CoVid 19: NYC Epicenter A Death Sentence… Elmhurst Hospital?

There is a video circulating in which a nurse practitioner reveals some very disturbing facts behind the treatment of CoVid 19 patients at a NYC hospital.   The nurse states that she is providing this information on behalf of her friend who is witness to these horrific details and wishes to remain anonymous out of fear. While she does not provide the name of the hospital, the likely one would be – Elmhurst.

Elmhurst is state owned, meaning under the ultimate auspices and responsibility of Governor Cuomo. It caters to a predominantly Medicaid/Medicare population in a very poor immigrant burrow.   The burrow demographics are 46% Hispanic and 44% Asian with a poverty rate of 27-30%.   The hospital has been cited on a number of occasions for excessive wait times, administration issues, and billing issues. Complaints abound concerning the complete lack of professional care and the rabid incompetence.

The nurse in the video specifically states that these patients were essentially murdered.   Put on ventilators and left to die.   There was no medication other than the antibiotic infused in the IV. But the antibiotic is not for CoVid, it is to remediate the side effects of intubation, which include:  pneumonia, infection, injury to the throat, tearing tissues in the chest, fluid buildup, aspiration and bleeding.

Because a ventilator removes the person from breathing on their own and this causes significant panic, the patient is sedated for the entire time they are intubated.   Meaning they never wakeup.

The option for Hydroxychloroquine is not offered. No zinc, no Vitamin C, D or A is offered or administered.   The option for an oxygen tent or oxygen mask is not offered.


Fentanyl is a common ingredient in various general anesthesia and sedation medications.   Fentanyl can cause serious respiratory complications and pulmonary edema.  Are hospitals administering sedation that includes Fentanyl?

A recipe for death.

New York experienced the highest death rate of any state in the US – 17,671.   The sixth highest in the world!

Indeed. Remember Cuomo demanding Trump provide an ‘additional’ 40,000 ventilators only to discover he had 20,000 hiding in some storage facility?   Ventilators don’t cure, and in this case, may have hastened the death rate due to the cocktail of incompetence.  This conclusion seems to be slowly raised by doctors – the doctors who are tasked with this knowledge…

The other bizarre anomaly in NYC was the method of burial.   In China, cremation was the natural course of action. But in NYC, at Elmhurst, De Blasio instead chose mass burial. Why?   A casket costs a minimum of roughly $1200, not including the cost to dig this mass grave for nearly 18,000 people.   Cremation costs about $300 for basic services.   But the mass burial was a media propaganda tool to instill fear, a cremation would not have the same effect.

Toxins have also been associated with higher incidence of CoVid 19 deaths.   In particular – air pollution. In Elmhurst Burrow, the concentration of ‘fine particulate matter’  the deadliest type of air pollutant, is 0.0077 milligrams per cubic metre slightly higher than the city average. Fifteen percent of Elmhurst residents are smoker, and 20% of residents are obese, 9% are diabetic, and 23% have high blood pressure.

Particulate matter is so fine it can pass through common commercial masks, scarves and materials. It is associated with lung disease, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, aggravated asthma, coughing, kidney disease, etc…

In other words, this epicenter was clearly a target due to NYC’s internal failure to clean up the air pollution. The failure of hospital staff to administer the proper medications, and the over use of ventilators which likely increased the death rate dramatically.   In fact, de Blasio stated that the rate of death of those on a ventilator was 85%.

Today, the esteemed mayor has appointed his wife to co-chair a committee: Racial Inequality Task Force – to determine why New York’s poor were disproportionally affected.

Chirlane McCray, de Blasio’s wife, graduated from Wellesley with a degree in – no one knows and earned her claim to fame by writing an essay entitled, “I Am A Lesbian”. Twelve years later, her bio states ‘she entered politics’ – the same year she met de Blasio.   She has recently stated she will be running for ‘office’ in 2021.

Cuomo has now determined that the cause of the high death rate in New York is the fault of nursing homes.   While cruise ships and nursing homes are considered a petri dish for virus’s, they don’t administer the health care – hospitals do.   And in this case it would appear that the treatment for CoVid in some hospitals was the cause of death.

Given the above information, I think we can disband the Racial Inequality Task Force committee and spend the money on actually fixing the problem.

Please watch this video: