COP21, Paris Summit -a Biosphere failure

Biosphere. Remember the 1980’s and 1990’s attempt to create a mini earth environment? Their motives and aspirations were truly grounded and worthy! But the results were not exactly what they hoped and anticipated. The $200 million experiment was a success in that it was a failure.

The purpose was to create a mini-me earth. To replicate the environment in a way that could teach us how to be more sustaining – with less. But the earth is much more complex in its design and balance structure. Imagine in the human body there are 25,000 genes. Damaging a part of one can result in down syndrome, alzheimers, cancer, MS, etc… Now imagine earth and the billions of ‘genes’ that make up the body… damaging a part of one might cause our axis – to move.

Housing a rainforest, an ocean, a swamp, a tropic, and a savannah grassland, the idea of the Biosphere was to see if life could be sustained in space or on another planet. This controlled environment captured dew and condensation recycling it back. A wave machine created ocean currents and giant turbines serve to blow wind. They trucked in tons of soil, water from the Sea of Cortez, created contained hydroponic gardens and aquaponic rice paddies. They had a team of scientists confine themselves within the biosphere for two years – and the result? Abject failure.

They couldn’t create enough calories fast enough, malnutrition and weight loss contributed to illness, tension and disputes and even accusations of cheating arose. But the greatest problem they encountered was “wildly fluctuating CO2 emissions”.   The same CO2 that we combat in our present day climate change agenda that the White House and some governments attribute to man.   But the biosphere didn’t have pollution, or industrial activity, or oil wells, or cars – it had only plants, a few animals and some insects.  So what made the CO2 go crazy?

Most of the vertebrae and pollinating insects died. Fish died. But ants and cockroaches thrived and took over.

Panicking, to try and regulate the volatility of the CO2, oxygen was injected at higher levels and deactivation of the savannah and desert were routinely done to attempt to increase photosynthesis.  Didn’t work.  They decided that microbes in the soil were actively increasing the carbon CO2.  Naw.   Ultimately, they found that the carbon dioxide was reacting with the ‘exposed concrete’ forming high volumes of calcium carbonate.

Calcium carbonate is found in rocks, stone and concrete products and when it decomposes it becomes carbon dioxide. How does it decompose?  By contact with heat and water.  Simplistically, this would mean that a planet that is paved in concrete and stone, will decompose its calcium carbonate (concrete) into Carbon dioxide emissions …and Houston, we have a problem.  

Concrete jungles. Turning and churning all that CO2 mixed with exhaust into the atmosphere and choking oxygen from our environment. Hence we have oxygen facials, oxygen saunas, oxygen cafes, oxygen spas… because oxygen levels in major cities are close to levels at 13,000 feet. And while flowerbeds on highrise rooftops might lower excessiv heat, no amount of flower beds on rooftops will be enough to photosynthesize all that – concrete/calcium carbonate dissolving to carbon dioxide.

The Biosphere failed to understand that all things contribute to an ecological balance, including; animals, birds, beetles, bees, wasps, butterflies, etc…all plants, all species, including man. Years ago, this balance phenomena was exemplified in a study of the Amazon rainforest. Each animal, insect, creature big and small had an impact on the environment, down to the ‘dung beetle’ whose job it was to cleanup – the dung.  Omit one, and you change everything.

In our attempt to ‘control’ the weather, as in Weather Modification, we may have disrupted its natural course forever. Shooting holes into our atmosphere, shifting wind currents, seeding clouds, fog dispersion, hail suppression, all coincidentally began the same year that Obama’s scientists claim CO2 emissions increased and global warming began – 1965.

Our world is an amazing place to be sure. To the best of our knowledge no other planet exists like it. Beauty is abundant!   I see nothing wrong with adopting as much solar power as we possibly can. But the Paris Summit, or COP21, is a farce by anyone’s standards. All 195 nations in the world reached an agreement… but only 125 were present… but each nation must get approval of their home governments before that agreement is legally binding…, at any time a country can simply ‘opt out’, and every country must put forth a plan that may vary widely from others, that has no mandate CO2 reduction, and that can be instituted over the next 10-20 years when most of those leaders will be long gone, but it doesn’t really matter because its all voluntary with no penalties for failure…   And even if all nations comply, it is accepted that it will amount to half the necessary reductions to achieve the desired result!   That’s a success???  Help me here!

So what is Obama’s plan?  According to the White House, Obama is personally responsible for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 17%. Coincidentally, the US Solar Industry issued a report that found that US solar power had increased by 17% – in 2007. Hmmm, fishing for sand?

It is estimated that solar at its peak can sustain about 8% of our needs in the US. As of 2014, there were 515 MW of solar powered plants under construction and another 3,684 MW under development. Germany has 10x that MW capacity and solar accounts for roughly 6.9% of electricity. A long way to go…

Oh, and by the way, the Biosphere shows that global temperatures have risen 1’ since the year 900.  Not to panic.