Impeach Trump: Says Alice in Wonderland


Listening to Tucker debate Krystal Ball (her parents must have been hippies), reading Delingpole’s take on his debate in London, and watching the freaking snow falling mid May, I am convinced this world has gone stark raving mad…as a Hatter.   How in the world these Liberal debaters can make statements without supporting facts or evidence, but solely based on “well, so and so said so..” and consider it truth positive, is beyond comprehension.

Unless you are Alice living in Wonderland.

It appears that Democrats have come to a point whereby our judicial system is meaningless, and ‘pinky swear’ takes precedence. Caught up in the demonizing Russians who were/are going to blackmail Trump, Flynn, and anyone else they choose for the purpose of – compromising national security…

The fact that it didn’t happen is irrelevant to Mz. Ball because it coulda, woulda, shoulda happened in the tops-turvy world of Alice in the Land of Wonderland, where justice is predicated on assumptions and possibilities instead of facts and evidence.

Worse, she goes on to attack Trump for giving the Russians classified information while in a White House meeting wherein no one in the room claimed ANY thing classified was revealed. She uses the reports of the Washington Post and New York Times as evidence proof-positive, and discounts the word of every actual witness.


This is like a Leslie Neilson movie!

Even the ‘memo’s’ are becoming more and more bizarre given that   a) the memo was read, not released, by an “Associate” of Comey, not Comey, who might very well be McCain given he was the same Trump Dossier leaker, and b) all Comey’s memo’s could become evidentiary, including those he took during the Obama administration, which very well could completely backfire on the entire Democrat mission.

And to the point – maybe that IS the point. Destroying both parties so as to usher in the new and improved “Green Party” whose champion of The People will include Socialism and Marxism, aka the Bolsheviks Revolution all over again.

Of course, then we get to deal with the possibility that the memo’s have been faked, or falsified, or altered which would be another ridiculous use of FBI manpower and time. Shouldn’t the FBI spend their time fighting ‘bad guys’? Gangs? Shooters? Rapists? Sexual predators?

Do I want my tax dollars diverted to some endless committee investigation that I don’t give a rat’s tail about?   What if every time such an investigation were called, every citizen and illegal was required to ante in the cost of the investigation?

All the while, Soros is sitting in the back row having quite a laugh at the expense of all the Alice’s and Neilson’s and Mad Hatters who haven’t a clue that they are actually dancing the Wonderland as he plays the lute.

Oh, and although it’s snowing outside, the weather forecast is for 68 degrees and periodic light rain showers…. Hello? Anybody there?