ISIS -The New Europe, the New America

The New America Foundation has reported that the ‘terror threat from ISIS returnees to the US is low and manageable’. Of the estimated 250 Americans fighting alongside ISIS, the number returning to the US is considered low enough that New America scoffs at them being an issue…


Let’s see, in Brussels, there were – three attackers. In Pakistan today there was exactly ONE reported suicide bomber. He took out over 65 and wounded hundreds. I guess the New America Foundation just doesn’t think that will make enough of a dent in world population to – yawn – be considered a threat. Unfortunately, one life is not worthy, only thousands upon thousands would thus earn the right to be labeled terrorism. So let’s put some math to the calculations: if one can take out over 365, then 250 returning ISIS sympathizers could take out 91,250. Is that enough for us to take notice?  And let’s not forget, the 250 number is simply a vague estimate with little to no assurance – it could be double or triple that number.

The New America Foundation. Jonathon Soros is on the Board of Directors… chaired by Eric Schmidt, Executive chairman of Google… and it’s top donors include Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt, the Lumina Foundation and the US Department of State. Interesting bunch!

The Lumina Foundation is one of the largest in the US. Its CEO is Jamie Merisotis whose credits include membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, a highly controversial government and privately funded organization with massive One World Order links. It is considered to be a part of the shadow government ruling party and the most powerful organization in the US. Its elite cross borders of parties, and hold to one common agenda – global power.

Jonathon Soros: Son of the infamous George, and next in line to succeed when the father passes. His politics, ethics, and morality are shared in, Soros Open Society Foundation, New America Foundation… Democracy Alliance and Roosevelt Institute.

Bill Gates: Well nothing new there on a desire to rule the world.

Eric Schmidt: Die-hard Democrat raised in Virginia, member of the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission, his quotes emphasize his disparaging view of people as puppets, easily ruled, easily led, sheep to the elite.

And these guys believe that American ISIS returnees – no problem!

Still, while the Foundation states that many of those ISIS returnees are a part of the ‘visa waiver program’, we shouldn’t be concerned, because well, they represent a handful of the total… Ahh, but WAIT –

The Visa Waiver Program includes people not considered a risk and lists 38 countries – including Belgium. For those geographical challenged, Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Belgium as in the Brussels carnage, Brussels as in the Paris attackers, Brussels as in a hotbed of ISIS.

So the US Visa Waiver Program allows fair passage for those Belgium residents – including ISIS terrorists…

So why, why would this New America Foundation, Eric Schmidt, Bill Gates, and Jonathon Soros state that Americans returning from fighting alongside ISIS are not a risk? Because they are a threat – and that is – the agenda.

Obama has stated that the number of refugees slated to be approved for 2016-2017 is 100,000. That would be – legal refugees. That would include a vetting process that has obviously proven less than perfect.  That would include how many ISIS potentials?  More than I want to accept.  Period.  This is NOT Obama’s country, it is mine and yours, and your friends, and friends of your friends.  It does NOT belong to Obama.

So, what exactly does a One World Order promise?   We hear their mantra, but what is their agenda?

NO more wars, no more poverty, no more disease and hunger, a perfect Utopian existence wherein the governing body will create ‘global peace’. Heaven on earth. It includes – one global currency, one unified government (the UN, NATO, etc…), one religion and unified morality. It is the dangling carrot of Heaven within the guise of Hell because it does not tell you what you would have to give up. What would you lose for this ‘universal peace’? And the resounding, overwhelming, absolute answer is – you would lose FREEDOM. Because peace and freedom can never co-exist in this world – ever. They are not compatible – as much as we might wish they were. Tolerance isn’t tolerance – it is mind control. Mind persuasion. Mind manipulation.

Are you willing to forgo Freedom for Peace? Are you willing to live like a sheep, like cattle in a stockyard, in order to be ruled free of poverty and war? Do you understand what such a life might look like?

Do you realize that education is a part of freedom – not peace?

Do you realize that food on your table is related to freedom – not peace?

A car in your garage?

A house for your garage?

Because when Socialist/Communist rule shines, these basic necessities – disappear. Just ask my neighbors who fled Communist Poland in the 1980’s. If they wanted an apartment, they needed to prepay thousands of dollars and wait ten years. If they wanted a car, they had to prepay and then wait – for ten years only to pay more for the inflated value. Food shelves were barren. Talk was forbidden. This is the reality.

This is the Bern – the Hillary – the Soros agenda.

Are you ready? Is this the future you want for yourself, your children, your grandchildren? Because this is what is happening – and it may already be – too late.

Just ask someone who has lived it.