ELECTRONIC WARFARE: The Corporate Strategy for Liberal World Order

The Munich Security Council is slated to meet this week with diplomats and politicians from possibly 100 countries represented.  Founded in 1963 by Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist, its motto is “Peace through Dialogue”.

The 2018 Conference resulted in the German Foreign Minister accusing Russia, China and the US of undermining the ‘liberal world order’.  Which is true – thankfully, but a rather unpeaceable aligned dialogue.

The 2017 Conference was a tennis match of the US vs Germany chipping away at defense spending, NATO, and demands for a more ‘responsible America’.  And while the bantering was evident on all fronts, some of the guests’ in attendance were notable:

Bill Gates warned that a biological weapon, a genetically modified species, could be used by terrorists, or governments, that would infect computers and infiltrate through the system into monitors/screens around the world and transpose an infectious virus that could kill 30 million people.

Today, the military is developing drones fitted with lasers, which is the equivalent of an unlimited gun magazine, that could take out potentially hundreds or thousands of people in seconds.

The Chinese and US militaries have developed Artificial Intelligence capability which can maneuver the drones and have shown success in beating human pilots.

Russian Navy boats are now being equipped with a newly developed weapon that can presumably cause the target to hallucinate and thus be unable to defend itself or properly aim an attack.  The weapon works by flooding the human nervous system with more light than it can process. In the past, systems using a flood of light or sound have been used for crowd control, but those are Flintstone compared to the advancements made as of today.

In 2015 Chris Roberts, a hacker who founded cyber security firm, One World Labs, announced that he could use his basic laptop computer to hack into the systems of airplanes and control the flight pattern, speed, altitude and direction.   He was forced out of his company which was then reorganized by Mark Turhan and Russell Cohen, and investigated by the FBI.

Conspiracy theories now abound regarding the truth of the 2014 disappearance of Malaysian Airlines 370, wherein 20 employees of the global tech giant, Freescale, perished. Within months of this tragedy Freescale was merged with NXP Technologies a Netherland company for $40 billion.

Freescale was heavily involved in military and defense operations including:   IFF, electronic warfare, HF Radio, Missile Guidance, Avionics and Battlefield Communication.  Freescale has a history of developing various target chips for military warfare.  Electronic Warfare includes radar jamming and deception, electronic masking, and … ‘reprogramming.’   Given M370 detection was not visible on radar, speculation over the use of a cloaking device has been shuffled around.  In addition, the sphere of conspiracy follows:  Blackrock and T Rowe Price each hold roughly 10% of the outstanding shares of NXP, the merged predecessor to Freescale.  State Street Corp owns about 5%.  Blackrock owns 10% of T Rowe Price and about 8% State Street.  Blackrock is the brainchild of Jacob Rothschild.

It was around this time frame that remote car hacking was also revealed wherein a car’s speed, braking, and steering could be externally controlled by a laptop computer.

It would appear that the essence of these warfare tactics is to diffuse the need of a military altogether and reprogram or redirect security into the hands of corporations utilizing engineering expertise and Artificial Intelligence to control targets from the perspective of corporate directives as opposed to national safety.

Ultimately, that would mean the militaries as we know them would become superfluous.  It may also give rise to why Germany and Merkel refuse to construct a military per the NATO Agreement, and per the need for defense. The next generation of military will be Corporations, so why would Merkel spend money on what will be a superfluous organization in a few short years…

This also reveals why the INF Treaty with Russia is defunct and useless.  It exposes why the US has no need to implement this treaty given Nuclear is not the enemy, it is not what we should fear, it is the Bull in a China Shop that has been emptied of china.  It is outdated, out-maneuvered, and a dinosaur in relative weaponry.   Nuclear is – a Distraction.

While the media professes that a deranged Trump is in control of the Nuclear Red Button, the Cabal is rapidly and rabidly gaining control of the Biologic and Electronic Warfare with Jacob Rothschild at the helm and that Agenda is truly deranged, maniacal, and deserving of fear.

Years ago my father co-authored a book on military intelligence and defense.  It is completely obsolete at this juncture as Corporations begin the inevitable takeover.

Drones – Civilian Casualties A Moot Point

Battles used to be fought on foot with soldiers staring icily at their foe across a field waiting for the cry to “GO”. They saw the whites of their enemies eyes and the ensuing battles were horrifically bloody and psychologically devastating. Many stories rose of soldiers realizing that they were killing another human being whom they didn’t even know and questioning the order.  More soldiers lived a nightmare that never ended.

Now we use drones. There is no psyche involved because the act now takes on more of a game-like phenomena. Piloting a drone from a distance takes away the reality. And taking away the reality alleviates the ethical and moral feelings that are associated with killing.

The biggest, most controversial consequence of drones is the civilian casualties. No one really knows any true ‘count’, the numbers are simply not available, but we do know that it is a common occurrence. We can be sure that numbers released by the government have been well scrubbed. The offsetting argument in favor of drones is that fewer soldiers are injured or killed. But drones are hardly as accurate as we are led to believe and frequently target the wrong people. That’s called ‘human error’. And sometimes, entire peace loving families become the unintended casualty.

The media rarely report about the negative aspects of the the drone program. It’s called censorship.

Two drone targets: Ayman Zawahiri and Qari Hussain. Two attempted strikes on Zawahiri left 76 children and 29 adults dead. Casualties. Zawahiri is still alive. Six drone strikes on Hussain have left him dead, but additional casualties included 115 adults and 13 children. Sacrifices? Or sacrificial lambs? Either way you look at it, these people were according to Hillary Clinton’s heart wrenching compassion – ‘casualties of war – it happens’.

In Pakistan, in Yemen, in Somalia, the strikes are reported but rarely are the ‘casualties’ identified. As of November, attempts to kill 41 ‘targets’ resulted in the death of nearly 1150 civilians. It’s easy to sit in the White House and offer condolences, but the Play Station module is making death a robotic unemotional act. As for the media, each time a drone targets a particular ‘Player’ the press release states that the ‘Player’ is dead, only to have him come alive again – oops.

Because the strikes need to be supported, the government and the press don’t discuss the misses, the children, the women. Instead they merely relay the information from a purely war worn statement indicating ‘target’ or ‘signature strike’ or some such military definition. Convoys are typically targeted, but wedding parties have become the casualty as they resemble a convoy from thousands of miles away in a small room where Play Stations take out their orders.

And while breaches in information have given us some insight into the killings, there is still much more that is not disclosed. A few legalities have surfaced in that drones have accidentally killed a number of Americans, but shouldn’t the legalities extend to ALL casualties? Shouldn’t concern be more widespread? How many have died? We don’t even know, we have no names, but we can be sure it is multiple thousands. Injuries are not even tallied. Maiming.

The other casualties are the homes, the farms, the oilfields, the animals, the infrastructure, the antiquities, the historic. Cities lay in ruble. Livelihoods are decimated. Food becomes scarce. Water a shortage. Deaths rise as these costs take their toll as well. But we don’t think about it because it isn’t happy news, it isn’t in our neighborhood, it isn’t our children.

At $6.5 million for the Reaper drone, they are roughly 1/3 the cost of their piloted counterpart. But that doesn’t bear the entire picture. Engines of drones, like all aircraft, have a lifespan. Drone hours logged in are spectacular, for example the MQ-1’s have logged in over a million hours of flight time. The newer MQ-9 Reaper has logged in over 220,000 hours already. To put that in perspective, the operational lifespan of the Predator drone engine is 1080 miles. Between 2009 and 2011, 31 drones crashed due to ‘joystick’ errors. The cost per hour to fly a drone ranges from a low of $3700ish to a high of nearly $50,000 for the RQ-4B Global Hawk Drone. Perspective: on the low side, 1 million hours of flight time for one class of drones x the lowend cost of $3700 per hour = $3.7billion.

Lastly, while the US is ignoring the casualty losses, the countries hit are not. Anti-American sentiment has grown considerably. And one military advisor to the WH speaking at a Congressional hearing stated that drones will never win a war, only troops on the ground.

War is supposed to be horrific so that we learn it must be avoided at all costs. That’s changed, and the casualties are the fault line.