CHINA: US Needs China To Interfere in 2024 Election

China is in a precarious position.   On the one hand – China and Xi Jinping are demonized in “Print” – on the other hand, when the slugs of Washington crawl to the Mainland they bow and scrape like peasants.   So which is it? The answer may lie in the 2024 Election:

It has been asserted that the Dominion machines were linked back to China. China would then alter the numbers and send back revised totals.   IF that is true then the CIA relied on their partner – China – to alter the election outcome in favor of their positioned blackball – Biden.

With the 2024 Election rising slowly in the west, the Cartel is cursing itself for its failure to anticipate a Trump comeback and is now trying to ‘re-court’ China in order to use them again to disrupt the American Elections.   But maybe, just maybe – Xi Jinping said – No. Hence the courting-demonizing routine that is reminiscent of Laurel and Hardy. is in play – Headbonks and all.

When Blinken and Yellen went to China – they did not meet with Xi Jinping – Blinken met Wang Li – a high ranking ‘diplomat’.   Yellen met with ‘Chinese officials’ who purportedly fed her psychedelic mushrooms…  which could explain why she bowed like a slave when meeting her counterpart.   What these two revealed is that China still has the upper hand on Blackmailing western governments.

The question that seems pertinent but ignored would be why would the US send as its trade and development representative – Janet Yellen.   Her resume reads like a classic professor at some liberal college in Vermont.   Sending in this aged personna with no China or Trade experience – was a huge loss of face in the Asiatic world. She is a nobody with no power. So they treated her with disrespect.

Duties of The Secretary of Treasury:   The Secretary of the Treasury is responsible for formulating and recommending domestic and international financial, economic, and tax policy, participating in the formulation of broad fiscal policies that have general significance for the economy, and managing the public debt.

Katherine Tai is the US Trade representative.   She is also chair of the Ways and Means Committee on Trade and a member of the China-US Business Council.   But 80 year old Yellen was sent to China.   WHY?

Outside of the Mafia Cartel – respect is highly regarded.   Intellect is highly regarded. Knowledge is highly regarded.   Yellen and Blinken are NOT.

To put it into perspective, let’s say Google is looking to buy Twitter and to negotiate good relations Musk sends his 80 year old Secretary to meet with Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai to negotiate.   What message is Musk sending?

It Is An Insult.

To build the blocks that China is ‘Bad’ – despite hosting thousands of US companies in China, despite being beholden to China for their resources and manufactured goods, despite the fact the China assisted the US in manipulating the machine vote counters, China is the Pariah. Despite NIH and CDC working in China to help create the CoVid Virus – China is ‘Bad’.

According to China’s Xinhua media the CCP is laughing at the US government:

“Malhar Nabar, a division chief at the IMF’s Research Department, hit the nail on the head, pointing out that the Fed’s more aggressive rate hikes could add pressure to capital outflows in emerging markets, push up imported inflation, increase debt vulnerabilities and reduce policy space.

Under the guise of “de-risking,” the United States continues forging ahead with its policy of protectionism. To further contain and suppress China, America’s “de-risking” narrative has harmed its European allies and brought turmoil to the global economy.”

In other words, Blinken and Yellen accomplished nothing more than a waste of time and now John Kerry is heading to a meeting with Jinping to discuss Climate Change?   Or Bribe.

The US needs China to interfere in the 2024 election on behalf of the liberals.   In 2020, The CATO Institute, BBC, Reuters, and The Wall Street Journal all gave their accounts of how China was manipulating the 2020 election because they desperately did NOT want a Trump victory given Trump’s hardline stance on Trade.   A stance that was aimed at evening out the grossly overstated trade deficit.

China was under the impression that if they aided the left in transferring votes to Biden, they would be guaranteed something in return.   But the Left does not honor contracts – hence the Russia/Ukraine grain deal is about to falter because after a year of Russia abiding by the agreement the West has not – at all.   Minsk Agreement – Merkel declared it was a booby-trap to give time for Ukraine to raise a military with CIA and MI6 assistance.

Taking China out of the global market thru a constant barrage of economic turmoil was hindered by the BRICS.  Hence the West is bending over backwards to woo Modi.   But Modi is no fool either – he will use the West while continuing trade with Russia.   Africa may abandon the US given the infusion of interest rate hikes has collapsed many African countries from being able to meet debt payments.

Declaring Taiwan a US colony and China an invader is – propaganda psychology.   The US and UK took Taiwan from Japan post WWII and ‘gave’ it to China.   In 1950 – Taiwan’s GDP was $1400 per person. The US thought Taiwan were worthless.   Today, Taiwan’s GDP per capita is over $33,000.   The US wants the colony.

The Globalist Cartel may have to find a different country willing to eject votes for President Trump.   But their reputation has been severely muddied.   Their word has no value.   Their ethic is Twalette Water.   They have earned themselves the reputation of a Colombian Warlord.  

And the swampers are now draining themselves.