Wall Street Journal: Inflation is Good… Cheshire Logic.

Wall Street Journal:   Inflation Helps Boost Profit Margins.

Interesting viewpoint.  The implication is that corporations don’t need to raise prices due to any cost issues, and instead are arbitrarily raising prices to suck more money out of Americans while boosting corporate profits.   As a result, they will hail themselves as genius’s and redistribute the wealth in the form of bonus’s for the uber elite.  All while decrying the vast chasm between the elite 1%er’s and everyone else…

The mainstream justification?   Prices in the US have been disproportionately low causing executives to suffer under decades of grinding down costs.

If you didn’t think we were living in Alices’ Wonderland before, certainly the logic that our ‘media hypers’ espouse is indisputably Cheshire.   Willkommen to the fairy tale world where the media have become entertainers, and entertainers have become communist politicians!

All this within the guise of a climate change accord open path wherein China and India have declared, “Nah.”  

The electric grids across the globe are described as on the brink of collapse by governments bent on households being more dependent on electric vehicles.   The futures for utility cost are expected to rise exponentially.  And the electric push comes in the midst of a massive global chip shortage despite the fact that electric vehicles require 3,000+ chips versus gas powered vehicles requiring 300 chips.   Cheshire logic.   MORE WIND – they raise their fists to the wind – except there is no wind and thus the Climate Summit is powered by fossil fuels!

Preschool must now be a mandated government institution because Kindergarten wasn’t enough to provide state children for impressionable control, ie indoctrination.   So public schools that have a ‘shortage’ of teachers because of remote learning and vaccine mandates will require more teachers for Preschool – who don’t exist.

Yet somehow I imagine property taxes will go up to afford the teachers that don’t exist… Technically, in a world above the Cheshire, property taxes should have been reduced by 20% or more given the shift to homeschooling and ‘distance’ learning.    But that would entail – logic.

And despite The Economist Magazine declaring that CoVid will fade into oblivion in 2022, it would appear we are witness to the July 4th Fireworks display wherein the finale is ramped to extreme with colorful embers.   Fauci and Gates have declared the ‘vaccine’ that is not a vaccine doesn’t really work – so sorry…   But make sure you get ‘vaccined’ again.   Austria has declared all unvaccinated are in lockdown.   Australia has become a Gestapo state.   China has locked down an entire city of 7.45 million because of 230 ‘cases’.    And a vaccine green pass was issued to a cartoon character.

Cheshire Logic.

The Point?   Destroying the world and the people who inhabit the world, so as to rebuild the world – differently.  Why?   Because they want to.   Because when you attain too much wealth you have a tendency to get bored.   And when you get bored, you need to constantly create new stimuli to keep you from going bat-shitake crazy.  Like building a rocket… because NASA, the agency that is funded by Taxpayers to build rockets, is too busy making a test missile that will launch into space and ‘redirect’ an asteroid that is a year away from earth.   Meanwhile on the ISS space station the crew have been told to ‘hide’ because of an asteroid shower…  Where exactly are they supposed to hide?

In the meantime, more and more democrats are choosing to resign, or not run again, which only arouses my suspicion.   The liberal media has glommed onto Biden’s decline.   They have touted Kamaltoes abject failure.  And Pelosi’s power has been usurped.   So who is the planned savior that will appear magically from behind the red curtain and reveal themselves for all to Awww?

I remember an old Star Trek show where at precisely noon, the clock tower would strike and everyone descended into chaos.  Captain Kirk and command ultimately found that this world was ruled by a machine.  Perhaps the person behind the curtain isn’t a person at all… LANDRU