India and Pakistan – at War?

While the elected and paid Democrat officials who have apparently done absolutely nothing of consequence since being elected are busily using Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, make a jack of himself while spouting character assassinations, a war erupted.  Syria and ISIS have stabilized, Venezuela is a Socialist nightmare, but another nightmare, one that could escalate rapidly within a blink, is erupting.

Pakistan and India are bombing each other – and few seem interested enough to take notice before it becomes a thriving cancer.   But they should be – both these countries, which have despised each other for centuries, possess nuclear weapons.

Jaish, a terrorist group that is an offshoot of Al Qaeda and resides in India’s Kashmir is defiantly working diligently to separate their Kashmir from India and create their own Pakistan aligned, sharia law statehood.  It is a stronghold, and it was divied up after WWII by the every arrogant – British.

The land is jointly owned by India, Pakistan and China. India’s portion is occupied and ruled by its historical Hindu and Buddhist community.  Pakistan is Muslim.  While China controls roughly 20% of the land area.  No one has any intention of relinquishing one hectar – ever.

Historically, Kashmir was Hindu/Buddhist until Muslim rule in 1339.  Since then it has been conquered and ruled by Turks, Afghans, and Sikhs again, in the 1800’s.  In 1846 the British took over and later partitioned the country between Pakistan and India completely ignoring China’s possession. Thus skirmishes and wars have erupted  since.

Jaish was formed as an adjunct to the Pakistan military in the late 1990’s and subsequently has been a lead terrorist group in over six attacks including the most recent suicide bombing over India in which 40 security personnel were killed.

India retaliated unleashing a payload of bombs over Jaish strongholds in Kashmir.   The strike caused Pakistani air forces to scramble.  Pakistan’s Prime Minister has issued a statement that they will“respond decisively and comprehensively to any aggression or misadventure” by India.

Pakistan is well aware that Kashmir is a Jaish stronghold, and has done nothing to mitigate this terrorist group.   Historically, funding has surreptitiously been made through principles from Saudi Arabia and the US, particularly under Bush and the former Monarchial Cabal of Saudi Arabia.  Bush is gone and the Saudi Cabal was ousted and sanctioned by Prince Mohammed Bin Salmon who recently visited India and pledged to fight terrorism alongside India.

It is another shift in the allies that were, and the allies that are now in place under regime changes in both the US and Saudi Arabia. 

Numerous information outlets have previously alluded to collusion and funding between various terrorist organizations and Israel’s Netanyahu, Qatar, Saudi Arabia under a legion of rulers including Muhammed Bin Nayef, Mugrin, Salman, Nayef and Sultan, all of whom died in 2011 except for the Crown Prince’s father, Salman, as well as the US under Bush and Obama.

Jaish included.  Why?  To foment chaos, war, and disrupt the balance so as to create a Cabal unified.

Both Prime Ministers are tense with dialogue a possibility, although none has been established.  The primary issue is the fact that Pakistan continues to protect Jaish despite their terrorist label, and despite their repeated skirmishes against India.   As such, India believes Jaish is a representative of Pakistan.

Reminiscent of the Israeli/Palestinian regurgitation of hate; bombs are levied, casualties are now civilian, and there is no one who wants to intervene and take sides.

But this is what happens when boundaries are redrawn… and allotments are arbitrarily contrived.  It is why Africa remains under-developed, corrupt, and slaves within their own governments.  This is what the Cabal wants to create in the US, the EU, India, etc…   Only slaves can be ruled under a Dictatorship.  Only a Dictatorship can support Socialism and Marxism.

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