US RACIAL INEQUALITY: The Dastardly Deed of Inclusion

Twenty Five countries in Europe have a black population less than 1%.   Of those, 14 have less than .01%.   In Canada, the black population accounts for less than 3.5%. In Australia, the black population is so relatively small it is not measurable.  In japan  .02% of the population are black.   In India there is a small sect numbering between 25,000 and 50,000 whose historical roots are African.   In China blacks are nearly nonexistent.   In the Middle East blacks and Indians work as slaves. AND YET – the US is the one with a racial problem…

Everywhere else – it is a non issue because …

Inundated, like feminism, Gloria Steinem, the pendulum has swung out of freaking orbit!

Suddenly, blacks rule magazines, sports, fashion, riots, theft, assault, police killing, and we are supposed to pretend that we are ashamed.   I am ashamed.   I am ashamed of the blacks who think this is ok.   I am ashamed of the blacks who think that they ‘deserve’ anything. I am super ashamed of any person of any other race who would bow to this ludicrous insanity of narcissism and scrape their knees on the concrete.   I am ashamed of those who would use this as a game tactic to tear apart America.   But I am even more ashamed of those corporations that have sold their reptilian soul.

That’s what I am ashamed of.

I am sick and tired of hearing about Climate Change when the solution according to the UN is – money.   Drain the swamp of greenies… and greenbacks.

At some point the words don’t have meaning any longer and they drip from the page – unintelligible.   And then one day, all the topics disappear and new ones replace them.   Everyone wakes from their slumber and joins the fight!

How boring!

Follow The Science is akin to seeing a gypsy and consulting her crystal ball – they are defined as “predictions”.   “Scientists predict that in 2000 years we will be worms…”   Ashes to ashes, slug to amoeba.   I remember talking to a male gypsy along some LA boardwalk; black man, crystal blue eyes, and blind.   I was with this man/boy I was dating – and blue eyed went all crazy that this relationship was bad, toxic, even evil!

Well, he was right.

So I guess when science works this way, sometimes they might get it right…

Seems to me we haven’t heard a good assassination perpetrated by Russians, according to unnamed anonymous callers… likely coming soon to a theatre near you!

Peinceypoo Andrew was cleared of any and all charges regarding his ‘friendship status’ and ‘girlfriend status’ because, well, he’s freaking Prince Andrew! What the heck did you expect?

Seems we haven’t had a plane disappear in a while. That’s always a good one for the game planners. But it would have to occur in the vicinity of some country we don’t particularly like right now… Who oh who could that be?   Hmmmmmmm…….   Ah, I know – the Russians.   Those dang mini-me Putin’s just won’t surrender their heart and soul to the Black Dust.

Anywho, seems we have a lot more hearty and hungry monsters to deal with right now, and this racial quackery is just another smoke screen diversion.   I read a meme today which said, “When there is one bee, we bat at it with our hand, and toss it away.   When those bees swarm into thousands, their army is insurmountable.”   Cowards need not Apply.

US Emigration Exodus

Charlize Theron wants to leave the US because racism is so pronounced now that Trump is President. Of course, few would notice her exodus, but it is curious exactly where she would go.   While she retains her South African citizenship, I doubt that South Africa would be her chosen place of exodus.  South Africa is mired in crime, rape, child rape, and white genocide.  Not exactly a prime location to bring up – children.

But according to the New York Times, numerous people are making the exodus from the US because of Trump, some going to the wonderful world of Indonesia where Sharia Law is the rule.  Others are apparently going to Mexico where gangland killings have become commonplace and government officials are slaughtered.   And still others are going to the quaint local of Columbia where drug trafficking and human trafficking are its mainstay.

The New York Times is peddling a strange utopia.

In the 6 ½ years between 1999 and June 2016, 2 million people are estimated to have made the exodus from the US.   That would equate to roughly 367,000 per year.   Errr, Trump wasn’t President.

Gosh darn, the New York Times seems to have forgotten that convenient statistic.  In fact they portray a family hiking with backpacks, children skipping through forests, and oh, it is too expensive to live in San Diego clauses, all the while forgetting that California real estate prices are not – Trump’s fault!

Theron’s claim that racism is Trump’s fault, is so bizarre as to be nonsensical.   Racism was stoked during the Obama administration, it is spiking in the UK, in Germany, and in France, countries where Trump is not President…   Paris is in virtual lockdown as armed Gendarmes are deployed to the streets to deter possible terrorism or ‘hate crimes’.   Perhaps Theron wants to live there?   Of course, given that pot is not legal there, she may want to ‘reconsider’.

People leave the US for a multitude of reasons.   Sometimes it is to retire where it is less expensive and beaches are amazing.  Sometimes it is to experience an adventure.  Sometimes to escape.  And sometimes just because.   Rarely, do people leave the US because of ‘racism’, or a President.   That is simply hogwash perpetuated by the New York Times for one purpose only – to denigrate Trump.

Certainly there have been innumerable Hollywooders who have made the threat, albeit none have seemingly actually followed through on the threat.  Why?   Because everyone wants to come to the US for a reason.   It is good.  It is free. And now, it is a tax haven.

But to make the exodus a political statement is purely inanely – boringly NYTimes.   How would they explain the 307,000 that left annually during the Obama administration?   Deplorables?

As I have said before, statistics have value, as long as they are relayed from perspective.   They can be manipulated.   But that would have to be the intent.   And in this case, the intent was to play Trump as the causal factor for exactly two families they interviewed and used to support their article and agenda.  Not good journalism.  Not good reporting.   But they – tried nonetheless.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time the media has launched a query about the exodus of US citizens.   In 2013, Bloomberg reported, “the number of Americans that renounced their citizenship in the second quarter of 2013 was six times larger than the number that renounced their citizenship in the second quarter of last year…”  But wait! That was when Obama was President.

Oops.  Charlize?   Do you remember?

So what did Bloomberg cite as the reasons for the Obama era mass exodus?

-The U.S. economy has been steadily declining for many years and that decline now seems to be accelerating.

-We are being taxed into oblivion.

-The quality of the jobs in our economy is rapidly declining.

-The middle class is continually shrinking.

-Poverty is exploding.

-Escalating social decay in our major cities.

-Our culture is rapidly going down the toilet.

-Our health care system has become a complete mess and a giant money making scam.  Obamacare is only going to make things even worse.

-Our politicians are tremendously corrupt, but the same clowns just keep getting sent back to D.C. over and over again.

-Our nation seems to be on a relentless march toward collectivism.

-America is rapidly turning into a “Big Brother” police state that is run by control freaks that seem obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and controlling virtually everything that we do.

 HUH.   Short term memory loss.   Bloomberg is considered a Liberal outlet of the MSM.


Racial Division in the US

A young AP Correspondent has written an article in which she laments how the scars of slavery and racism and segregation were all lifted – until Trump became President. And now they permeate our country in every nook and cranny, even the smallest of towns where there was once unity, as in North Carolina. She then continues her woe begone tale and mentions the Ku Klux Klan’s presence in this small town in the 1980’s… well before Trump. She talks about a woman being harassed and targeted for her color in the 1970’s. Well before Trump. What she doesn’t mention is the fact that the division didn’t just occur this year – in fact the division was throughout the Obama presidency, Reagan, Carter, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Carter, etc…

Few would argue that the Ku Klux Klan is a racist, bigoted, divisive, hate group. But they didn’t materialize suddenly when Trump became president, and in fact their origins have roots in Hillary’s household. Perspective. There are estimated to be about 3000 members of the KKK nationwide. That would represent .0009% of the total population.

This young Correspondent reiterates about the ‘scars of slavery’ that these people have endured and overcome… But slavery ended in the US in 1863, 154 years ago – or the equivalent of roughly 5-6 generations… or her great, great, great, grandfather. I don’t know much about my great, great, great, grandfather, but I imagine he suffered hardships and trials that have absolutely no effect on me today whatsoever.

Of course no weeping article would be complete without targeting ‘police brutality’. Websites abound on the brutality of US police citing the fact that every year some 100-1000 people are shot by police officers.   Of course, they fail to mention – why they are shot.  In the commission of a crime?   Here’s a great headline: “Over 5000 civilians killed by police since 9-11”. Yes, and 90-99% of those civilians were brandishing a weapon, and/or committing a crime, and/or fleeing a crime.  Wait.  Isn’t that what cops do?

During the Obama administration the citing of police brutality reached its peak.   Odd.   Racial divisiveness was propagated and reached its peak. During his administration there were 40% MORE protests than the previous administration, MORE than the number of protests during the previous 20 years, and just over the total for the previous 30 years!  I’d say that was pretty divisive!

A list has been compiled which delineates the police shootings and why. Armed robberies, carjackings, stabbings, sexual misconduct with a child, kidnapping, the list goes on. Does this negate the fact that there have been issues of police brutality? No. It simply provides perspective. Death rates by gun in the US average 10 per 100,000, or roughly 33,000 per year. Over 60% are suicides, and approximately 10-12,000 are homicides. Of those homicides, it is estimated 50-75% are gang related.   If we eliminated gangs, our homicide rate would be less than half…

Perspective. Homicide by gun – 10,000. Homicide by abortion – 1 million. In fact the rate of deaths by guns is ranked 23rd out of 33 causal factors with ‘struck by lightening’ last. As for police brutality – the numbers would be less than ‘struck by lightening’.

Blame. Certainly not a new game, but its pervasive use has grown exponentially. Blame Trump. Blame whites. Blame white males. Poor Native Americans. Poor blacks, always the victim. Really? If we really want to blame whites, then we should blame Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Spain, and The Netherlands – because that’s where all the American whites originated some 500 odd years ago. Let’s blame the Europeans!

Not to leave out Australia – which was colonized by a bunch of thieves from the UK who then attempted to eradicate the Aboriginals through mass murders…and the introduction of smallpox. So lets blame the Brits!

And slavery? Slavery was common in Europe during the Dark Ages. But it didn’t originate there. It is known to have existed in 3500 BC in the Egyptian, Arab, Chinese, Babylonian (Persians), Nubian (blacks and Egyptians) and even the pre-Columbia cultures of North America, which would include the Aztecs and Native Americans. So let’s blame slavery on the peoples that created it – everyone!

While this sloppy article attempts to create a pool of sympathy for slaves, animosity toward whites, police, and Trump, it really simply opens Pandora’s Box and shows that the statistics, the facts, and history reveal that the real problems with society originated um, everywhere, by um, everyone, forever.

Racism and White Supremacy in US

Racism in America. It is the hedonistic trending topic of the day. It is the Liberal causation for the Hillary loss. It is the theme of whites everywhere in the media and in Hollywood. And they give examples!

  1. Slavery. Abolished as a result of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865. One hundred and fifty years later, slavery is being used , held up, as proof positive of racism today. DID the US have slaves? YES – emphatically so. Slavery has existed in various cultures for centuries. Is it solely a ‘white’ phenomena? Not even close. But at what point are Americans allowed the grace of forgiveness for the transgressions of ancestors or even non-ancestors? To the best of my knowledge, my ancestors didn’t have slaves…

When will the blacks recognize that blacks were slave owners as well and admonish them?

Are black people today slaves? No. But the destructive hatred of the white people is so misplaced, so over-used, so entitled, and has absolutely no value or purpose.

Why aren’t the blacks angry and rioting against the Japanese for killing blacks and whites during WWII?

Why aren’t the blacks angry and rioting against the Germans for killing blacks and whites during WWII?

Why do the blacks focus on color instead of nationalities? The French had slaves… the Brits… the Canadians… the Australians… the Persians…

Seems somewhat hypocritical to me.

  1. Racism in Medicine. The example given is that black men in Alabama who were allowed to suffer with syphilis at the hands of doctors, and the sterilization of black women. What this expert fails to recognize is that their esteemed Martin Luther King Jr was a major proponent of eugenics and abortion and sterilization. He felt it was for the greater good of his people.

She also fails to mention the lobotomies routinely given to white women, and the results of those failed experiments.

The Tuskeegee Experiments were heinous. But they were conducted by the medical community. So why is the entire white population to blame instead of the ‘community responsible’?

  1. WWII: Internment camps were set up in fear of possible Japanese terrorism. Awful again. But was that black racism or was it War?
  1. Police Profiling: Profiling saves lives. It is a necessary tool used by all government authorities to protect The People. It is not racial per se, so much as a means to help keep people safe from harm. Blacks, whites, and every other race should be thankful that our police use techniques to ‘prevent’ another murder, rape, assault, or property crime – instead of waiting until the crime has been perpetrated and bury the victim(s).

Hillary’s team and media pundits have all begun to chant “racism” as the main factor that perpetuated the Trump victory… Because despite numerous accounts of both Bill and Hillary using derogatory language about blacks, and numerous emails that provide proof-positive factual evidence that they had absolutely no compassion for blacks, they put their hands over their ears, eyes and mouths – see no evil-hear no evil. Falsify facts.

Blame is a favorite topic for psychologists and psychiatrists: The inability for a person to accept responsibility for their own actions and instead point to someone or something else in order to relieve their own guilt and insecurity.   In fact, it is considered a form of censorship. Because it disavows analysis of reality.

Behar and her View Team have called Trump a white supremacist and stated that all white supremacists voted for him. Proof positive that he supports white supremacy.

So who are the ‘White Supremacists’? The largest group in the US is, The National Socialist Movement. Socialist. Their roots are German Nazism. Nazism was a Socialist platform not Communist as many believe. According to the New York Times they are the largest white supremacist group in the US with approximately – 400 members. That means they represent .00000125 of the US population…

Lets look at a Black Supremacist group. Nation of Yahweh. A black supremacist group founded in 1979 in Miami that has supporters in 1300 cities across the US and 16 foreign countries! Their mission is to ‘vanquish whites who they believe to be devils’. Today they claim they are not racist. There is/was the Nauwabian Nation, a former black Muslim supremacist organization.   The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, based in New York City, with 10 locations around the US, who believe that only blacks are the ‘chosen people’ and that they are superior to all races. They are considered a violent hate group.

Black Lives Matter, the newest supremacist group to lodge its head has advocated violence, riots, destruction, and a wave of anti-authority and police initiatives. Promoted, funded and organized by George Soros, the group makes allegations against unfair targeting that have been shown to be false and misleading over and over again. Facts and statistics have been endlessly produced and still the truth is ignored for a manipulation of reality.

Defined as a ‘social peaceful movement’ by the press. Having organized thousands of protests and riots across the US since their formation, their peace initiative has resulted in millions of dollars of property damage, lost businesses, assaults and infinite hospitalizations. That would make them a Black Supremacist Group.

The bottom line. Supremacy really has no color today. Racism has no color. It has crossed to a far pendulum swing in which guilt and blame are the new politically correct agenda.

And Joy Behar? Well according to charity giving – blacks don’t seem to be in her best interest. Causes supported? Nope, no mention of blacks or racism there either. Hmmmm. Just another fake agenda to talk about without walking the walk. And if that isn’t enough, The View constantly makes headlines for tirades, infighting, racism, and back-stabbing. Wonderful bunch of fuzzballs.

New York Times vs Trump

Once again the media has spoken from the lips of slander and would have us believe that all the racial tension and Islamophobia is a direct result of Trump. Once again, despite claiming that they will no longer revert to defamation, libel and slander, the New York Times prefers to peddle their wares of hate, while inciting righteous, arrogant attitudes and defaming our President elect.

“Millions of Americans are justifiably frightened by the tide of racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia that has swept the country since the election of Donald Trump, whose campaign stoked these views and who named Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News his chief strategist in the White House.”

I guess they have forgotten about the Oakland riots in 2009, the Pittsburgh G-20 riots in 2009, the Akron Ohio riots in 2009, the Springfest riot, the Santa Cruz riot, Oakland riots, LA riots, Occupy Wall Street, Anaheim, Brooklyn, Ferguson, Chicago riots, Baltimore riots, on and on the list of racial divide stoked under the auspices of our supreme leader – Obama. Apparently, there were over 25 major riots in the US during the Obama administration, compared to seven in the 80’s and 12 from 2000 to 2009.

It would seem the New York Times forgot about the racial tensions escalating in our schools and businesses and on the streets stoked by our esteemed leader – Obama.

Apparently, the New York Times has forgotten about the racial tensions that have escalated to breaking points not seen since the 1960’s during the tenure of our esteemed leader – Obama.

And perhaps our esteemed New York Times has forgotten that Islamophobia was a phrase coined in 1918 and became standard in England and the US in 1997 when Bill Clinton was President…uh-oh! Maybe the NYT forgot that detail.

And maybe what the NYT forgot was the fact that Trump denounced terrorism – not Muslims. And that terrorism is perpetrated by al-Qaeda, el-Nusra and ISIS, all Muslim terrorist organizations. And maybe the New York Times has already forgotten the terrorist attacks in Paris, Belgium, Orlando and California – all by Muslims.

Maybe the New York Times has forgotten what it was like to travel pre 9-11, before TSA, before security checks, before planes and their passengers were decimated from this earth. Or the reportedly 31 ‘foiled terrorist attacks in the US’ since 2000 – most, but not all, purportedly by Muslims.

Because the New York Times would not seem to be reporting for the American People, they would be reporting for division-racism-inciting hate-and a lame attempt to drum up business by reporting FAKE NEWS, the very fake news that Facebook and Twitter and Google all decry as hate speech that must be censored. So maybe these same media outlets should consider censoring the New York Times!

The media, the criers, the safe spacers, the rioters, the protestors, the vengeance filled haters need to take a long Rip Van Winkle nap or just move to Canada and fulfill their veiled threats.

And lest we are confused over the financial status of the New York Times, as a public company they are required to release the data. Between 2011 and 2015, Revenue declined by 28%, between 2012 and 2015 and the number of employees was halved, but wages and benefits were not. Year over year, the biggest hits have been for pension costs and severance pay. Per share value dropped from $1.11 to $.38.

Their CEO, Mark Thompson, is from the UK and was formally with the BBC – which is a government mandated censored source of news. So he is familiar with censorship. His compensation for 2015 was $8.564 million. In 2011, then CEO, Janet Robinson took home a whopping $11.5 million, of which half was classified as ‘Other’. It cost the Times $23 million to get rid of her.

During Thompson’s tenure at the BBC they paper came under fire for editorial guideline breaches, deceptive journalism, and political bias.

Owning 17% of the company, and considered the ‘largest Class B owner’ is Carlos Slim, a Mexican business magnate of Lebanese descent whose estimated net worth is about $82 billion. He is considered the richest man in the world. His Lebanese parents and Muslim background could possibly account for the New York Times controversial attitude toward Islamophobia, not to mention the ‘Wall of Mexico’.

Slim’s real estate holdings include 417 fifth avenue NYC, as well as a portion of The New York Times building.

The paper is owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger family trust which holds 88% of the Class B shares and is /managed/held by 13 cousins of Sulzberger Sr who had no sons and refused rights to his daughter. The family is of German Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

Professionalism in our media has tanked to an all time low, headed by many of the once great giants who seem to think that The National Enquirer methodology is better for their bottom line – and Truth is Fiction.