Russia vs ALL WESTERN NATIONS – The True Ukraine War

The Media is at an impasse – should they tow the spin that Ukraine is winning the war, or do they betray the reality that Putin has out ‘intelligenisia’ western governments?   Pulling in ‘retired generals’ to create an opinion has been the preferred agenda given our current generals seem to have missed that class.   But essentially simply listening to Putin seems far too difficult and thus the spin masters continue to romp on the child’s merry-go-round.

Putin outlined his entire purpose at the outset.   His objective has not changed. He simply utilizes western ignorance to complete his plan.   However, since the US, UK and Germany have parlayed a false and fake propaganda, it would appear, Putin grows weary of the pretense.   Yes, Ukraine has become a war.   The main belligerents of which are the US, UK and Germany.  

Training Ukraine soldiers, employing black book mercenaries, supplying advanced weaponry – western nations try and pretend they are ‘not involved’.   Now, in mediating a nuclear response to mitigate the rhetoric, Putin has revealed ‘where the wind will blow’.

Given Ukraine takes its orders from the US predominantly and the UK secondarily – those are the most likely countries to target.   NOT Ukraine. Putin has zero intention of putting his people in harms way.   By contrast, western governments have made it clear to their citizens – f…k you.

The prevailing winds of Europe are west to south.   In the US, prevailing winds are west to east.   A hit in northern UK would then stretch down across most of Europe.   Without its daddy’s to dictate military strategy, Ukraine would fall immediately, its remaining military strength scrubbed. The UK and Germany would take the biggest hit.

Lloyd Austin is no Patton!   Germany and the US have already announced to the world weapons are depleted and manpower can’t be blackmailed to join with thousands of dollars of sign-on bonuses. When servicemen are being told to go on food stamps and live in hellish mold pits, drink tainted water that causes death and mental aberrations, the Pentagon continues to affirm ‘gender pronouns’.   Somehow those conditions are not met with great whoops of Patriotism!

Every word coming out of the mouths of ‘retired generals’ is blather, made to give the illusion of strength to the same people who still wear masks and lather themselves in ignitable sanitizer.

Germany proudly displays Ukrainian tanks with Nazi insignias.   Azov Battalion Nazi sympathizers were first on the list to be swapped for Russian soldiers.   At the behest of the Nazi world capitol – Germany.   Scholz has begun ‘nationalizing’ industries – a classic communist move.   A false flag catastrophe, aka the Reichstag Fire, will soon be used to declare Martial Law.

While they are – predictable. Putin is not.   And because our military commanders are idiotic desk jockeys who have little to no acumen regarding intelligence or troop rally calls – our current status is abysmal to be polite.

Given the depletion of actual military soldiers, the Pentagon has gone full throttle – Mercenaries.   Charging $3000 to $5000 per day.   Mercenaries have no allegiance to anything but money.   They will switch sides if the pay is better within seconds.   Their hearts are hardened and their minds waver between psychosis and abject hatred of all mankind.

As Putin continues to draw on Patriots who understand the breadth of hatred the Globalists have for ANY country which does not abide, he also understands Biblical Prophesy.  

“Statistics claim that 64% of Americans identify as Christian.   But other statistics claim it is 54%, or 41% or 69%, or 70%.   Algorithms.   Their plus/minus factors are only as reliable as the input.   By contrast the US Jewish population is 1.5% to 2%.   Odd…   Given the Hollywood acclimation that would assert a 50% rule.   Or the Black acclimation which now declares itself as a 55% rule.

So what are the real numbers?

Technically, we have absolutely – no idea.   Neither do we know how many died from CoVid, how many were infected, how many die of heart disease, or cancer, or flu, or respiratory disease.   We don’t know how many households exist, how many individuals are on welfare, or how many are subject to extreme poverty.

We don’t know what the debt load is – we don’t know anything – because everything has become – a guestimate.

And the “Guestimate” is created to fit the agenda of the people who created the algorithm – which is why no TWO algorithms agree.   And the number of Christians in the US has a range of 41% to 70% – with a potential error rate of 80%.

In the business world that would equate to a net profit of between $2 billion or $400 million – neah.   Or closer to home – if your employer said you would be making $150,000 but in reality you made $30,000 – you might be a bit peeved!

The Lies, Misrepresentations, Out right Falsehoods, Fakeries, and Psychological Fraud has reached levels of epic proportions.   Pathological liars are seemingly the norm among our Media and Elite.   Yet. YET – they represent perhaps 20% of the population – NOT the 80% they effectuate.   They are the minority.   Claiming to be the Majority – because that is The Great Deception!