of radical terrorists which Germany, the UK, US, and Canada initially aligned with under Obama before alternate media pointed out these were the ‘bad guys’ beheading, raping, torturing, plundering and killing!

Which means that Germany’s government controlled media is already attempting to rewrite history instituting themselves as savior instead of perpetrator.  A rather bold approach but one that mimics the false media Protocol that is censoring news across the globe.

In the midst of this, Russia has already released documentary evidence to European governments and the UN, which proves the same White Helmets and ‘insurgents’ who were hailed as hero’s, are planning anotherchemical attack in Idlib, the last stronghold that has not been retaken by Assad.  The media plume has most likely already written their articles and ‘op-ed’ on the attack well before it has happened.   Of course, it goes without mention that Germany and the UK will undoubtedly blame Assad and Russia, the scapegoats for everything Soros.   Despite the obvious.

Film crews from Middle Eastern channels as well as ‘one major US media station’ are already pre-screening the coverage of a future attack…  Make-up, camera’s, action, screams, running, devastation… a movie in progress.

And lastly, it would seem that Germany has somehow forgotten that Syria is not a German territory, but a Syrian country governed by Syrians for Syrians in their quest to determine what will occur in Syria, for whom and by whom.

Within this bizarre rhetoric, the German government is arguing about how to rebuild Syria with the help of the UN without actually giving any money to Syria’s government, aka Assad, which sounds rather like the de facto coup that was the rationale to destroy Syria in the first place!

Apparently, Germany is not exactly paying attention, or else they are filling the minds of Germans with false news because Assad gets to determine whose money he wants, and Germany, the US and Saudi Arabia are NOT on the list.  So the discussion is rather arrogant.

Apparently, Germany is under the odd belief that they are annexing Syria and using rebuilding as blackmail.  Only Syria’s government and the Syrian people don’t have a say-so.    Because Merkel doesn’t recognize them as people…

So what does Syria have left that Germany so desperately wants?

Oil and gas fields still exist, but it would appear that governance over land is most important for transpipelines, for control of farming and agriculture, and for ‘rebuilding’.  Whoever owns the land dictates the contracts.    As in the US, the Syrian government can dictate eminent domain and confiscate all land from foreign governments – but I imagine a new emboldened fight would ensue…

In 2015, the Guardian published an article in which the plight of Syrians was analyzed.  Contrary to the media publications today, Syrian’s left Syria not because of Assad, but because their country was being bombed to oblivion by Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, US, UK, Germany etc…, and between 357,000 and 500,000 people died, roughly 1/3 were civilians.  Of course the numbers are rather oblique.  During wars, the numbers tend to have a range of +/- that defies reality.  For example, deaths attributed to WWII range from 50 to 80 million – how do you lose count of 30 million people?

At any rate:   There was no infrastructure left, no hospitals, no houses, no markets, they left because their country was being reduced to rubble.  Not because of Assad, but because the aforementioned governments concluded that a new regime needed to be created, likely at the behest of the Saudi’s in a tit-for-tat blackmail scheme.

In the meantime, Syria is holding its own conference in Damascus wherein attendees include Arab and expatriot businessmen willing to fund the redevelopment of Syria, including partners from Iraq and Yemen.  I imagine Russian and Iran are also allowed to bid, and will most likely retain the drooled over contracts that Germany counted on should Hillary have won the election and apportioned the booty – much like after WWi and WWII.

But that plan has been foiled.   Only Germany is still pretending.  Shhhh, don’t tell them….