Robert Kennedy Chooses as VP – The World Economic Forum

Robert Kennedy’s VP choice is more than a bit interesting – the ex-wife of Sergey Brin the co-founder of Google net worth over $121 Billion.   This would represent the ultimate in corporate control given her experience and expertise is that of a hard left attorney.  Her bio reads like a World Economic Forum testament:   feminism, reproductive longevity, criminal justice policy to end discrimination and bring equity into the judicial system, regenerative agriculture (crickets), and ta-da – global climate change referendums.

Kennedy couldn’t have found a more left leaning progressive unless he inserted Hillary Clinton.    Nicole Shanahan, has worked with the Open Philanthropy Project and defunding the police.   She has coordinated her charity, Bia Echo Foundation, with the Zuckerberg initiatives and is heavily involved with all the classic NGO’s aligned with the Great RESET.   Thus, revealing this is the Kennedy platform as well.  And leaving no doubt.

Oddly, no one is pointing out the obvious and suddenly, it appears that maybe Kennedy has been the nominee the entire time.   Apparently, Kennedy has overnight become the charmer, the rock in the midst of chaos – ‘game changer’, the ‘one who can unify everyone’, the ‘hero America needs’…  And Kennedy steps in as the Biden replacement while Brandon is wheeled off exit stage left and takes up permanent residency at the sanitarium.

This has been their creation.

It is somewhat of a brilliant plan:  1.  Enter into the fray a name that intrigues everyone for its history,  2.  Test the waters,   3.  Have him maintain a low profile – no media is allowed to touch him,   4.  Have him concede an issue so that he appears neutral and unbiased,   5.  Start the media play of Biden’s declining mental acumen,  6.  The moment Kennedy picks his dark swan VP, use media hype to make him look like the savior!   BOOM!

The Pies de Resistance?   A family feud – contentious over Kennedy’s right wing attitude about vaccinations – in order to appeal to the libertarians on the fence.  Not bad.   EXCEPT – Nicole is a diehard far leftist that will estrange every conservative and libertarian female voter.   Therefore – Kennedy’s win would have to include some election funnies given he is not salable to MAGAs – and there were never enough Biden’s to be worth converting.

Certainly, no one wants to believe that Robert Kennedy would sell out America – and perhaps he truly believes that giving the country to the World Economic Forum corporate stakeholders is the only viable solution – but – that’s not what he said or represented.   And that is NOT representational of the vast majority of Americans.

I was wooed.   For a while.   But then I found various media interviews that contradicted other media interviews, and pretty soon, it appeared he had re-scripted his talking points to meet the parties half way.   We were vulnerable – and wanted him to be the real thing.   But when he clarified his intent to ‘never’ consider any appointment from Trump, his motives began to take a bit of a sinister twist.   Still, the hopeful – hoped.

Now that Biden has been declared non-grati by his colleagues and liberal media pundits – this was the time for Kennedy to Shine as the replacement.

Historically, the Kennedy’s were never ‘clean’ – but they were always charismatic and – wealthy.   A combination that is tough to beat.   The Achilles Heel is the fact that the ‘youth’ market have no idea who they are or were – and don’t really care.   He just looks like another old guy …

His draw?   Seniors.   Seniors still enamored with Robert Kennedy’s dad and uncle.   Despite the family ghosts.  The ghost in the closet remains – Rosemary.   The rebellious child, the family was concerned that Rosemary might act out in a way that could embarrass the family.  They had her lobotomized and when she became completely incapacitated as a result – she was remanded to an institution for life.   A very sad tale to be sure.    Yet, only one of many within the life prestige and regiments.

One might have dismissed some of Robert’s gaffs, but the VP choice makes it quite clear where his priorities lie.  The concept of neutral or balance or middle ground has now been completely vacated and his lean is somewhere between Hillary and AOC.   As opposed to somewhere between Trump and DeSantis…

Be wary.  The media has been cued to fawn.  They will lavish praise.   Show poll after poll declaring Kennedy is trailing Trump by 20 points, 15, 12, 10, and suddenly they will deem him as the Winner – well before the election.   As the algorithms in the voting machines are readjusted to Kennedy instead of Biden.

Perhaps I am wrong.   I would prefer I was wrong.   But the manipulations and degree of fraud and gamesmanship has surpassed what is considered believable for decades.   And INTEGRITY is now on the champagne platter….   Who Will Rise and Who Will Fall?

10 thoughts on “Robert Kennedy Chooses as VP – The World Economic Forum

  1. I to was taken in by Kennedy, maybe for a much longer time than yourself. I am not an american . I live in Canada but it no longer matters in which of the pretend democracies where we domicle. My first incling of his fraudulant nature was when I heard him call Putin a thug. I was surprised that a man as intelligent as Kennedy would say something as stupid as that. i expect it from our air-head and thief Trudeau, Biden the life time grifter and the other 3rd raters inserted around the globe but not from Kennedy. He’s much too smart to utter that kind of shit.
    What really caught my interest was a conversation that I had with a friend of mine who had worked with Reiner Fuellmich. At the time I was firmly on the kennedy bandwagon. He was anti clot shot, he had written a brilliant book on Fauci and seemed like the saviour of our corrupt decaying civilization.
    I was stopped in my tracks when he asked me ” Why did Mary Richardson his second wife who bore him 4 children commit suicide? I was totally stunned by the question.
    Hell of a question isn’t it. What could make a woman with 4 chidren and married for 14 years decide to abandon the four people closest to her heart. To end her life. Was life that bad with him?
    I’m an old man and have been married to the same woman for 40 years. In marriage as in life you have ups and downs. I understand that people can fall in and out of love with each other, can be swept up in the moment and have an affair.
    It happens everyday . However neither my wife or myself have considered suicide. life is too precious.
    . Kennedy had 37 affairs in one year which tells us he was never really committed or invested in this marriage. Was that enough to make Mary end her life, leave her children? I don’t belive so.
    People have asked me do you think he had her killed? No I don’t belive so
    Did he and his lawyers put so much pressure on her during the divorce , so she committed suicide. No I don’t believe so.
    It wasn’t his drug habits or woman. It was something much larger.
    I believe she found something about him that was so horrible so evil that she took her own life. Couldn’t live with this knowledge. asked her god for forgivness before she took her own life and left her children and this world behind.
    Kennedy is the Pied Piper to lead us willingly into the Great Reset, the Climate Scam the world of Transhumanism.
    What a smooth move . Millions of unsuspecting people already are on board . Seamless transistion from Biden.
    Have the man who took on Pfizer, Fauci and the last scam lead the world into the next scam , a dystopian world that has been planned for all of us.
    Thank you for reading this.

    • How interesting that calling Putin a thug was your first alarm bell. Here in Greece people also noticed this and the reaction was that this disqualified him from the start as presidential material since presidents must necessarily negotiate with other world leaders.

      His stance on Israel is the last straw for most Americans I meet. Apparently “Children’s Health” does not include Palestinian children.

      Spot on Helena!

  2. Politicians are mostly Lawyers, so THEY are trained to (manipulate facts) WE basically do not trust them and, by the way, Divisiveness has become a way of life in Amerika !!!!!

    • Exactly – lawyers without a shred of knowledge of MONEY, ie accounting and budgets. And as Jenna Ellis revealed – without a shred of legal acumen!!

  3. I am one of those who were coming of age when JFK became president. Southern Democrats were all over him. I was in a Catholic school and the nuns though JFK was Jesus Christ incarnate. I have done a fair amount of research about the Kennedy family and most of it is horrid, starting with that charlatan, Joe Kennedy, the sire of the family. He sold out this country short selling stocks, running bootleg whiskey during Prohibition and other nefarious doings with the Mob. His run amok sons did no better, womanizing, thieving, and killing. The Chappaquiddick episode did it for me.

    When I saw this Kennedy toss his hat into the ring, I moaned “not again.” While lots of dimwitted Americans like to eulogize the Kennedys, I saw them as being no better than just a criminal family mob. I mean, we already have that in the Biden’s. And while the Kennedy’s have had remarkably good press, they and RFK is hardy immune to selling out the country. In fact it is in their genes.

  4. This is the most informative article I have read concerning RFK. I did read an article the other day that discussed how he could be manipulating the electoral college vote. I think the article was a long shot but it was practical and possible. Your article here gives the detail of exactly what is going on with this VP pick. I do not doubt any of your commentary when it comes to how you describe the possibilities of what this VP pick will cause. I hope many people read this article and understand the truth and the dangers of how you say in your last paragraph about integrity. I do disagree with your last paragraph in the beginning I do not think you should have said I could be wrong. It is your article you are the writer you can say what you want but what I read was grounded in a factual basis of things that are known not made up out of thin air. Of course you could be wrong but your whole writing of this article was not for that purpose.

  5. RFK is a rich spoiled brat leftist. That summarizes my analysis.

    Some leftist voters should be drawn to him, if they pay attention, thus hurting Biden. I think the leftist media is not going to highlight the RFK ticket, since it will lure leftist voters away from the dems. Admiring coverage of the RFK ticket would end Biden’s chances. The contrast of RFK with the senile crook Biden is great.

    RFK is too much of a wildcard for the establishment to trust him.

  6. I am afraid you nailed it right on the head again. I started being hopeful about RFK as well. That has changed now. The litmus test for me was his silence about the Palestinian genocide. So, our given choices are: three zionists. The iceberg has hit the hull of the Titanic…..

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