HONORARY DEGREES for Privileged Elitists

Honorary Degrees.   They are have evolved into a bought commodity  – tit-for-tat.   Conferred on people who have not the providence, posture, or intellect to actually ‘earn’ a degree.   They have become so prevalent, there is no worth.   They are dirt compared to diamonds!   But they do garner a potential grant or gift from the benefactor. Nothing more.

The University of Oxford has the prescient obnoxious distinction of being the first and foremost to convey such an award. It was bestowed upon the Dean of Exeter of the Catholic Church so that he might appear privileged to become the Chancellor of the University.

Since then it has been diluted to the point of extreme idiocy.

Bill Gates;   a college dropout has received no less than 7 – honorary degrees.   Why?   Because those universities see him as a source of funding, including: Tsinghau University in Beijing, Harvard, Nyenrode Business Universiteit in the Netherlands, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, Waseda University in Tokyo, The Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and Cambridge. To further embarrass all true graduates who may have excelled in various scientific endeavors, Harvard actually gave him a graduation ceremony.   On par with the Academy Awards.

Gates donated upwards of $35 billion to Harvard.

Gates and Tsinghau University signed a memorandum of agreement in which they advocated for the creation of a transformative drug discovery and translational medicine institute for global health with advanced biomedical research and development capabilities. That would be in 2016.   One year after the Wuhan Bioweapons Institute opened with NIH funding.

Honorary degrees are simply another means of corrupted control.   We own you – Follow The Money.   These prolific degrees do not bestow a bachelors, which Gates never earned, instead, they prefer to knight their benefactors as Doctorates.   A degree which normal students earn over the course of 8-10 years of grueling work.

Little Man Bezos;   was also awarded honorary degrees, the most prominent of which was an honorary doctorate in science and technology from Carnegie Mellon.

Bezos led a white privileged life and ultimately graduated with a bachelors degree in computer science. Never utilizing his degree, he simply moved up the elitist ladder with backing.

Zuckerberg;   like Bezos, like Gates, led a privileged white life with vast wealth. Another college dropout, he received an honorary law degree from Harvard and in his graduation ceremony cited the forces against nationalism while claiming he was the SOLE creator of Facebook. Zuckerberg is also a dominant contributor to Harvard.

China leads the grant pack with $1 billion gifts to – Harvard. Followed closely by Dubai.   What do you suppose these ‘gifts’ require in exchange?   Because absolutely nothing is done without benefit.

Of course if that didn’t make you disgusted, Maxine Waters was the recipient of an honorary Law Degree from the University of DC. Thereby giving the ‘legal profession’ it’s true mark of idiocy. Her unedited bio claims Waters was “educated at California State University” and then worked as a volunteer at Head Start.   Actually, I worked as a volunteer at Head Start too.   When I was 12. The word play would infer that she did not graduate – but ‘attended’ and did nothing until suddenly becoming a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.  Oddly, someone would seem to be remiss in their bio editing/rewriting given the Black Caucus has no mention of Maxine Waters until 1997 meaning she was 60 years old when her career began.   Even more bizarre is Sidney Williams, former ambassador to the Bahamas is listed as her husband, yet his bio diverts to an author who would be 25 years her junior.


Other prominent people who have received honorary doctorates include: Michelle Obama, Meryl Streep, Yoko Ono, Speilberg, De Niro, Winfrey, Stephen Jobs, etc…

ALL this reflects fake biographies – fake degrees – and fake lives somehow being ‘created’ in the political sphere likely by McKinsey & Co – the creator of Fake People.    And in the end, an ‘earned’ degree becomes significantly diluted. Thereby making college enrollment a venture in fantasy instead of prestige.

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