GLOBAL Education Acumen is a Manipulated Statistic Comparison

Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are promoting ‘equitable grading’, Social Emotional Learning and CRT.   The American Bar Association has declared it will drop the LSAT requirement for law school admissions – due to its inequitable and unfair system. Black colleges will get boosted funding from Biden Regime.   One such college launched the ‘black male achievers academy’ – which eliminates women. Advertisers for television and brochures have begun eliminating whites from ads.   And soon America’s average IQ will be on par with Africa – 67.

ANY US black man should be appalled that the means of bringing up their education, intellect, and test scores is to simply eliminate education, test scores and intellect from the system.   But it does serve to degrade our coming and next generations from being competent enough to hold a job – albeit with the exception of manual labor.

Globally, lockdowns reduced proficiency by roughly 2 years in developed countries.   Those sporadic areas where children were homeschooled or allowed to attend private elite schools, are omitted from the statistic.   Instead – the scores are a direct correlation of Government systems.

But it does explain why colleges need entry requirements to tank … money!    When students don’t perform they don’t go to college. When student performance measurements are eliminated – more unqualified candidates can go to college – provided grant money or government funding is available.

It is widely known among those who have the money that degrees are bought and sold.   Some, like AOC, Omar, Obama, etc… simply have their records sealed.   For others the fact that there are NO pictures of the person attending college, frat parties, or even graduation – the degree is more likely to be of the bought and paid for genre.

For Example:   Query: What has Ilhan Omar accomplished?   ANSWER:  “Omar is the first Somali American and the first naturalized citizen of African birth in the United States Congress, and the first woman of color to represent Minnesota. She is also one of the first two Muslim women (along with Rashida Tlaib) to serve in Congress.”

Unfortunately, when bios are created for our politicians, they neglect the details.   Omar graduated top of her class with a BA in international studies and political science from North Dakota University.   But she took her first employment with Minneapolis University teaching nutrition for ‘children’.?  North Dakota State is an agricultural college – they have no BA political Science and International Studies Program.

FTX Founder, Bankman, declared a degree in Physics – yet took an internship at Wall Street’s Biggest Player as a financial analyst broker with no certifications.  A Fake degree?

China’s public education system is free to urban citizens – not to the rural populace.  Rurals are the laborers. The peasants.   They represent 530million of the total population of China – 37.5%.  Most of these ruralites utilize their children in labor and they do not attend schooling.  So immediately nearly 40% of China’s population is eliminated in the statistics of education.

Less than 19% of the entire 1.4 billion people in China – go to college.  Math represents 60% of their day in school. By grade 9 – children have studied to some degree:   Math, English, Chinese, Physics, Chemistry, politics, history, geography, biology, IT and PE.   What they haven’t studied is CRT, emotional learning and equity. To attend High School, one must complete and pass an entrance exam.   Those that don’t – do not go to high school and must scrape a living.

While the West claims to want to mimic the Mao Agenda of Communism, they need to separate those who can and those who cannot – like China.   However, by anointing black students and green students with undeserved degrees that replicate toilet paper, they advance a false sense of oppression – aka a narcissistic idealism.

This idealism’s purpose is to root out average intellect, and degrade into a hovel of trash-compacted debris.   Ultimately achieving the rural vs urban distinction, and denying high school to those unqualified.   These will be the peasant keepers.

The China school model is rather parallel to Germany’s.   Only the top 30% are “Allowed to go to college”.   College is not a monetary decision, it is an intellectual decision. Intellectualism is based on what this particular student can do to benefit Germany at large.

In the US, any dunderhead with a loan or a parent deep pocket can go to college.   Effectively boosting college enrollment to levels that have absolutely zero value in terms of ‘value to society’ eclipsing 45%.   But it is a great means of absorbing middleclass finances at usury rates of inflation to create degrees in worthless social idiocy.

Ultimately, what these statistics reveal is that the differential between Chinese student acumen and Western children’s acumen is not a matter of actual statistic – but a modification based on eliminating the LESSER CLASS from the equation.