GOP Supporting Hillary – Why? $$$$$



News media would have us believe that the Arizona Republic, a newspaper owned by Gannett, is changing sides by endorsing Hillary. Sorry, but it ain’t so. Just because a paper claims to embrace Republican ideals, doesn’t mean it IS Republican.

Case in point: This is the same paper that released the names and addresses of all gun owners in two very prominent New York counties with the caption “Stark Raving Mad!”. OUCH! Hardly a Republican statement.

This is the same paper that has endorsed McCain – a well known Democrat in wolf’s clothing advocating for money, bombing everyone, and end of world attitudes.

So the announcement that a publication entitled Arizona Republic, is endorsing Hillary should be bereft of shock value completely. When asked about the release of gun owner names and addresses, the editor claimed the authority came from the top down – ie, President and CEO, Bob Dickey.

The current President/CEO came from TEGNA which is affiliated with NBC and CBS, both highly liberal motivated, mainstream media conglomerates. Therefore, the fact that they have decided to endorse Hillary is an obvious political blackmail that further maligns the entire mainstream media reputation and forces it and all it’s affiliates into the proverbial twalette.

Not news worthy.

And here’s a chuckle, DailyKos which is by far a mainstream soros funded, liberal media outlet has lent it’s opinion as to whether Gannett is liberal or conservative. Surprise! They have offered their apprisal that in fact Gannett is conservative – based on the fact that they own USA Today. USA Today is written at a fifth grade level of understanding, appealing to a fifth grade audience, and has zero or less than zero influence or respect as a journalistic media source.

Of course, all of this begs the question, ‘are their false wolves among the Republican Party’? Absolutely, a resounding YES! Just because a man or woman aligns a party does not mean they embrace ethics and values and honesty. It simply means, they have worked a PR agenda to win a seat so as to – make money. The notion that they actually have an affiliation, a patriotic bent, a For The People agenda is a joke.

And these are the same people who are sent to countries across the globe to make sure – they vote according to a fair, democratic, balanced system. HELLO?

This is NOT about parties, the parties no longer exist. Their only agenda is their own. This is about instigating anarchy within so as to destroy and implode by pitting brother against brother and son against daughter. That is the agenda. And we are watching it unfold before us – as planned.

Could it be that the Republicans who back Hillary do so because she supports the same corrupt regime that makes them wealthy? Could it be that Hillary isn’t actually pulling any strings, because according to the email leaks, all the players are pulling hers, including the media? Could it be that because the GOP is afraid that their vested $$$$ might be at risk with a Trump victory, and that the political game is about to implode, they are grasping at the proverbial straws of a Hillary puppet? And could it be that this is the stage that Soros created and exactly the outcome he fancies?

I think so.

Because, whether Hillarygate or Trump win, the result will most likely result in chaos. And while the chaos will be trumpeted to Trump, like the newest scandal eruption recorded by the Veritas Project, the blame will be lodged on Trump no matter the outcome. It is the same blame game that Obama likens to Russia, the same blame game that Merkel likens to Russia, while in reality their own policies are the catalyst, the cause, the game.

The murkiest, most disgusting agenda of the Democrats was found in the undercover year long video released by The Veritas Project which showed the true mindset. It is so disgusting, so convoluted, so abrasive, it has the dubious honor of being worse than thrid world countries. It is definitive illegal, it is definitive corrupt, and there is NO way that these videos can be ignored. As such heads and butts, and tails – are falling:

Americans United For Change headed by the smooth talker, loose lips, sinking ships, Scott Foval is roiling in the murky mire of using the mentally handicapped and homeless to instigate chaos at Trump rallies. Isn’t this called ‘inciting riot’ a criminal charge?

They are funded by, a well known Soros pitch organization as well as a number of labor unions. They are closely aligned with Obama, and apparently were instrumental in getting Obamacare passed. Which begs the question… why bother having politicians at all if they simply do the will of NGO’s? We can just elect an NGO…

Then there is Robert Creamer of Democracy Partners who was convicted of bank fraud to the tune of – $2.3million. Partners of his company include: 1) Christine Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi’s daughter) who claims to be a ‘bootcamp trainer’ in which she helps people learn the fine art of … fraud? 2) Joel Silberman, a former musician who was groomed by Norman Lear to use his talents to persuade people to be liberal. His grooming also included a stint with Media Matters – another Soros organization. He boasts that his talents for ‘training’ have been utilized by Senators, Congressmen, as well as Chairs for the Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus and Asian Caucus as well as numerous ‘media puppets’ as well. 3) Joe Sandler – their in-house representative attorney who worked for Reigg and Young in DC before moving on to bigger stuff including His claim to fame according to his bio would be the ‘massive’ uprooting of the DNC and it’s complete reorganization into what it is today! 4) Ken Grossinger who’s primary function is to raise money and funnel it to other organizations such as; New Israel Funds, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, NextGen Climate, Democracy Alliance and more. 5) Mike Lux who has been featured by CNN, MSNBC, as well as a writer for the Huffington Post and Daily Kos, major liberal media supported by – Soros.

In the end, the most seemingly trivial of news is a political agenda.  Nothing is left unfettered, unvetted, unmanipulated.

Remember – a lie is only the beginning of a life of lies.