US Communism: Buyer Beware

When everyone is ‘equal’, and no one is merited for their achievements, it is called “Communism”.  Communism by definition is the absence of social classes.  It advocates the ideology that the root of all problems in society stem from conflict between classes.  Common ownership.  Sharing no matter the labor, no matter the intellect.   Someone with an IQ of 180 is no different than one with an IQ of 80, and thus they may be deemed the exact same labor as determined by the dictatorship government. 

A valedictorian was denied his status despite his credentials because it might ‘offend’ those who didn’t achieve such heights.  It was deemed an unfair and unequal status and eliminated from the High School, East Wake High School, of North Carolina.

Firefighters have fought the communist agenda for decades as requirements were lowered in order to facilitate those who could not pass exams.

Imagine a doctor who was pushed through despite nearly failing every exam?  A politician who didn’t know politics?   A teacher who taught math without knowing basic principles… Of wait, that already exists.

Tolerance has come to mean – “everyone is capable even if they aren’t.

The means to crumble a society is to take away the achievers.

Sex education in the University of California now advocates porn for children as young as 10 or 12 stating that it is healthy and natural.   Yet, in the midst of the worst child sex trafficking ever known to man, somehow the university has no opinion.  Perhaps it is because those making these decisions were shuttled through the system barely able to read, but worthy of equality.

My generation has less than fond memories of this equality indoctrination when our children were in grade school and suddenly awards were granted to everyone no matter their performance.   It wasn’t about ‘winning or losing’, it was whether you showed up.

As all things do in this chaotic society, the pendulum swung so far left, the clock stopped working.

Other countries do not follow this model.  In fact, Germany follows a more purist version of Communism by having the government decide what each student is qualified to do based on their exams at a young age. Once this decision is determined, the child is pushed through his formative education accordingly.  Some are allowed to go to college, others to trade school, and still others are provided simply labor employment – as pre-determined by the Bundestat.

When Russia was Communist, Germany and the US were quite vocal in their denunciation.  And then the shift, the tectonic shift occurred and subtly a New Order was imposed.  So subtle that most didn’t even notice – until it was too late.

We wonder why our country continues to fall in marks, why our youth can’t get jobs, why we don’t excel as compared to even India and China…   Aghast, we have determined that it must be because we need more tolerance, more equality, more safe spaces, more condemnation of excelling, less distinction, less accolade, less…

There is a contingent of home schoolers in the US that have revolted.   And interestingly, the statistics show they excel better than public schoolers, more quickly, younger, and with 1/10 of the cost…

In Germany homeschooling is a crime punishable by jail and fines.

Why?  Because it circumvents the Order, it gives a child choice, it creates dreams, it opens doors.  And those attributes are considered a threat to the “International System of Norms”, aka, the New Order, The New World Order.

This Order advocates a shift of power, not naturally, but irrationally demanded and chaotically created.

The Bible is rather specific that God is Order, and thus, by default, chaos is evil, is sin.

When we hear the depravity from the tongues of Hollywood arrogance, I think most of us are saddened, more than angered, because we see how far they have strayed, how vile is their walk, and how defamed is their soul.   And as the Swamp is cleared more each day, we see that their defamation comes from their sins – the mirror.

And so as we watch the unfolding of the very imperfect Trump, I think it is worthy to note, that his agenda, his heart, in all that is Trump, is working toward the benefit of anti-Communism, and the freeing of an enslave nation.


US Trade Deficit: Began absolute tanking in 1992.  The Billy Years.

As of 2009, US school performance lagged in 29thplace behind Latvia, Korea, Brazil and Chile…

Only 14-15% of US students even enroll to college

It is projected that the cost of a US MBA will rise by 400% between now and 2021.

Since 1980, the cost of one year of college in the US has risen by 600%.

Wile looking’ at the value added of a college education in the US, the statistics show a declining curve.

The bottom line is a system that is rapidly nearing complete implosion, while advocating for greater implosion…   It is such a disservice to our youth and yet, the same Hollywooders and Politicians who create this chaos, do have an agenda.  But it isn’t the benefit of our next generation, it is the systemic fall of society in the US and the EU so as to reinvent Communism as the ‘savior’.



“Buyer Beware”.

“Ostrich with your head in the sand – Beware”.