Western Depravity Resurrected From Herod’s Dynasty

The depravity of our culture in The West is an interesting phenomena because no other country in the world can even come close to comparison.   In fact, America leads The West by upwards of a factor of ten times that of Europe.   While depravity was annotated in The Bible as the foremost reason for Christ’s appearance on earth, it is clearly a creation and not a natural occurrence.   Otherwise, it would be – universal.   The perpetrators then – are the perpetrators now –  King Herod was a Jew.  Before his family converted to Judaism – they were Edomites – nomadic raiders.

What is the point?   To create classes of society that are readily identifiable for ultimate depopulation.   MAGA is one such a class.

In 1915 the largest slave owners were a class of citizens who were all within the Club (George Carlin).   One such early club member was William Donovan who ultimately founded the Office of Strategic Services.   His job was to maintain JP Morgan’s financing of both war and peace.   JP Morgan being a ‘subsidiary Cartel’ of the Rothschilds.  The job of the OSS was to facilitate the trade of slaves, drugs, gold and commodities on behalf of The Club.

The forties and fifties era were spent creating the false visage, or illusion impression.   The sixties and seventies were inspired by the CIA’s orders to initiate – depravity.   These government ‘agents’ do so willingly.  Knowingly.   With a training regiment that ingrains an altered behavioral psychosis so that these agents can operate without normal values, ethics, and compassion.   This means of hypnosis is levied within every western intelligence aura.   The IDF.  ISIS.   MI6.   The teachers?   Nazis.

Which is one reason why Nazis were brought to the US – they had perfected this means of psychosis.   They also were far more advanced scientifically than any westerns counterparts.

America’s intelligence agencies are ALL beholden to The Cartel Club.   The expansion within the ATF (WACO), and now the IRS is to create an army that will willingly turn on every American, in particular MAGA.

Every Trump affiliate and every Trump follower are now branded and surveilled.   Without exception.   The Mossad trained the IDF to murder women and children without a shred of compassion.   This ideology is now ingrained throughout our own agencies.  And no one is safe.

When Christ was crucified, the evil that He came to eradicate was not defeated.   For two thousand years this ‘entity’ has multiplied and expanded.

YET – pockets exist throughout The West.   Countries across Asia and the Middle East have managed to quell and eradicate the infiltration.   The world is simply too vast any longer for them to dominate.   This is the reason for the depopulation agenda.   In 0 AD, it is estimated that 200 million people inhabited earth.   It only reached 1 billion by 1800 following hundreds of wars, plagues, and misery.

How did King Herod die?   It is said he died an exceedingly painful, putrid death that was so devastating he attempted suicide by stabbing himself to death.  His Kingdom a vassal of the Roman Empire, was distributed among his three sons.  The sons were known to be the assassins of many of Jesus’ Disciples.  The Herod Dynasty was absorbed by the Roman Empire.   His Kingdom today is defined as Palestine, and parts of Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon.   The same territories being bombed by Netanyahu.

Herod’s mission was to kill Jesus, wherein he initiated the Great Massacre of the Innocents.  It is said that Herod killed 144,000 children – and still failed to kill Jesus. His soldiers willingly obeyed  their orders.  Like the IDF.   The reason given is Herod’s fear that Jesus would rise to take over and rule his Kingdom.   Reality:   Jesus never intended to rule any Kingdom.  But the Movement of Christianity was greatly feared by both The Pagan Roman Empire and the False Jew – King Herod.

The Movement of Christianity was labeled by the pagans as superstitious and depraved in order to repel Followers.   Its spread was considered a disease.  The Roman Empire thus instituted laws that deprived Christians of “Food”.   Much like the Bill Gates phenomena of burning chicken farms and cattle ranches – so that Maga is relegated to consuming Toxic Bugs.   Christian homes were burned to quash all means of a livelihood.

When Rome burned as Nero watched, he later blamed – the Christians as the source of evil.  Christians were thus arrested, convicted and executed.   Lucien Perigrinus learned the wondrous lore of the Christians by associating with their priests and scribes in Palestine.  He was burned for this crime sometime around 190 AD.  Today, Lucien’s story is called “Satire” – by the Jews.

We are witnessing a circular.   Rothschild is Herod.  Nero is JP Morgan.   And the soldiers willing to kill the Innocents are our intel agencies today.  They fear us because we have the power to destroy their control, because they fear the unity of Christianity, because their success is built on immorality and the replacement of values with pure unadulterated depravity.

Ignorance of history guarantees its cyclical repetition.   The Cartel is well aware of this valuable phenomena and thus decided rewriting our Truths would quell the rise of an antithetical Power.   Paganism is the end goal.   For with Paganism comes depravity.

Contrary to one of my ‘commenters’ in his rhetoric of displaced self superiority, cynicism is a mental complex that reverberates among Herod’s descendants, ie the false Jews that descend from this ideology of evil.   It is – the crux of the CLUB – it is a mental aberration born of a death wish upon civilization.

And the Depopulation of the globe to a manageable realm so that the Dynasty may Rise Once Again!

BioWeapon Labs in Ukraine – sponsored by Germany, France, Israel – and US

Previous reports had indicated that the Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine numbered 13.   Apparently, there may be underground labs that may increase that number to 30.   The labs were sponsored and built by Germany, France, Israel and the US under the auspices of NIH, DoD and Walter Reed.   As the Ukraine conflict began, a mass dismantling of these US illegal labs was ordered by Zelensky.   Fortunately for the West, most of these ‘innocent tonics’ were sequestered to the US for safe keeping. Of course their existence is being systematically ‘deleted’ from all reference including expunging NED’s funding of anything Ukraine, the US Embassy website has hit the delete button and surely the media have been told to completely ignore the story and call it ‘fake news’.

WUHAN II.   Deny, deny, delete delete.   Apparently these nonlethal bioweapons included plague, tularemia, cholera and anthrax – Level 4.   Newsweek, Snopes, USA Today, Fact Check checkers – are all aligned in their denial that the labs exist.   But, oops, Victoria Nuland just went on the air claiming that all the bioweapon labs do exist and she is worried Russia will get them claiming if there is a biological attack -100% Russia Did It!   Surprise!

The primary reason these biological labs are established in China and Ukraine by the US is simply because they are illegal by definition per the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons.  And Ukraine being the massive corrupt country that it is – doesn’t care.

When Ukraine established Martial Law on February 24th, their public statement read: “The Ministry of Health in Ukraine in connection with the imposition of Martial Law on February 24, 2022, … requests to ensure emergency destruction of biological pathogens…”     Unfortunately for the US and Ukraine, several astute reporters took images of numerous documents which attest to the biological weapons labs including all the redacted files at the US Embassy in Ukraine.   Delete! Delete!

In addition, a video on Rumble records a French journalist in Ukraine who states that the Ukrainian government is bombing their own buildings and citizens… Why?    To ramp up the anti-Russian rhetoric, much like the fake Syrian allies we had doing our dirty work there only to learn they were al-Nusra.   The reporter claims she presented her documentation to her superiors, they have refused to publish it.

Assertions that Russian planes have been downed by Ukraine, specifically the SU 25, are vague, and complicated by the fact that the SU 25 is a major component of the Ukrainian Air force.   Meaning they are reporting their own downings as Russian.   In fact, most Ukrainian weapons and military supplies are leftover products from Soviet Russia that have been ‘rehauled’ given their age and rust.

The primary source for the various photo-ops in Ukraine that have shown to be fake come from the Anadolu Agency in Turkey.   Their newly elected Board Chair went to the New America School in NYC – and worked at the New York Times. He then went to work for TNT International – originally Turner Network Television – as an actor.

Photographs by Anadolu are showing the exodus at train stations and oddly depict the refugees as men between the ages of 18-60 despite Zelensky claiming they were not allowed to leave Ukraine and must stay and fight.  How can this be?

Poland is transferring it’s inventory of 22 MiG-29’s it received from the German air force in 2004 to a US airbase in Germany for use by the US.   The intention of the US is to send them to Ukraine – although where they might land is of concern given most airfields have been destroyed.   But it does up the ante for US involvement that could implode.

The MIG’s are soviet made and have been in service since 1977. It is one of few fighter jets that the Ukrainian military currently know how to fly.    A significant disadvantage to this aircraft is that it uses much more fuel than others – adding to Climate Change….. Also they are relatively slow and subject to easy downing by missiles.

The means of getting the aircraft to Ukraine would require US Air Force personnel which also ups the ante of a death sentence subject to the military acumen of Lloyd Austin whose strategic ability is predominantly garnered inside a ‘book’.   Not to be undeterred, Austin has announced that every military person must undergo gender fluid classroom training before they are combat ready!

Given Brandon has announced the immediate cut of all Russian Oil to the US representing roughly 10% of our annual supply, he has re-ignited alliance with Iran for their oil to compensate.   I wonder how Israel is processing this information?

Ukraines population since its 1991 annexation has been declining by 200,000 to 400,000 each year.    Why?   It is a corrupt cesspool.   Birthrates are down severely across ALL regions. Any population increase is attributed to migration.   Their poverty rate is measured according to WHO standards of earning less than $1.25 per day and includes 8-10% of the population!   Ukrainians migrating to Russia have totaled 3.3 million.

No one across the globe raised an eyebrow.

By all accounts, Ukraine was a corrupt, poverty stricken, country that had sequestered the US Cabalists via Biden’s desire to no longer be the poorest politician in DC.   Both Ukraine and China used Biden to grant this request.   But Ukraine’s anonymity as a country gave the Biden’s and ultimately the Cabalist Cult greater access to bribes, kickbacks, and monetary gifts.

Open Access, as Soros likes to spout, was completely devoid in this region.   Poverty serves the elite for it means the people are breakable.   As a mic drop recently revealed by a Brazilian politician – the Ukrainian refugee women are gorgeous – and available – because they are poor and ripe for conquest.   A FB Conservative poster decrying his Christianity made this pronouncement quite clear when he envisioned the beautiful Ukrainian women vying for western marriage proposals.

It was a sickening and degrading post – and yet was met with the typical hoots and hollers for the pictures he displayed of women to ‘BUY’ – ‘did he tell his wife’   yuk yuk.

War is stupid – to be sure.   But if we do nothing to fight the Cabalist Regime – we are stupid.   I personally have no intention of laying down my life, my Christ life, or God for a Ukrainian romp in the sack – did he tell his wife idiot who rightfully should be SHAMED!

As we know – Putin has been adamant about his demonstrative effort to abolish Nazism and Militaryism that his risen exponentially across the Ukraine since 2014.   Targeting specific installations, specific labs, airfields, and specific NATO facilities that were facilitating biowarfare – is a viable offense.

And if you believe the MSM warriors regarding CoVid…   it is likely you believe the Ukraine narrative that is sourced from the exact same places – CIA, MI5, and German Nazi warriors.  If the MSM is completely, viley corrupt – until it reports on Ukraine….   you have a choice to revisit your knowledge.