Trump’s Senate: Holds All The Power

There are a number of significant differences in the power of the House vs the senate.  While every state is awarded 2 senators, 100 total, the House is made up of Districts, 435 total.   Gerrymandering is used on the state level to create Districts, so as to favor a particular cluster that votes for a favored party.  This is what Eric Holder and Barack Obama have been busily doing for the last two years.  It was on our ballot here in Colorado and won.  Not good.  But most people don’t understand what it even means, so it is relatively easy to get passed.

However, the most significant difference between the two is power, the Senate is by far more powerful than the House.

European leaders are futzing about attempting to see the Blue Wave as being garnered with the majority House members, but that would indicate they have no knowledge of how the US government system works… or they are attempting to give their constituencies false – fake news… Certainly they wouldn’t do such a thing?

The role of the House is initiating revenue based legislation.  Once initiated, it goes to the Senate for approval.  For example any type of tax change must be initiated from the House.  But requires Senate approval before it can go forward.

By contrast, the Senate has sole power of approval on foreign treaties and cabinet and judicial nominations, including appointments to the Supreme Court.  They don’t need House approval.

Trump has already gotten his ducks in line with regard to House based legislation, while having control of both houses these past two years.  Basically, he didn’t ‘need’ the House any longer, and can now focus on Senate issues for the remainder of his term.

In cases of impeachment, the House determines if charges can be brought with a majority vote.  That vote is sent to the Senate which requires a two thirds vote to determine if charges have merit or not.

The length of term for a House member is two years for all, for a Senate member it is six years with 1/3 staggered every two years.  Therefore controlling the Senate now extends through the possible second term for Trump whereas the House will be up for re-election 2020.

“In the Senate, the tactic called filibustering is allowed. Once the floor is ceded to a senator, he or she can speak for as long as the senator chooses, on any topic; no other business can be transacted while the person speaks. A filibuster is used to block potential legislation or Senate decisions until a favorable vote can be called. This has resulted in sometimes comically absurd efforts on the part of senators. For example, during a 2013 filibuster over the Affordable Care Act, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) read from Green Eggs and Ham.”

Investigations have already been initiated against several political members as well as FBI, CIA and internal security members.  Now that the midterms are behind us, those investigations are free to gain traction that could implode the Democrat base as the House of Cards begins to fall.  It is a process.  It takes tactics.  It doesn’t happen in a day, a month or even a year.  But Trump has vowed he will do everything in his power to make sure Swamp members are drained by the next election.

Even Trump backing Pelosi is a tactical maneuver.  She is easily roiled, she speaks rhetoric without basis, she isn’t the brightest, and she has no tactical mentality, no business acumen and no inherent military intelligence, not to mention she is – 78 years old.  Keeping an eye on Pelosi is better than having someone else in power who actually could be a threat.

So basically, Trump is capitalizing on her grandiose ego.

In the meantime, Republicans desperately need young power.  They need to find conservative ‘Beto’s’ who can sway public opinion based on their suavé appeal.   Only we need someone(s) who actually have a head on their shoulders, gutsy, and able to withstand whatever slime is liberally tossed.

For now.  Winning the Senate was much more important.  It gives us time and more breathing space.  The House can battle from within while Trump and the Senate move on forward.

The Tortoise And The Hare.