The Hollywood Holocaust of CIA Victimhood

VICTIMHOOD.   It is a psychological farce employed by the Shadow Cabal to create weeping, raging, and the justification for murder.  Everyone’s a victim.   Blacks are victims of ‘white supremacy’.   Jews are a victim of ‘anti-Semitism’.   Palestinians are a victim, Ukrainians are a victim, immigrants are victims – and suddenly there is no one who is NOT a victim.   Victims are easily oppressed and subjugated.   They become psychological driveling idiots of the hypnosis.  Until …

Italy’s Giorgia Meloni is the newest ‘victim’.   She was pranked by the Russian team Vovan and Lexus and in so doing revealed information that was unknown to her own citizens about her actions.  Despite claiming that Italy was not funding Ukraine – Meloni secretively wires their monthly check which is then deposited in the slush fund of corruption.   She is a victim of herself.

We are ‘victims’ of climate change, victims of AI, we must assert ourselves in our victimhood so that we become pathetic and useless.   Africans are victims of colonialism.  Men are victims of feminism.  Women are victims of inequality.   Pretty quickly one can realize that every person on earth is a victim subject of victimhood – including the Mafia.

In psychology, victimhood is a personality disorder.   Victimhood:  “a desire for recognition as a victimfeelings of moral superiority; limited empathy for others; frequent rumination.”   In other words, victimhood occurs when a person cannot accept responsibility for their actions, blames others, is overly critical and ‘catastrophizes’.  The World Is ending – or the Chicken Little effect – The Sky Is Falling.

Every penny we pay in taxes is based on victimhood from the aid to other countries, to welfare, to public schools.   It is a manipulated creation to impose resentment and hatred.   Breaking apart what could lead to peace and thriving on chaos.   Relinquishing our monetary system to narcissists.

Netanyahu, Mao, Stalin, Bolsheviks, communism, gangs, Soros, Rothschild, etc…  The cycle began with mankind;  Eve was a victim of the serpent and Adam was a victim of Eve.   Perhaps innocent in its initiation, somewhere in the schematic of history, the power to externally impose victimhood was discovered, and its talent to subjugate an entire world became the motivation.

Speaker Mike Johnson has already acknowledged Israel’s victimhood claiming Biblical theory.   In essence, another tool.   Invoking the Bible, secular Netanyahu declared he was fulfilling Prophesy.  Palestine invokes the law of Allah in the Quran.  And victimhood is now justified.

The Shadow Mafia had us victimized in our gleeful happiness for decades.   We emerged from WWII ready to BUILD.   The enemy was deposed and God was Great!   But the enemy wasn’t deposed, the CIA had brought back to the US Germany’s finest Nazi’s.   Scientists.   They were told to assimilate.   Given new names.   And make bombs.

When did the victimhood of the Jews become the sole history of WWII?   “In Hebrew, the calamity quickly became known as “Shoah,” which means “the catastrophe.” But it wasn’t until the 1960s that scholars and writers began using the term “Holocaust,” and it took the 1978 TV miniseries, Holocaust, starring Meryl Streep, to push it into widespread use.”

A Hollywood Construct!  

The term Zion is a reflection of a place, more so than a person or religion.   It references King David’s creation of the city of Jerusalem meaning ‘holy place’ or ‘kingdom of heaven’.  Before King David, the statehood of Jerusalem was ruled by Canaanites and Akkadians per the letters of Amarna.  The term Zion is also used by Mormons, Rastafarians, and some Christians to reference ‘utopia’, aka Heaven.   What it does NOT reference is anything Jewish.   Or secular Ashkenazi.   It encompasses Arabs, Christians and Hebrews.

Looking deep into ancient history we can find facts, but the Israel of today is, in actuality, a Hollywood construct.  Since its formation in 1947, the CIA has assisted in the production and funding of over 60 films and television shows.   By the 1970’s the vast majority of Catholics and Christians in Hollywood had been ‘dispersed’ in favor of the Jews.

The CIA was instrumental in making this shift so as to utilize this global media to create/impose a false reality of historical events.   Aimed at Jewish superiority.

Today, Conservatives are flying their Israeli flags and sporting Israeli pins while slamming George Soros, Zelenskyy and Klaus Schwab as Nazi’s…   Same Jews.  Oblivious to their hypocrisy, they are now literally supporting the Cabal.

The point of victimhood is ultimately War.   Endless, nonproductive war that actually creates – more victims to declare victimhood.   A boon for the CIA which dictates the military industrial complex built by German Nazi’s.

An article by Marc Rosenstein takes the stage play a step beyond reality by declaring that because Israel is a modern democratic state it is superior to Palestine and thus the Owner of victimhood;  “…they (Palestinians) have no collective memory of sovereignty nor experience in operating a state.”   Therefore Israel takes precedence.   Victimhood.

5 thoughts on “The Hollywood Holocaust of CIA Victimhood

  1. Totally agree with the first two comments

    The secular Jew is the victim of the ultra orthodox Jew, hence the problem with democracy.
    Democracy goes two ways 1] Mobocracy, or two foxes and a rabbit voting on what to have for dinner. or 2] Multiparty Democracy, if party a] as 45% of the vote and party b] as 48% of the vote, thus no overall majority and party c] ultra orthodox party [likud block] in the case of Israel [power with no responsibility.]

    That Helena is the achilleas heal of modern day democracy

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