Refugees, Terrorism… and Human Rights?

A friend of mine recently tried to rationalize the immigration of Middle Eastern refugees as similar to how the US embraced the influx of Cubans and Mexicans for decades. She feels we are being hypocritical and we just need to ‘love and embrace’ each one and they will be fine. She asserts that the Cubans have gone on to enrich our society and cultivate new prosperity in business and the economy. And in some respects she is right, but her rational is pitted.

Cubans left Cuba because of Communism, the same Communist agenda proposed by Bernie Sanders who now wants to take his agenda and back Hillary. Cubans typically hate the liberal agenda, they remember what Communism looked like, their hunger, their oppression, their ruin. They embraced the US and brought with them a desire to integrate and make a new life. Most settled and remained in Florida where about 1.2 million reside. They excelled in business, in sports, in entertainment, and became – American – subject to American laws.

Muslims. While in our hearts we want to believe, we want to embrace, we want to be tolerant and respect the integration, too often we find terrorism. Too often we are met with violence. Too often our laws are superimposed with Sharia laws that are intolerant, murderous, and based on a decree to spite the neck of those who disagree with you – as in behead.

In 2013, Muslim terrorists carried out 4 attacks in the US, in 2014, there were three, in 2015 there were four, and in 2016, so far there have been between 4 and 6, depending on which source classifies the attack. While some mainstream media pundits claim that non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorist attacks, including Jews and Christians, like any statistic, the numbers can be arranged to feed a specific agenda.

The newest drivel is a report that claims between 1980 and 2005 non-Muslims perpetrated 96% of the crimes with ‘leftists and Latino’s’ leading the pack at 66%. Eliminating property crimes, which are not exactly considered terrorism, and focusing on acts that resulted in terrorist related deaths, the statistics change dramatically!

When adjusting the data to calculate ‘terrorist related deaths’, Muslims accounted for 24% while making up less than 1% of the population. I’d say that was a significant number that bears scrutiny and security.

Some media outlets go so far as to eliminate terrorist attacks completely and redefine them as ‘guerrilla offenses’ or ‘resistance maneuvers’. Typically, history is brought up, wherein the US is again faced with the American Indians – a criminal act, but then we can assert thousands of years of historical terrorism that misses the point. The point is NOW.

And the comparison with Cuban immigration – becomes moot.

So why is it that our media is so bent on glorifying Islam and Muslims and downgrading terrorism? Why do they want to redefine and rewrite the truth?

Hillary believes that referencing ‘radical Islam’ will alienate the peaceful Muslims and make them join ISIS… But if they weren’t radical, they would be supporting the notion that radical Islam needs to be eradicated… Right? They would be fighting alongside Americans – instead of against them. They would be accepting our laws, instead of replacing them. And while there are some that do – it is difficult to know if they are sincere.

Laws in Middle East: All matters of ‘personal status’ are mandated according to a Religious Court where penalties include dismemberment, lashings, and death. Under our laws, this would constitute a violation of human rights, it would be classified as torture which is a violation of UN laws. If a woman is raped she is considered to have committed the crime of infidelity and punished. In 2015, the Saudi government carried out over 157 known public beheadings. January 2016, the Saudis beheaded 47 people in one day.

This is the sweet Sharia that we need to embrace with love…

So how do the Saudis get away with these tortuous violations of human rights? Well, they currently chair the UN human rights panel.