Trump Travel Ban – Canada Worse…

The Trump Travel Order is so ridiculously over-stated it is almost laughable. Reports have emerged of travelers ‘inconvenienced’! Oh my Gosh – Imagine! According to a Reuters article, DHS claimed that 375 travelers had been affected by the Order.

On any given day, thousands of travelers are ‘inconvenienced’ by airlines canceling flights, missing connections, and/or losing baggage!

Starbucks is so incredibly incensed and outraged they have vowed to hire 12,000 refugees… Well if you were so concerned for their welfare why was a travel ban necessary in order to have encouraged that action? Couldn’t you have hired them – before?

Canada has stated it will open its borders to any travelers not allowed in the US. The PM, Trudeau tweeted this in response to Trump:

“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength”.

Awww Shucks!

Who are Canada’s immigrants?  BY the numbers – UK, China, India, Philippines, Italy, US, Hong Kong, Germany, Poland, and Vietnam rank as the top 10 – Iran is number 18 on the list, Iraq is number 39, and Syria is number 62…

Liberals are quick to gush!   But what is Canada’s True track record? What do they actually DO as opposed to what they ‘say they will do’?

HEADLINES:   “Canada is officially resettling more Syrian refugees than many other countries”.

TRUTH Dissect:   “Many other countries” could mean more than Iceland, Brazil, Columbia and Bolivia… It’s a stupid claim.

Canada – Go Stuff It!

Facts: Canada rolled out a program in 2009 that was supposed to take in 25,000 refugees by 2014. They pushed it to 2105. Then 2016. Now 2017. By February 2016, they had actually embraced about 14,000. The private sector embraced another 8500.

But even their tabulation is mired:

Between 2013 and 2016, 1500 Syrians that had already been in Canada and nationalized requested refugee status so they would be eligible for monetary relief.

In addition, Canada’s program did not consider refugees living in actually Syria or camps, instead they would only accept Syrian refugees who came from Jordan, Turkey or Lebanon…?  As in – already vetted – and no mention of ‘children’ at all…

They anticipate the program to cost $678million or roughly $27,000 per refugee.  By comparison, it is estimated that refugees cost over $60,000 each annually in the US.

Traveling to Canada?

My blond, blue eyed 23 year old son went on a three week excursion in December that included taking a train from Seattle to Vancouver. Upon arriving in Canada, he was ‘detained’ for nearly two hours during which time he was forced to strip to nothing, prodded, poked, and humiliated. They demanded he give over the passcode to his phone and went through all his texts and emails. They upended his backpack, removing everything that had been neatly rolled (military style) and even took out the metal frame.   They threatened him with jail if he so much as said one word and casually made fun of him repeatedly!

When returning to the US he mentioned this to a group of Canadians on the train and they just laughed and said it was typical behavior for Canadian Border Guards!  Reality Check Canada!

So much for Canadian Hospitality. More like Hypocrisy!

But even Reuters would like to continue amassing the horrors of Iranians and others who were gasp, ‘waiting for several hours’. When even Reuters goes into the chaotic world of DAFTNESS we know we are really quite screwed.

In 2015, approximately 1.3 million people from the Middle East traveled to the US. During the months February, March and April, that number was about 245,000 which included the entire Middle East. Of 16 countries in the Middle East, three are subject to the visa ban, representing a flat math of 18.75% or about 46000 from the banned countries of which DHS says less than 1% will be affected – 460.

Uh, a lot of Media HUBBUB and daftness over 460 people… don’tchathink?