Media Hypocrisy – Science as Theory – Medicine as a Philosophy…

It is so much FUN when hypocrisy is caught red-handed.   In the universe of diversity and support of all things minority/black, the Liberal Media are quick to lash out at the nasty conservatives for promoting a nearly all white old male agenda within their ranks of business.   And yet, the most prominent within the MSM tend to be the least diverse.   Case in Point:

CNN:   Their executive team in 2020 was made up of 15 members. Nary a one was black, Asian, Hispanic or Indian.   Pretty young women represented 40% of the Team.   Today, they retired a few and added a few for a total of 17 members, including a black female diversity officer, a black male VP of Standards who came from NYT and Ford Foundation, and an ‘interim’ black woman as head of Human resources, firing the white woman.   This brought the sum total of female representation to 40% while adding the newly created ‘Diversity Department’ and replacing a number of old white men with younger white men.

New York Times:   Their Executive team totals just nine members; two white women, five white men, one black woman newly acquired January 2021, and one black man. The women represent 30% and the two black persons represent 22%.

Washington Post:   The Executive Team is composed of 13 individuals;   including 11 men, one of whom is Indian the remainder are white.  And the alternate would include their 2 token women.   No blacks or Hispanics at all.   Odd…

 US NEWS & World Report:   just loves to label everything conservative as racist and misogynist.   So lets see who represents their Team of 28.   Woman = 12 including one Indian, Men = 16 including 3 Indians.   But wait!   What happened to all the blacks and Hispanics and Asians???   Tch, tch.  Apparently they don’t exist!

Politico:   The nonpartisan, non-non, left leaning liberal magazine has a Leadership Team of 35 individuals.   They would be comprised of 3 black women (8.5%), one of whom is in charge of the newly created ‘Diversity Department’, 1 Chinese woman, 1 Japanese woman, and 1 Indian male.  Outside of that – everyone is white.  Gender diversity would include 18 men and 17 women. An A+ in gender, and an F in Black and Hispanic diversity.

Former Director-General and CEO of the BBC and New York Times was required to step down amidst a lawsuit alleging racism, sexism, ageism, and misogyny.     The resignation at BBC came amidst scandals involving pedophile Jimmy Savile, whereupon Thompson transferred to the NYT.   TA-DA!   The suit was brought against these media outlets by 2 black women citing Mr. Thompson, chief revenue officer and Meredith Kopit Levien, CEO. Mr. Thompson resigned and Mz Levien remains CEO.

The problem with “Wokeness” is that it is a fairly new term having arisen with the advent of Black Lives Matter in 2014. Seven years later, it would seem that MSM is still SNORE Asleep!   The Washington Post which has no blacks or Hispanics at all and a female representation of 15% on its executive team, declared it was in solidarity with the Russian rock group Pussy Riot  in 2012 as – woken to female oppression.    Really?   How are they WOKEN?

Talking the talk – is a rotted feces.

Apparently ‘wokism’ is considered a summation of the leftist political ideology which centers on;   social justice and critical race theory.

Two “Cultural Scientists’, Rosalind Gill whose degree is in social psychology, and Akane Kanai who teaches media, film and journalism, are considered warriors who are  concerned about ‘woke capitalism’.   Because of course capitalists cannot by definition be ‘Woke’!   Silly me.   Only leftist Liberals are allowed to be woke. But then I wasn’t aware that psychology and media had become ‘scientific’ endeavors.   But it would explain how the Media and Hollywood feel quite confident in their conveyance of all things Science.

In antiquity, science was equated to an individual of upper class who was well educated and was investigating nature. These same scientists were considered philosophers.   Thinkers, astronomers, philosophers.

Then with the decline of the Roman Empire, there was a corresponding decline of intellectuals.   It wasn’t until the Middle Ages when , Aristotle from 500 BC, was resurrected as a source of knowledge.

Little else evolved until the 1800’s, 2300 years after the science philosophers, that ‘natural’ was replaced with such terms as biologist, physicist and scientist elevating their theories to mini-gods. At which point sociology, economics and geography became known as ‘Science’.   And later, social science included; law, business, public policy, and even marketing!

So, technically speaking when our esteemed media, neighbor, or governor declares that we must ‘follow the science’ they could actually be referring to “follow the marketing advertisers”, or “follow the lawyers”, or even “follow the psychologists”!!

Because they are all considered Scientists now.  Everybody is a Scientist.

Of course the definition becomes even more hilarious as Formal Science includes: system theory, and theoretical computer science.  

BY definition, Theory is:   a supposition, an opinion, a hypothesis, a conjecture, or simply, a belief.   Nowhere is there the term – FACT.

Synonyms of Medicine include:   healing, cure, practice and science.   Medicine is NOT healing or cure, and the practice is science – or theory – or opinion.

It appears I have digressed a bit from my original topic of hypocrisy.   But the frame is still consistent.   Hypocrisy is being deceitful.

And the deceit of “Follow The Science” would be that Science is anything more than a belief or opinion.   And the media is everything – deceitful.