SOROS: A Spiders Web – Unraveling

Remember Khizr Khan? He was the Pakistani lawyer and Gold Star father who spoke on behalf of Hillary Clinton in the run-up to the 2016 election. He brandished his ‘pocket Constitution’ at the DNC rally and became his own hero.   Today he sits on the Board of one of Soros many companies. Prior to his speech, he claimed to have his law degree from Harvard. His website listed as one of his specialties, Immigration, which he claimed was his primary vocation since moving to the US sometime around 1980.  

But his website was poorly written, poorly hosted, and contained incredibly poor English language structure.   While the website claims he worked a major global law firm, there is no mention of the name of the firm. He was also Director of Technology at another major global law firm – unnamed.

Apparently, shortly before becoming an Entertainer for Hillary’s campaign, he closed down his very ‘lucrative law firm’ and was thereafter on the Board of “People For The American Way”.

Periodically he shows up at protest rallies on behalf of this Liberal advocacy group formed in 1980 by Norman Lear to fight the Christian Right. A project of the Tides Foundation which works in conjunction with Soros Open Society, PFAW boasts as previous presidents, Tony Podesta who is currently under federal investigation for failure to register foreign relations compliance, and Ralph Neas who helped administer Obamacare.

As a political action committee, PFAW organized the campaign against Brett Kavanaugh and Robert Bork whose Supreme Court nomination under Reagan was defeated.

In 2007, PFAW created a supporting organization called, Right Wing Watch that works specifically to take down any site that they feel is – right wing.  They were at the forefront of bringing down Alex Jones, Infowars, and the HGTV special by the brothers, Jason and David Benham.

In addition to Khan, notable Board members of PFAW include; Alec Baldwin, Seth Macfarlane, Dolores Huerta, Jane Lynch, Josh Sapan, Dennis Van Roekel, and Howie Klein.

While Alec, Seth, Jane, and Howie are connected to the Entertainment industry, Josh Sapan is CEO of AMC Networks, and Dennis and Dolores are high level union leaders. Dolores worked with Cesar Chavez to form the National Farm Workers Association. Cesar’s famous slogan became Obama’s campaign slogan.   AMC Networks owns Sundance (Robert Redford), as well as BBC America, IFC, and WeTV.   Direct TV and Dish support AMC Networks.

Right Wing Watch is used as a ‘source’ by NPR, Fortune, The Daily Beast, Huffington Post, and – Fox News.

Additional funding for People For The American Way is sourced to: Miriam and Ira Wallach Foundation, Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr Foundation, and the Bauman Foundation.   Walter Haas was a relative of the founder of Levi Strauss – jeans. The grandson running the foundation was a member of the Trilateral, on the Boardafor Ford Foundation (another Soros protégé), Brookings Institute, and Council on Foreign Relations.

The Bauman Foundation is linked to Democracy Alliance – a Soros institution.  As such it is linked to various Hillary Clinton transcribes, that includes such notables as The Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Union of Concerned Scientists, Project Vote – and ACORN.   ACORN was found to have manipulated campaign contribution laws through shell companies. Basically the same blatant campaign tactic used by Ocasio-Cortez.

The Bauman Foundation also funds; Brennan Center For Justice, Center For American Progress, and Media Matters. The head of Media Matters sits on the Board of the Bauman Foundation.

Right Wing Watch fellow, Peter Montgomery is considered an expert and frequently published in The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and The New Yorker.

Ultimately what these observations provide is simply a glimpse into the millions of twines and silk that layer the core web which feeds Open Society Institute. The brotherhood is actually relatively small, a hierarchy that is well defined, and a cult rule of order whereby – if a line is crossed, you die.